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The Vale of Glamorgan Council is committed to eliminating discrimination and removing barriers to services, information, premises, facilities and employment.


We embrace equality of opportunity irrespective of disability, ethnic origin, colour, nationality, gender, gender identity, marital status, sexual orientation, Welsh language choice, culture and religion.


Equal Opportunities Monitoring form


Strategic Equality Plan

The purpose of this Strategic Equality Plan is to describe what the Council is doing to fulfil its duties in respect of the Equality Act 2010 and the specific duties for Wales.


The public sector equality duty covers eight protected characteristics: Age, Race, Disability, Religion or Belief, Gender Reassignment, Sex, Pregnancy and Maternity, and Sexual Orientation


Annual Equality Monitoring Report

The Annual Equality Monitoring Report tells you about our equality work each year


The report sets out:

  • Steps we have taken to identify and collect relevant information
  • How we have used this information in meeting the aims of the general public sector equality duty
  • Reasons why we have not collected relevant information
  • Statement on the effectiveness of our arrangements for identifying and collecting relevant information
  • Progress towards fulfilling each of our equality objectives from our Strategic Equality Plan
  • Statement on the effectiveness of the steps that we have taken to fulfil each of our equality objectives
  • Specified employment information, including information on training and pay.



Annual Equality Monitoring Report – Open Data

Welsh Government is undertaking work to make available public body equality data, as required by the Equality Act 2010 (Statutory Duties),(Wales) Regulations 2011.


Public bodies in Wales have a duty to annually publish employment information and present it for each of the different protected characteristics. Although public bodies publish this information individually, it is not always easily accessible.


In September 2018, the Equality, Local Government and Communities Committee report on parenting and employment in Wales included the recommendation “The Committee recommends that the Welsh Government publishes employment data required by the Welsh public sector equality duties to a single location on the Welsh Government’s website, in a format that allows the data to be analysed easily.”


The Welsh Government response accepted the recommendation but noted that, given public sector employers have the responsibility for complying with the duty, the preferred approach would be to work with the public sector to ensure PSED data were published more accessibly as open data. Welsh Government would then provide a single location to enable straightforward access to this information.


Why open data?


Open data, according to the Open Data Institute, is data that is available to everyone to access, use and share. Much PSED data published by public bodies is published within a larger PDF report, and can be difficult to access unless users know where to look. Welsh Government’s aim is that public body PSED data would be presented in an open data format that is machine-readable and published in tables within open data spreadsheets (which can be produced in Excel) under the Open Government Licence. This could be done alongside existing PDF reports. Making all public body data available in a single online location would support transparency and learning from others.


2017 - 2018


Gender Pay Gap

Any organisation that employs 250 or more employees must publish and report specific data about their gender pay gap. The gender pay gap is the difference between the average earnings of men and women, expressed relative to men’s earnings.

All public sector employers are required to publish their gender pay gap information by 30 March each year based on a snap shot date of the previous 31 March. The gender pay gap is not to be confused with equal pay which is the right for men and women to be paid the same rate when doing the same or equivalent work.