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Support with your waste and recycling

In the Vale we strive to make recycling as easy as possible. There are very few household items that can’t be recycled at the kerbside—and we're always working to shorten that list! If you need support sorting your waste and recycling or getting your waste to the kerbside on collection day, we are here to help.


Tips to maximise your recycling

Recycling A-Z

Our online A-Z recycling guide can help you figure out which items can be recycled and how to recycle them


Household waste and recycling centres (HWRCs)

You can take unlimited quantities of recycling and up to 3 bags of general waste to the recycling centres located at Barry and Llandow (same day appointments are available).


Hygiene waste

We understand that certain hygiene waste, such as nappies, sanitary products, and pet waste, can quickly build up. To help manage this, we offer a hygiene waste collection service. If hygiene waste is filling your black bags, you can purchase a hygiene caddy for a one off cost of £10 and place it out for collection with your black bags. There is no limit to the number of hygiene caddies that households can put out for collection - but please ensure the caddy is lined with a strong tied black bag to prevent leaks or spills when placed out for collection. No other general waste other than hygiene products are to be placed inside the hygiene caddy.


Collection dates

Recycling and food waste is collected weekly. You can check when your waste and recycling collections will take place online.

Assisted Waste Collections

If it is difficult for you to carry your recycling and black bags to the kerbside for collection and there is no one else in your household that can help, then we may be able to assist you with our assisted collections service.


To apply for an assisted waste collection, please call 01446 729566.

Do you still need support with your waste and recycling?

If you're doing your best to recycle and dispose of waste correctly but need a little extra help, our waste and recycling officers are here to assist you.


Please complete the online form and one of our friendly waste officers will review your information and get in touch:


By providing as much information as possible we will be able to provide you with the right support quickly.


Contact the Waste Team for support


We understand that end of life planning can be challenging — if you or a loved one are nearing the end of life and require help with your waste and recycling, we're here to help. Please use this form to get in contact with us.


Please note that this service is not available for commercial waste customers. Instead you should contact the commercial waste team by emailing