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Housing Benefits 

Housing Benefit and Council Tax Reduction is help with your private or Council rent and Council Tax payments.


You could get a Council Tax Reduction to help you pay your Council Tax if you are on a low income or receive Universal Credit. You can also make an application for Housing Benefit if you have been placed in certain types of Temporary Accommodation by the council, including emergency Temporary Accommodation. You may also claim Housing Benefit from this date if you are currently living in Temporary Accommodation and your rent changes.


Please note, from 27th January 2021, we can no longer accept Housing Benefit claims from working-age customers who receive the severe disability premium within their existing legacy benefit (Housing Benefit, Income Support, JobSeekers Allowance, or Employment Support Allowance). You will now need to claim help with your housing costs through Universal Credit. Please visit for more details and how to claim.



Book an Appointment at the Civic Offices

You can now book an appointment online to visit an advisor in the Civic Offices. You can book an appointment up to 14 days in advance.  


When you arrive, please follow the queuing system in place. An adviser will check your appointment and guide you to the interview room when it is free to do so. Please bring all the necessary documentation in relation to your enquiry with you, this will help the advisor to manage your appointment efficiently.  


Book an Appointment


All face to face appointments are for 20 minutes. Please arrive no earlier than 5 minutes before your appointment. Should you need a longer appointment, please telephone the office and we can arrange this for you:


  • 01446 709244




The Council pays Council Tax Reduction direct to the Council Tax Account. The Council pays Housing Benefit by BACS four weeks in arrears to the tenant, or the landlord direct in certain circumstances. Council tenants are paid directly to their rent account.


  • Council Tax Reduction

    If you have claimed or are receiving Universal Credit, you can get help towards your Council Tax costs from the council.


    How much of a reduction you might be eligible for will depend on your income and circumstances, and those of anyone who is a part of your household.  Council Tax Reduction can be applied for by anyone who is liable to pay Council Tax, i.e. the person or persons named on the bill). 


    You can apply for Council Tax Reduction if you are working age or a pensioner and on a low income, whether you're unemployed or working. If you have over £16,000 capital or savings, you will not normally be entitled to a reduction.  The £16,000 limit does not apply if you are on Guarantee Pension Credit. 


    If you are unsure if you should be making a claim for a Council Tax Reduction, contact 01446 709244 for advice. 


    If you want to claim a Council Tax Reduction, you can apply below. 

  • Housing Benefit

    From the 10 October 2018, we cannot accept new claims for Housing Benefit from most working age people.


    However, Housing Benefit can still be claimed if you meet any of the following conditions:

    • If you have reached State Pension Credit age
    • You are part of a couple where one of you has reached State Pension Credit age
    • Until the 1st February 2019 - You have three or more children.  However, if you have been in receipt of Universal Credit within the previous six month period or are making a new claim as a lone parent within one month of being a partner on a joint UC claim you must reclaim UC and not HB.
    • If you are a resident in certain types of supported accommodation.
    • If you have been placed in certain types of Temporary Accommodation including emergency Temporary Accommodation. You may also claim Housing Benefit from this date if you are currently living in Temporary Accommodation and your rent changes.  

    If you are unsure if you should be making a claim for Housing Benefit, contact 01446 709244 for advice. 


    Universal Credit


If you think you fall into any of the categories above and would be eligible to claim Housing Benefit and/or a Council Tax Reduction, you can apply online:


Apply Online


You can view you Benefits and payments and receive notifications via email on the Online Services. Click below to register:


Online Services


Benefits Calculator

Simply complete a form for an instant online benefits estimate. Remember this calculation is simply an estimate based on the information you supply. For a full evaluation, please make a formal claim as soon as possible or contact us directly.


Online Benefits Calculator  

Bedroom Entitlement Calculator

For Local Housing Allowance or Social Housing Rental - The amount of Housing Benefit that can be awarded for private tenants and tenants in Council and Housing Association properties is limited to the bedroom requirement of the household. 


Simply fill out this form for an instant online estimate of how many bedrooms to which your household is entitled. Remember this calculation is simply an estimate based on the information you supply.


Room calculator


For a full evaluation, please make a formal claim as soon as possible or contact us directly.


Changes in Circumstances

During each benefit period you may have certain changes in your circumstances, such as a change of job, the receipt of another state benefit, or someone moving in, or out of your house. You must notify this office of all changes in your circumstances, in writing, as soon as they happen.


Increases in Benefit: if you do not tell us about a change within one month of the change for Housing benefit and 21 days for Council Tax Reduction, then you may lose out on benefit. Do not assume that the Department of Works and Pensions will notify this office on your behalf. If in doubt, telephone this office for advice, or write to us with the information that you have. We will then decide whether or not this information will change your benefit.


Reductions in Benefit: if you do not inform us of a change in your circumstances, and we find out about the change at a later date then your benefit will be amended from the date of the change, and any resulting overpayment of benefit will be recovered from you.


Wilful failure to inform us of a change in your circumstances is a criminal offence and could lead to prosecution.


Director of Resources

Civic Offices

Holton Road


CF63 4RU


Please be aware that under our directions for the use of online applications and emailed information, we will not be held responsible for any non-receipt of claim or email. We advise you to keep records of any electronic communications. We would also remind you to ensure we are able to identify the sender of the email or online application, and if possible, be able to link it to a valid claim. 


For information on our privacy notice, please follow the link to the Council's privacy notice.


Please note: New claims for Housing Benefit may only be made in limited circumstances. These include: if you are resident in temporary (homeless) accommodation, specified (supported) accommodation, or you (and if applicable both you and your partner) have attained state pension age. If you are unsure if you are eligible for Housing Benefit please ring 01446 709244 and we will advise whether you are eligible for Housing Benefit or housing costs through Universal Credit.