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Head of Adult Services and Vale Alliance (Joint Appointment)

We are looking to recruit a Head of Adult Services and Vale Alliance. This is a joint appointment that demonstrates the continued commitment of the Vale of Glamorgan Council and Cardiff and Vale University Health Board to integrated working.


We are looking for an adaptive and charismatic leader who will be able to harness the considerable skills and qualities of the staff within the division to ensure its efficient operation and continued development and improvement.


About the role


  • Job Description

    Job Title: Head of Adult Services and Vale Alliance (Joint Appointment)

    Post Reference: V/CS/AA001

    Grade: Chief Officer (Local Authority)

    Salary: £75,117 - £83,250 plus a supplement of £10,693 (Terms and conditions of service will depend upon NHS or Local Authority employer)

    Hours: In accordance with existing conditions of service within the NHS or the local authority. There may be a requirement to work in excess of contractual hours at times, in accordance with the needs of the service.

    Department: The Vale of Glamorgan Council and Cardiff and Vale University Health Board (UHB)

    Function: Delivering integrated health and social care services in the Vale of Glamorgan Council

    Base: Barry Dock Office/ Hybrid


    Organisational Arrangements

    Accountable to: Director of Social Services and the Director of Operations, Primary, Community and Intermediate Care 


    Responsible for: The Adult Services Division in the Local Authority and the Vale Locality Team in theUniversity Health Board

  • Job Purpose

    To ensure leadership and delivery of safe and effective integrated health and social care services across the Vale of Glamorgan, in line with national and locally agreed standards and models.  Working with Primary Care, Voluntary Sector, and other key partners to drive forward service development and improvement objectives in line with local and national policy, as set out in the Social Services and Wellbeing Act, the Wellbeing of Future generations Act, Prudent Healthcare and the Welsh Government Primary Care Plan for Wales.


    The post holder will:

    • On behalf of the Council and the UHB, have operational responsibility for the development and delivery of safe, effective and high quality integrated adult social care and community health services, which reflect national and local priorities and which have maximum impact in meeting need within local communities across the Vale of Glamorgan

    • Maximise opportunities for integration considering new ways of working to ensure best use of resources

    • Deputise for the Director of Social Services/ Director of Operations as appropriate and be a member of their Corporate Management Teams

    • Identify and progress opportunities for service improvement and the modernisation of health and social care services and manage any changes with the workforce. This will involve working across the whole health and social care system on agreed areas of responsibility

    • Promote the development of culture and behavioural changes required for the provision of seamless services across organisational and professional barriers

    • Using statutory multi agency partnerships, build relationship with external stakeholders, ensuring a focus on health improvements, well being and integration of services across the Vale of Glamorgan

    • Lead and manage the health and social service workforce in order to develop highly motivated and empowered teams creating an environment where everyone can excel

    • Improve the patient pathway and ensure the achievement of the Council’s and UHB’s corporate and national objectives

    • Ensure financial targets are met and that services are delivered to agreed budgets

    • To ensure that the UHB and the Council comply with all relevant statutory requirements and regulatory frameworks, specifically relating to adult social care services, community and secondary healthcare services (to include acting as the responsible person in relation to care standards requirements)

  • Duties and Responsibilities

    Strategic Planning and Service Development 

    • Interpret Welsh Government legislation, strategy, policy and guidance to ensure local delivery, withinavailable resources

    • Interpret legal and statutory responsibilities of the Council and the UHB

    • Lead and be responsible for robust planning and development processes in place to ensure thatcomprehensive needs assessment, service review and change management practices are in place to redirectresources to meet agreed national and local priorities

    • On behalf of the Primary, Community and Intermediate Care Clinical Board, jointly manage the LocalityTeam’s delivery of allocated divisional-wide responsibilities

    • On behalf of the Directorate of Social Services, manage the delivery of Adult Services

    • Work in partnership with a wide range of organisations, including the Public Health, lead the Locality and itsdevelopment into a public health led organisation which is able to play an active and participative role inpromoting good physical and mental health and well being for all and reducing inequalities in access, careand treatment across the Locality/ Cluster services

    • Engage and lead where appropriate in developing and implementing wider strategies, to improve the healthof citizens and reduce health inequalities across the locality and at Cluster level


    Service Provision

    • Lead the development of an integrated local service strategy to deliver national and local priorities,developing the Vale Alliance where appropriate and developing joint arrangements which ensure cohesiveand robust service delivery

    • Improve service efficiency and ensure implementation of change plans, in line with national and localstrategies and within agreed financial and performance management frameworks

    • Ensure, with the Locality management team, that systems for corporate governance and applicationorganisations’ Corporate Risk Assurance Frameworks are in place

    • Monitor performance and initiate appropriate action to ensure appropriate standards are achieved andmaintained


    Service User Related Tasks and Duties 

    • Be responsible for ensuring systems are in place for involving stakeholders, the public, service users andcarers in the planning, securing and monitoring of health and social care services

    • Ensure that statutory and legal requirements for service delivery in adult social care are met, within availableresources

    • Support the development of integrated care pathways, in line with guidance and ensure local interpretationand delivery

    • Ensure a responsive, customer-focused approach in the delivery of local services


    Performance Management 

    • Ensure all functions are supported by robust and effective information which support evidence- baseddecision making

    • Ensure planning, commissioning and performance management systems and all progress reportingmechanisms provide for effective use of resources and demonstrate rigorous risk management

    • Ensure compliance with Data Protection, Freedom of Information and Caldicott requirements, particularlyrelating to the planning and commissioning of patient/care services

    • Ensure that targets are achieved in areas of responsibility, within available resources


    Human Resources 

    • Hold responsibility for the Adult Services Division of the Council’s Social Services Department and jointoperational management of the Vale Locality Team of the UHB

    • Manage effectively all relevant teams across the two organisations and ensure that duplication of effort isminimised, to maximise the collective resources of the UHB and the Social Services Directorate

    • Ensure that all line-managed staff have clear individual and team objectives, which are regularly monitored,in order to deliver corporate and operational objectives

    • Ensure that there are clear communications with and well defined accountabilities for all line-managed staff

    • Support and develop staff, ensuring that all Council and UHB objectives are progressed and achieved

    • Support the induction and development of other staff across both organisations, as required

    • Lead on the development of skill mix within teams in areas of responsibility


    Financial Resources

    • Take lead responsibility for managing the effective use of delegated budgets (in consultation with relevantcolleagues) as defined by the delegated decision making framework of the Council and the UHB

    • Act as the budget holder for all adult social care services and a range of community based health services onbehalf of residents in the Vale of Glamorgan. This involves ensuring fair access for all while demonstratingeffective deployment of pooled resources to meet agreed national and local targets

    • Work closely with appropriate Finance managers in the Council and the UHB, supporting the DivisionalDirector and the Director of Social Services in local discussions leading to successful completion of a balancedservice and financial framework for the Council and the UHB



    You are responsible for limiting your actions to those which you feel competent to undertake. If you have anydoubts about your competence during the course of your duties, you should immediately speak to your linemanager/supervisor.


    Risk Management

    It is a standard element of the role and responsibility of all staff that they fulfil a proactive role towards themanagement of risk in all of their actions. This entails the risk assessment of all situations, the taking ofappropriate actions and reporting of all incidents, near misses and hazards.


    Records Management

    As an employee of the Council and the UHB, you are legally responsible for all records that you gather, createor use as part of your work, whether paper based or on computer. All such records are considered publicrecords, and you have a legal duty of confidence to service users (even after an employee has left theCouncil/UHB). You should consult your manager if you have any doubt as to the correct management ofrecords with which you work.


    Health and Safety Requirements

    All employees of the Council and the UHB have a statutory duty of care for their own personal safety and thatof others who may be affected by their acts or omissions. Employees are required to co-operate withmanagement in meeting its legal duties and should report any hazardous situations or defective equipment.


    Flexibility Statement

    The content of this Job Description represents an outline of the post only and is therefore not a precisecatalogue of duties and responsibilities. This Job Description, therefore, is intended to be flexible and subjectto review and amendment in the light of changing circumstances, following consultation with the post holder.



    All employees of the UHB and the Council are required to maintain the confidentiality of members of thepublic and members of staff in accord with all relevant policies.



    The Council and the UHB will take all practicable steps to ensure that staff are recruited, managed, developed, promoted and rewarded on merit and that equal opportunities are given to all staff. Each employee is responsible for their own professional and personal behaviour and there is a requirement for all staff to conduct themselves in a manner which should not cause offence to another person.

Working at the Vale of Glamorgan Council


  • About us
    In 2021 we published our Culture Book. This book was been designed as an alternative to an employee handbook, as a guide to ‘how we do things around here’ with a focus on the ethos of the organisation - our vision and values.


    It reminds us, and tells future employees, who we are, what we do, how we do it and why we do it. Our culture is defined through the contribution of every single one of us. It illustrates what it means to be an employee of the Council through shared values, beliefs, and behaviours. Sharing our stories in this book brings these things to life and gives us the opportunity to reflect on the way in which we are influenced by our four organisational values: Ambitious, Proud, Open, Together.

  • About our vision

    Councils play a pivotal role in ensuring essential services reach every member of our society and our Corporate Plan sets out an ambitious agenda for the Vale of Glamorgan Council for until 2025.


    Our plan places great emphasis on collaboration and working in partnership. It is only by working together, listening and respecting each other that we can successfully meet the many challenges facing our communities and public services today. Our commitment to partnership working is wide ranging, including working with families, children and young people, our partners in health, the police and the fire service as well as other public sector bodies, the third sector, town and community councils and our communities.


    In delivering our plan and building on what we have already achieved we are confident we can successfully deliver the Council’s vision of - ‘Strong Communities with a Bright Future’.

  • About the Vale of Glamorgan

    The Vale of Glamorgan is home to the most southerly point in Wales. It includes vibrant towns, rural villages, and is fringed by the spectacular Heritage Coast.


    Barry is a vibrant coastal town with a bustling High Street and the Goodsheds and Innovation Quarter - a shopping, eating and relaxing destination. Barry Island is famous for golden beaches, family amusements, and its colourful beach huts.


    Penarth sits opposite Cardiff Bay and is an elegant seaside town with a Victorian pier, Art Deco Pavilion, and modern Marina. Splendid parks link the coast to the traditional town centre with its independent shops and arcade.


    Cowbridge is considered one of Wales’ most fashionable places and features independent shops and cafés, historic buildings and a Physic Garden. Nearby are historic castles and the beautiful countryside beyond is home to award-winning food and drink producers.


    The historic market town of Llantwit Major is packed with interesting buildings and a fine collection of Celtic carved stones at St.Illtud’s Church. Nearby, 14 miles of unspoilt Glamorgan Heritage coastline offer cliff-top walks and beaches fit for rockpooling, surfing and sandcastles.

How to apply


For an informal conversation about this role please contact: 


You can apply for this role online:


Apply online