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Unpaid Carers

What is an Unpaid Carer? 

An Unpaid Carer is someone who provides unpaid care to an adult or disabled child. The cared for person may be a family member or a friend, who due to long term illness, disability, a mental health problem, or an addiction, cannot manage without their support. 


The care unpaid carers provide ranges from providing practical help, to personal care, and to supporting emotional and mental wellbeing. You may or may not live with the person you look after. 


An unpaid carer may or may not be a recipient of Carer’s Allowance.


A working carer is anyone who provides unpaid care while being in employment. As long as you are being paid for something that is not directly connected to caring for the person you care for, you are a working carer.


Unpaid carers may also be known as family carers, informal carers.


An unpaid carer could be: 

  • a husband caring for his wife

  • a parent caring for their child who has care and support needs

  • a son or daughter caring for their parent with care and support needs

  • a child caring for their parent 


 Find out about the services we provide to support children and families:


Looking After Your Wellbeing

It is important that you look after your own health to enable you to continue effectively in your caring role, if this is what you choose to do.


The Social Services and Well-being (Wales) Act came into effect on 6 April 2016. This law exists to improve the well-being of people in Wales and includes carers who need support. 

Looking After Your Well-being ( 


Our Wellbeing Matters Service is a single point of access for Health and Wellbeing Services for adults in the Vale of Glamorgan and can connect you to a range of services and support across the local authority in relation to Health and Wellbeing.

Wellbeing Matters Service ( 


Families First Advice Line has advisors who can provide information advice and assistance in relation to parent carers and young carers, to signpost them to sources of help or to assist them in accessing services.

Families First Advice Line (

Carers Wales  

Carers Wales Health and Well Being Me Time Sessions

Carers Wales Share and Learn



Support for unpaid carers  

Rights to support

The Social Services and Well-being (Wales) Act came into effect on 6 April 2016 Social Services and Well-being (Wales) Act ( 

This law exists to improve the well-being of people in Wales and includes carers who need support. 


  • The right to wellbeing

  • The right to have information, advice and assistance

  • The right to an assessment if your needs cannot be met by information and advice

  • The right to have your voice heard and have control over decisions about your support

  • The right to advocacy



Cardiff and Vale Regional Partnership

CAVRPB – The right support, at the right time, in the right place is a collaboration of statutory, third sector and independent organisations in Cardiff and the Vale of Glamorgan who are working together to improve health and wellbeing of the population.


The Partnership have signed up to a set of commitments which set the priority for actions they will take together to plan and support unpaid carers across Cardiff and the Vale of Glamorgan. These commitments are explained within the Cardiff and Vale Unpaid Carers Charter.

Unpaid Carers Charter – CAVRPB 

Information and advice

A local authority must provide information, advice, and assistance about support services so that unpaid carers can find and access them and where appropriate give assistance to access these services.


This service will act as a first point of entry to provide information to help people understand how the care and support system operates in their area and the types of service, including carers’ services, that are available. It must also cover how to access these services and how to raise concerns about the well-being of people who may appear to have needs for care and support, including carers. 


Dewis Wales

is a website to help people access local and national support services in Wales and find the information and advice they need to improve their well-being. It has information to help you think about what matters to you and information about services and people in your area that can help you.


Dewis Wales 


Search - Dewis Wales 



Vale Unpaid Carers Hub

Do you look after a loved one and don’t know where to turn for information or advice?


The Vale Unpaid Carers Hub is a one stop shop for unpaid carers supporting someone living in the Vale of Glamorgan and aims to improve the quality of life for unpaid carers.


They provide information, advice and support to help unpaid carers in their role, to make the most of life alongside caring and to maintain their independence. They have a telephone helpline and can also be contacted via the internet. 


To make a referral into the Vale Unpaid Carers Hub (this can be a self-referral or via social services) please click here to complete the form or call 02921 921024.


Hub staff can also be seen at various locations throughout the Vale, providing a drop-in service. Details of locations and times can be found on their website or Facebook or call them for more information.





Strategy for unpaid carers

Welsh Government have launched a new strategy for unpaid carers: