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heritagecoastAchieving our Vision

The Council aims to deliver the right services to the right people at the right time and at the right costs.



It does this through its Performance Management Framework which links the highest level corporate plan to individual targets and objectives.


Our Vale - Our Future

'Our Vale - Our Future' is a five year plan and provides the framework for our core collaborative activities over the 2023-2028 period. This plan represents the second Well-being Plan and continues to work towards achieving our 2050 vision for the Vale. The plan details the three well-being objectives we want to achieve, the steps we will take to do so and what the outcomes of these activities will be for 2028.

Annual Delivery Plan

The Annual Delivery Plan details the actions that will be undertaken across the Council in the coming year to deliver the Council’s Well-being Objectives and the commitments in the five year Corporate Plan. 

Risk Management 

Involves identifying and monitoring potential risks and determining ways of minimising the impact they could have on the Council.

People Strategy and Workforce Plan 

Supports the Council in achieving its priorities and sets out the key actions to ensure the Council meets its future workforce needs. 

Medium Term Financial Plan

The 3 year rolling Plan sets out how the Council will fund its priorities as outlined in the Corporate Plan.

Corporate Asset Management Plan

The plan describes how we manage out land and property portfolio and supports the Council in achieving its priorities as outlined in the Corporate Plan.

Public Participation Strategy

Our Public Participation Strategy explains how we will encourage and facilitate public participation in the Vale of Glamorgan. The strategy sets out how we will be diverse in our engagement methods, using social media platforms, community connectors and face-to-face engagement, to take an integrated approach to public participation. 


Corporate Plan

The Council's key policy document ‘Working Together for a Brighter Future’. The plan is in place for five years and sets out how the Council will deliver it’s four Well-being Objectives and contribute to the delivery of the seven national Well-being Goals.  

The Vale Of Glamorgan Annual Self- Assessment

The Annual Self-Assessment report outlines the Council's own assessment of its performance as an organisation over the past year. A requirement of the Local Government & Elections (Wales) Act 2021, the self-assessment report aims to provide assurance to Welsh Government, our Regulators, Vale of Glamorgan citizens and other stakeholders that we are performing well, making decisions in an open way, and effectively using our money and other resources to deliver our Annual Delivery Plan commitments and contribute to the national Well-being goals.

Service Plan

These are the key planning documents for each service area. They set out the key aims and objectives of each service area and provide a self-assessment of current performance.

Performance Management

Performance management is the way in which the Council measures, monitors and assesses its performance to ensure it can achieve its objectives and outcomes for its citizens.

Regulatory Reports

Each year, regulatory bodies report on how well Welsh Councils are planning for improvement in delivering their services.

Digital Strategy

The Digital strategy outlines how we will transform our digital culture in order to maximise the requirements and expectations of residents, colleagues and partners.


Procurement Policy and Strategy

The Procurement Policy and Strategy promotes effective and sustainable procurement throughout the Council. 



If you want any more information about achieving our vision then email