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Council Tax



Submit a Council Tax Enquiry

If you have a query about your bill, please refer to our FAQ’s. If your query isn’t answered in the FAQs, please ask our Council Tax team directly by completing one of our online forms. 


Please select which query you would like to raise:


  • I want to apply for an exemption 

    Please submit the following form to apply for a Council Tax exemption:


    Apply for an exemption



Pay-your-council-tax-the-easy-way. Over 70% if households pay their council tax by Direct Debit



Council Tax FAQ's


  • I've already contacted you but haven't heard back. What should I do?

    We’re sorry you’ve been waiting to hear from us. We’re currently receiving a high number of requests, so it may take up to 8 weeks to process your enquiry. We’re working hard to reduce wait times, and we appreciate your patience.



    You don’t need to contact us again—we’ll be in touch as soon as we have an update or if we need more information.

  • What does my Council Tax pay for?

    Council Tax helps fund essential services in Vale of Glamorgan. 



    In 2024/25:

    • 80% of the Council’s budget went to schools, social care, transport, housing, and homelessness.
    • Waste and recycling received 3%, and highway maintenance got 2%.


    You can see the full budget breakdown here: Council Tax Budget News 2025/26

  • Can I pay my bill over 12 months instead of 10?

    Yes! We can spread your payments over 12 months instead of 10. If you already pay by DD or would like to pay by DD, your payment date will need to be on 27th of each month.


    To set this up, use our Contact Us form or write to us requesting the change.

  • Can I pay weekly?

    Yes, we can set this up for you. Just fill in our Contact Us form and select “Payment Arrangement” to request the change. If you choose to pay weekly, you won’t be able to pay by Direct Debit—but we can talk you through other ways to pay.


  • My bill is missing the Single Person Discount – what should I do?

    You can apply for the Single Person Discount online. To request a discount, use our Contact Us form to apply.

  • What does 'Other Discount' mean?

    This discount applies when we treat someone as a single occupant for Council Tax, even though other adults live in the property.



    This is most common when:

    • Other adults in the home are full-time students or
    • Someone in the household is severely mentally impaired
    • Carers
  • Can I get a discount if I don’t use all Council services?

    No, Council Tax funds many services across the community, and the cost isn’t based on individual use. Even if you don’t use every service, you still need to pay the full amount.


  • Can my Council Tax band be changed?

    Council Tax bands are set by the Valuation Office Agency (VOA), not the Council. To challenge your banding, contact the VOA at 03000 505 505 or visit their website.


  • What is a premium and why has it been added to my Council Tax bill?

    From 1 April 2024, extra charges apply to some properties:


    • If your home has been empty for over a year, you'll now pay double the annual rate (100% premium)
    • If it's been empty for over two years, you'll pay two and a half times the annual rate (150% premium)
    • If it's been empty for over three years, you'll pay three times the annual rate (200% premium) - this will come into effect on 1 April 2025
    • If you own a second home, you'll also pay double the annual rate (100% premium)


    These changes were made by the Welsh Government to help Councils manage housing supply. Councils can now charge up to four times the usual rate (up to  300% extra) for long-term empty or second homes. 


  • Why is there a ‘previous account balance’ on my bill, and what does it mean?

    If you have an outstanding balance on your account, you’ll find it at the bottom of your Opening Bill. This is the amount you still owed on your account as of 27 February 2025.  You can choose to pay it in full or get in touch with us to set up a payment plan to spread the cost alongside your payments for the new financial year.


    If you’ve made a payment after this date, it won’t be included in the balance shown on your bill. 



  • My balance from last year is higher than I expected.

     The ‘previous account balance’ on your bill includes all outstanding balances as of 27 February 2025. If you owe money from more than one financial year (for example, 2023-24 and 2024-25), these amounts will be combined into one figure.


  • The balance for my previous year is lower than what the Enforcement Agents have.

    The balance on your bill only shows your Council Tax amount. It does not include any extra fees that the Enforcement Agents may have added.


  • My bill doesn’t include the discount or exemption I applied for.

    Your bill is based on your account as it was on 27 February 2025. If you applied for a discount, exemption, or reduction but haven’t had a response yet, your application is likely still in our queue. 


    Once processed, we’ll send you an adjusted bill or a decision letter.


    We’re currently receiving a high number of requests, so it may take up to 8 weeks to process your enquiry. We’re working hard to reduce wait times, and we appreciate your patience.


    You don’t need to contact us again—we’ll be in touch as soon as we have an update or if we need more information.


Direct Debits

  • How do I check if my direct debit is set up?

    Look at the bottom of your bill to see how your instalments are set up:


    • If your payment method is shown as ‘Direct Debit’, you don’t need to do anything. Your payments will continue.
    • If your payment method is listed as ‘Instalment’ or anything else, you’re not paying by Direct Debit. You’ll need to either continue paying manually, or set up a new Direct Debit using the form included with your bill or complete the FORM online
  • Do I need to complete a new Direct Debit form if I paid by Direct Debit last year?

    Look at the bottom of your bill to see how your instalments are set up for 2025-26:


    • If your payment method is shown as ‘Direct Debit’, you don’t need to do anything. Your payments will continue.
    • If your payment method is listed as ‘Instalment’ or anything else, you’re not paying by Direct Debit. You’ll need to either continue paying manually, or set up a new Direct Debit using the form included with your bill or complete the FORM online
  • Can I change the date my Direct Debit is taken?

    Yes, you can request a change by completing a Direct Debit enquiry form on the Vale of Glamorgan Council website.  



    We offer four payment dates each month: 1st, 9th, 18th, or 27th.


    If you choose to pay over 12 months, your Direct Debit must be taken on the 27th of each month.

  • I want to set up a Direct Debit for this year.

    You can:


    • Complete the Direct Debit form included with your bill (if applicable).
    • Set up a Direct Debit online via the Vale of Glamorgan Council website (insert link).


    If you didn’t receive a Direct Debit form but prefer a paper version, you can:

    • Complete an online form and select ‘Miscellaneous’ to request a paper version.
    • Download a COPY
    • Collect a form from the Council Tax enquiries desk (Monday, Wednesday, Friday 10am-2pm)

Book an Appointment at the Civic Offices

You can now book an appointment online to visit an advisor in the Civic Offices. You can book an appointment up to 14 days in advance.  


The Council Tax enquiry counter is also currently available to discuss your account, without an appointment, between 10am and 2pm Monday, Wednesday and Friday.


When you arrive, please follow the queuing system in place. An adviser will check your appointment and guide you to the interview room when it is free to do so. Please bring all the necessary documentation in relation to your enquiry with you, this will help the advisor to manage your appointment efficiently.  


Book an Appointment


All face to face appointments are for 20 minutes. Please arrive no earlier than 5 minutes before your appointment. Should you need a longer appointment, please telephone the office and we can arrange this for you:


  • 01446 729556


Don't forget

Council Tax and Electoral Registration are separate departments. If you’ve told Council Tax about a change in your circumstances or details, you’ll need to let Electoral Registration know too.