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PSB LogoPublic Services Board

The Public Services Board brings together senior leaders from public and third sector organisations across the Vale to work in partnership for a better future. 


Public Services Boards (PSBs) were established in each local authority area in Wales through the Well-being of Future Generations Act. Through the Vale PSB and its Well-being Plan partners are working together to improve the social, economic, cultural and environmental well-being of the Vale of Glamorgan.


Public Services Board Website




The Board 

The Council is one of four statutory partners of the PSB, the other three statutory partners are: 

In addition to the statutory partners, a number of other partners have also accepted the invitation to be members of the the PSB and participate in its activities, these are: 


Key Partnerships

In addition to the partners who make up the membership of the PSB, the Board works with a number of key strategic partnerships: 


  • The Integrated Health and Social Care Partnership
  • Safer Vale Partnership
  • Working in Partnership with Older People