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Business Rates

The business rates collected by billing authorities are paid into a central pool and redistributed to county councils and police authorities.


Retail, Leisure and Hospitality Rates Relief in Wales – 2025-26

All eligible businesses must apply if they wish to receive Retail, Leisure and Hospitality Rates Relief in Wales for 2025-256.


Apply for Retail, Leisure and Hospitality Rates Relief 2025-26


Retail, Leisure and Hospitality Rates Relief in Wales – 2024-25

All eligible businesses must apply if they wish to receive Retail, Leisure and Hospitality Rates Relief in Wales for 2024-25.


Apply for Retail, Leisure and Hospitality Rates Relief


Paying Business Rates

Looking to set up a Direct Debit to pay your Business Rates or to explore our various payment methods?


Paying your Business Rates



Business Wales

Thinking of starting a business or growing an existing business? For help and information contact Business Wales on 0300 060 3000 or visit Business Wales


Before taking on a business premise do your research. Read the following page carefully for information regarding how Business Rates are calculated / how to find out the rateable value of a business premise.

Business Support

Find information, advice and guidance for your business or organisation, and all the latest funding and partnership opportunities in the Vale of Glamorgan and beyond.


Our economic development team are here to guide you to appropriate funding and opportunities to invest, relocate or grow your business in the Vale of Glamorgan.


Business Support

Non-Domestic Rates Change of Address 

Before you start - Check if your property is in the Vale of Glamorgan Council area:


Search for a property


If you only wish to notify the Council that a property you continue to remain liable for has become empty (e.g. goods / stock removed from premise) please contact the department directly (contact details at the bottom of this page).


Who must pay Business Rates?

  • Where a property is occupied, the Business Rates are usually payable by the person, partnership or company occupying it

  • Where the property is empty, rates are payable by the person entitled to occupation

If the occupier and the landlord have an arrangement whereby the landlord receives rent inclusive of Business Rates, the occupier is usually still responsible for payment of Business Rates. If you are the occupier and pass the rates bill on to the landlord for payment, you remain liable for payment if the landlord does not make payment on your behalf.


Even where a business premises is empty or unoccupied, the person entitled to possession of that premises will have to pay Business Rates (these are called empty property rates).  

How are my business rates calculated?

Each business property is prescribed a rateable value. This is independently assessed by the Valuation Office Agency. On 1st April 2023, the rateable value of a property represents its annual open market rental value as at 1st April 2021. 


You can search for the rateable value of any property on the Valuation Office Agency website. 


The rate bill is calculated by multiplying the rateable value by the rate multiplier. The rate multiplier is set by Welsh Government and reviewed annually:


Business rates Multiplier
 2019/20  .526
 2020/21  .535
 2021/22  .535
 2022/23  .535
 2023/24  .535

Can I appeal against my rateable value?

The ratepayer (and certain others who have an interest in the property) can in certain circumstances propose a change in value. You will need to contact the Valuation Office Agency directly.


Valuation Office Agency Website


2023 Revaluation

The Valuation Office Agency (VOA) regularly updates the rateable values of all business and other non-domestic properties (properties that aren’t just private homes) in England and Wales. This is called a revaluation.   


Rateable values are the amount of rent a property could have been let for on a set valuation date. For the 2023 valuation, that date was 1 April 2021. 


We use these rateable values to calculate business rates bills. 


Revaluations are carried out to reflect changes in the property market, which means that business rates bills are based on more up-to-date information. 


The next revaluation will come into effect on 1 April 2023. 


We are responsible for anything to do with your business rates bill. The VOA is responsible for the valuation of your property. You will therefore need to contact the VOA for all queries about your rateable value.

Transitional Relief


The Non-Domestic Rating (Chargeable Amounts) (Wales) Regulations 2022 make provision for transitional relief for small businesses adversely impacted by the revaluation of non-domestic hereditaments taking effect from 1 April 2023. Eligible ratepayers will pay 33% of their additional liability in the first year (2023-24) and 66% in the second year (2024-25), before reaching their full liability in the third year (2025-26).

Further information on transitional relief can be found by visiting the link below:-


Non-Domestic Rates – Transitional Rates Relief for the 2023 Revaluation | Business Wales (

Self-Catering Properties


Holiday cottage/let/self-catering property need to meet certain criteria to be brought into the business rates list from the council tax list


Until 31st March 2023 a self-catering property must be available to let for short periods for at least 140 days per year and let for at least 70 days per year to be put into the business rates list.


On 1st April 2023 the criteria will change. Self-catering property must be available to let for short periods for at least 252 days in total over the current and previous tax years and let for at least 182 days in the last 12 months before it will be brought into the business rates list.


If your property does meet the criteria, you will need to contact the Valuation Office to have it brought into the business rates list


Problems paying your Business Rates?

Business rates is a bill that must be paid. However, if you are experiencing difficulties, please contact (details at the bottom of this page) the business rates department to discuss. We may be able to come to a payment arrangement that you can afford. 

Contact the Business Rates department


Email is the quickest method of contact.


  • 01446 709299
Please note, you may go through to an answerphone machine, please leave a message with your name, number and the nature of your query and someone will return your call.



Non-Domestic Rates
Exchequer Services
Civic Offices
Holton Road
CF63 4RU