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Contact Us

Contact information, opening hours and map and directions to council offices within the Vale of Glamorgan



Please note to pay for allotments, FOI/Environmental Information Regulation, land charges, licensing and planning applications please select 'other income' from the main menu. 


By Phone  - Contact Centre (C1V)


The contact centre (C1V) team are extremely busy. Please help us prioritise calls for those residents who most need our support by using our online forms wherever possible and only calling for urgent issues. 



Monday - Friday: 8am to 5pm


Civic Offices

Holton Road,


CF63 4RU


Opening Times:

Monday - Thursday: 8:30am - 5pm

Friday: 8:30am - 4:30pm

Weekends: Closed

Dock Offices

Subway Rd,


CF63 4RT


Opening Times:

Monday - Friday: 9am - 12:30pm and 1pm - 5pm

Weekends: Closed


Access to the Dock Offices is by appointment only.