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Improvements to Barry’s Green Infrastructure. 

The Council has received funding from Welsh Government through the Targeted Regeneration Investment (TRI) Programme - Green Infrastructure,  to undertake improvements to Barry’s Green Infrastructure. 


The project is called: Barry, Greening, Growing, Connected


Project details

Bringing natural features such as trees and wildflowers back into towns can help us tackle a range of urban environmental challenges such as stormwater management, pollution reduction, and climate resiliency. Nature also supports the health and well-being of the people that live in towns.  The proposed project focusses on a series of innovative interventions which will demonstrate how Green Infrastructure features can be introduced into existing highways and open spaces within the town to provide an enhanced landscape which is attractive and connected. 


The works will include the following improvements:

  • Remove paving and replace with trees and wildflowers

  • Plant a variety of street trees, woodland and wildflowers

  • Introduce rain gardens to take surface water runoff from the highway during periods of heavy rainfall

  • Introduce amphibian ladders to gullies to aid wildlife

  • Improve the public realm including footways, seats and bins


The Council is planning to plant trees in Gladstone Road to replace some that have been lost over the years.  Plans indicate where trees have been lost and / or new locations where they will be planted. 



The budget for this project is £244,000 of which Welsh Government is providing £192,500 through the 'Transforming Towns' programme.


Work is due to commence on site from 25 January 2021. It is anticipated that the work will take approximately 9 weeks to complete, dependent on weather conditions. 


The Council are working closely with The Wildlife Trust of South and West Wales who will be:

  • undertaking some practical environmental educational activities with local schools

  • looking to work with the local allotment holders on some wildlife projects

  • hosting community events in the spring of 2021

For further information about this project, please contact: