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Looking After Your Well-being

It's important to look after your wellbeing and keep as healthy as possible. Information, advice and assistance is available to help you keep on top of things.


Well-being can be defined in relation to the different areas of a person’s life, such as:

  • Physical and mental health and emotional well-being

  • Protection from abuse and neglect 

  • Education, training and recreation

  • Domestic, family and personal relationships

  • Contribution made to society 

  • Securing rights and entitlements

  • Social and economic well-being

  • Suitability of living accommodation

Social Service​s and Well-being (Wales) Act 2014

As a local authority we have a duty to provide our residents with:

  • Helpful information and advice, and 
  • Suitable assistance as and when necessary.

As well as improving access to information and advice it is about empowering residents to take control of their own health and well-being. 

And where residents need further assistance, we must actively involve them in the design of support plans and the delivery of care services.


Dewis Cymru

Search Dewis Cymru to find local and national organisations and services that can help you. You can search using your postcode for services and support in your area or search for specific services:

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  • Social Care leaflets and Factsheets

    You can access a number of leaflets about social care services, as well as a directory of services:

  • Social Opportunities for Adults and Older People 

    There are many social activities you can get involved in, in your local area:


    • Arts and craft
    • Sports
    • Exercise classes
    • Choirs
    • Friendship clubs
    • Book clubs
    • Befriending and luncheon clubs
    • Volunteering


    Find out more by visiting the following websites: 



  • Getting Out and About 

    To assist people to access opportunities for independent living available in their local communities and beyond there are a range of services available. These are some of the services which assist those who have impairments due to illness, disability or old age.



    Our Transport page provides information on Community Transport such as VEST and Greenlinks, as well as Concessionary Travel and Hospital Transport:


    Personal Safety


    Public Toilets  

  • Telecare Alarm Services

    Telecare offers a range of services and devices which use technology to enable vulnerable people to live with greater independence and safety in their own home.

  • Care In Your Own Home 

    There is support available to help people live safely in their own home. A carer may visit you to help with daily chores, shopping etc. Adult Social Services works in partnership with a wide range of social care providers in the independent sector. 

    The Approved Care Provider listings provide information regarding social care providers who are registered with the Care Inspectorate for Wales (CIW) and have been approved or accredited to provide care services on behalf of the Vale of Glamorgan Council:

    You may be eligible to access support from Social Services:


    Telecare Alarm Services

    Telecare offers a range of services and devices which use technology to enable vulnerable people to live with greater independence and safety in their own home:


    Meal Management

    The major supermarkets all offer a home-delivery service. Local greengrocers, fishmongers and butchers may also deliver to your front door. Other companies such as Wiltshire Farm Foods can deliver ready-made meals, fresh or frozen, to your door:

    If you live in Penarth, Dinas Powys, Wenvoe or Sully, you can access Cardiff Meals on Wheels service:

  • Residential Homes

    There are a number of homes that are approved by the Vale of Glamorgan Council. 


    There is also a choice of two homes within the Vale of Glamorgan that are staffed by the local authority. These homes provide accommodation for frail older people. The homes are located in Cowbridge and Barry:

  • Housing Support

    Housing Related Support

    The Supporting People programme aims to support people to increase and maintain their independence. Amongst other things, they offer a floating support service, delivered in the person's home for tenants and home owners:


    Vale Tenancy Support Drop-in Services

    Housing related support helps people to gain the knowledge and skills needed to develop or maintain their capacity to live independently. A number of drop-in sessions are run throughout the Vale:

    Housing Association Providers
    offer their own support to tenants. You can access a list of Registered Social Landlord partners here (bottom of the page):


    Care and Repair Cardiff and the Vale 

    Our Carers Handyperson Service supports carers and the people they care for to repair, adapt and maintain their homes thereby enabling them to live as independently as possible with increased safety, security, warmth and comfort. Contact 02920 473337:


    Nest - Welsh Government Warm Homes Nest Scheme

    The scheme helps to reduce the number of households in Wales who are struggling to keep their homes warm and cope with high energy bills:

  • Money Advice

    Any council tenant who needs support with financial matters can contact the Money Advice Team to see if they can help:


    Age Connects Cardiff & Vale have a Welfare Rights Service, which offers free benefit advice and can assist older people aged 60+ who live in the Vale of Glamorgan complete benefit forms during home visits:



    Citizens Advice Cardiff & Vale help people resolve their legal, money and other problems by providing free, independent and confidential advice. They have outreach sessions throughout the vale or you can contact them directly:


  • Day Opportunities 

    Day opportunities are available in the Vale of Glamorgan in a range of different settings for older people who may live with age related frailty, chronic illness, disability or mental health problems, including dementia. 


    Day opportunities can improve a person’s on-going ability to live independently at home, by providing social, physical and mental stimulation to those who are living alone or with family and feeling socially isolated. Informal carers also benefit tremendously by taking a break from their caring role:


    New Horizons for People with a Physical Disability

    We provide opportunities for people who have a permanent /substantial physical disability, are 18 -65 years old and live in the Vale of Glamorgan. New Horizons is part of the Vale of Glamorgan Council, Social Services Department: 


    Learning Disability Day Opportunities 

    We provide meaningful day opportunities to adults with a learning disability, who also have a complex presentation of need. 


    We are located in Barry and deliver day opportunities from our two bases, as well as various community locations, serving citizens across the whole of the Vale:  


  • Social Services Emergency Help 

    Emergency Out of Hours Service

    Social Services provide an emergency service outside of normal office hours. This service deals only with emergency situations that cannot wait until the next working day:

    • 02920 788570