Choosing Welsh Medium Childcare
Whatever language you speak at home, Welsh-medium childcare and education can give your child additional opportunities, experiences and skills.
Cylchoedd Meithrin
Cylchoedd Meithrin provide Welsh- Medium childcare for children usually aged 2 years to school age. Cylchoedd Meithrin offer a range of childcare services from full day care, sessional care (for 2 - 4 hour sessions a day) or wraparound care with the local school.
Most parents who send their child to Cylch Meithrin don’t speak Welsh themselves and they can take advantage of learning Welsh with their children if they so choose. Find a Cylchoedd Meithrin in the Vale of Glamorgan by visiting the Mudiad Meithrin website:
Mudiad Meithrin
Cylch Ti a Fi (Welsh Language Parent and Toddler Groups)
The Cylch Ti a Fi welcomes babies, toddlers, and their parents / carers to stay and play and socialise. The Cylch Ti a Fi has fun play activities giving families who don’t speak Welsh a great opportunity to use Welsh for the first time with their children. Find a Cylch Ti a Fi in the Vale by visiting the Mudiad Meithrin website:
Mudiad Meithrin
We also have a range of Welsh medium childcare available via childminders, day nurseries and out of school clubs. Find Welsh medium childcare in the Vale by visiting the Childcare Information Wales website:
Childcare Information Wales (Welsh Medium Childcare)
For further information visit:
Your Bilingual Journey