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Co-mingled Recycling

Co-mingled recycling allows residents to place paper, glass, cans, cardboard, plastic, clean foil, empty aerosols and cartons in the same container.


Help us avoid contaminated waste. Please check which items can and cannot be recycled in your kerbside collection before you place it out. Our Recycling A to Z can help you if you are unsure.


Collections: Weekly


Please ensure items are placed on the kerbside (or in your communal bin area) by 7.00am on your collection day.


Your co-mingled recycling should be placed in a council-issued blue recycling bag. 


Please note: If you live in Barry or the rural Vale, you will have Separated Recycling Collections. 


Blue Bag - Mixed Recycling

Please rinse all bottles, jars and cans and remove any lids from plastic bottles before recycling. 





Tick Yes please:
  • Paper
  • Glass
  • Cardboard
  • Plastic
  • Clean foil
  • Empty Aerosols
  • Cartons
  • Food and drink cartons e.g. Tetra Paks
No thanks:
  • Nappies
  • Wet Wipes
  • Polystyrene
  • General Waste
  • Black Plastic Trays


Collection Day Checker

Enter your postcode to check details of your next recycling and waste collections and set up email reminders.