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Information for Unpaid Carers


Information and advice

A local authority must provide information, advice, and assistance about support services so that unpaid carers can find and access them and where appropriate give assistance to access these services.


This service will act as a first point of entry to provide information to help people understand how the care and support system operates in their area and the types of service, including carers’ services, that are available.


It must also cover how to access these services and how to raise concerns about the well-being of people who may appear to have needs for care and support, including carers. 



If you would like us to send you information which will be of interest to you as an unpaid carer, such as training, events or consultations, please complete the online form:


 Subscribe to receive information




You can contact Council support and services independently, if you prefer: 

The Cost of Living crisis has had an additional impact for many unpaid carers: Cost of Living Support


The Council has drawn together information on a number of resources to help you improve your wellbeing during the current crisis: Health and Wellbeing


The Vale’s Library and Information Service have a range of services and books that may help you with managing your wellbeing: Libraries Health and Wellbeing


Our Healthy Living Team, working with a range of partners, have compiled a number of walks to keep you and your family healthy, active and having fun: Wellbeing Walks


The Families First service in the Vale provides support for young people who have experienced adverse childhood experiences which are significantly affecting their health and wellbeing: Youth Wellbeing Service


Some schools provide Wellbeing After-school Clubs and they will all recognise and support any pupil who has a role as a young carer: After-School Wellbeing Clubs 


Families First Advice Line has advisors who can provide information advice and assistance in relation to parent carers and young carers, to signpost them to sources of help or to assist them in accessing services: Families First Advice Line




Access to services for unpaid carers that do not require an assessment 

Information for unpaid carers:

Events and training for unpaid carers across the Vale of Glamorgan: Events and Training

A Carer's Guide to Managing Medicine leaflet


Getting Help from Social Services leaflet


Emergency Situations leaflet


Break from Caring

Any break, which strengthens and/or sustains informal caring relationships and enhances the wellbeing of carers and the people they support. This may be achieved through a service, an activity or an item. 

Funded by Welsh Government, the Short Breaks Scheme for unpaid carers aims to enable 30,000 carers to take a break from caring by 2025. 


A range of break options to meet the diverse communities of Wales have been funded through this programme. These aim to improve carer resilience and wellbeing and to support the sustainability of the carer’s caring relationship.  


To apply for a short break, unpaid carers should contact their local provider directly:

Short Breaks Scheme Carers Trust Wales  


Short breaks are also available through the Cardiff and Vale Regional partnership who have secured funds through the scheme to deliver opportunities to unpaid carers specifically in Cardiff and the Vale of Glamorgan:


Cardiff and the Vale Regional Partnership Board - Carers' stories - Carers Short Breaks Wales




Vale Unpaid Carers Hub

Do you look after a loved one and don’t know where to turn for information, advice or support?


The Vale Unpaid Carers Hub is a one stop shop for unpaid carers supporting someone living in the Vale of Glamorgan and aims to improve the quality of life for unpaid carers.


They provide information, advice and support to help unpaid carers in their role, to make the most of life alongside caring and to maintain their independence.


They have a telephone helpline and can also be contacted via the internet.


To make a referral into the Vale Unpaid Carers Hub (this can be a self-referral or via social services) please click here to complete the form or call 02921 921024.


Hub staff can also be seen at various locations throughout the Vale, providing a drop-in service. Details of locations and times can be found on their website or facebook or call them for more information.





Dewis Cymru logo

Dewis Wales is a website to help people access local and national support services in Wales and find the information and advice they need to improve their well-being.


It has information to help you think about what matters to you and information about services and people in your area that can help you.


Search Dewis Cymru to find services to support carers in the Vale of Glamorgan: 

Search Dewis Cymru 




Below are the details of national carers organisations who provide advice, information, and support to unpaid carers in Wales.


Provides advice and information to carers and the professionals who support carers.  

Advice line – Monday to Friday 


Carers Wales

  • 02920 811370


Provides a national voice to empower parents and carers of people with learning disabilities.  


All Wales Forum


Committed to improving support and services for unpaid carers.


Carers Trust Wales

  • 0300 7729702