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Choosing Childcare 

Information on finding childcare in the Vale of Glamorgan including types of childcare available

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Search for childcare, activities for children and family support services in the Vale using the Childcare Information Wales Directory: 

Visit the Childcare Information Wales Directory


Or contact us directly about your childcare needs by completing our online enquiry form. All data will be stored in line with data protection regulations, as set out in the Vale of Glamorgan Council’s Privacy Notice.


Online Enquiry Form



Choosing Childcare?

Whatever your reason for wanting childcare, there are several options to meet your needs. Choosing the right childcare is important but can be difficult. There are so many things to consider!


This website will tell you about the benefits and different types of childcare available, where to find childcare and what financial support is available to help you with childcare costs:


Choosing Childcare



Care Inspectorate Wales (CIW) - Who are they and what do they do?


CIW is the independent regulator of childcare (and social care) in Wales. This means that child minding and day care services are regulated by CIW. CIW register and inspect settings and take action to improve the quality and safety of services, ensuring that you and your child will have the best experiences and opportunities.


If a childcare setting runs for more than 2 hours per day for children up to the age of 12 years, or for more than 5 days each year, it must, by law, be registered with CIW. CIW ensures that care services meet the National Minimum Standards and support children’s rights. For more information, please see the choosing childcare guide.


Care Inspectorate Wales


National Minimum Standards


Providers not eligible to register


Types of childcare settings


There are different types of childcare settings, which vary by:

  • the ages of children they care for,
  • the type of building they operate from,
  • when they open, and
  • the language(s) they use (Welsh or English).

You may already know, or at least have some idea of, the type of childcare you want for your child, or you may want to know about all the childcare available in your area.

  • Childminder
     A childminder provides childcare from their home.


    Children’s age

    0 to 12

    Opening times and sessions

    Childminders are usually flexible, but this depends on demand. They can provide:

    • before school (breakfast) care,
    • wrap-around care for part time early year education,
    • full or part days for pre-school children, and
    • full day holiday care.


    Welsh, English, bilingual.

  • Full daycare nursery
    A full daycare nursery usually provide childcare from a purpose-built premises.


    Children’s age

    0 to 12.

    Opening times and sessions

    Many nurseries provide:

    • playgroup sessions for 2 to 3 year olds,
    • wrap-around care for 3 to 4 year olds.

    For school age children, some nurseries provide:

    • before school (breakfast) care from 7am to 9am,
    • after school care from 3pm or 3:30pm to 6pm, and
    • full day holiday care.


    Welsh, English, bilingual.

  •  Playgroup
    Playgroups may provide care on school sites, but many provide care from a shared premises. For example, in a church hall or Scouts hut.


    Children’s age

    They provide:

    • pre-school sessions for 2 to 3 year olds, and
    • wrap-around care for 3 to 4 year olds in part time early year education.

    Opening times and sessions

    They provide:

    • 1 short session per day. For example, 9am to 11:30am, or
    • 2 sessions with a break between them.

    If a playgroup provider is registered as a full daycare and there is a cross-over of children at lunchtime, children do not stay for more than 1 sessions per day.


    Welsh, English, bilingual.

  •  Cylch Meithrin
    Cylch Meithrin may provide care on school sites, but many provide care from a shared premises.

    For example, in a church hall or Scouts hut.

    Children’s age

    They provide:

    • pre-school sessions for 2 to 3 year olds, and
    • wrap-around care for 3 to 4 year olds in part time early year education.

    Opening times and sessions

    They provide:

    • 1 short session per day. For example, 9am to 11:30am, or
    • 2 sessions with a break between them.

    If a playgroup provider is registered as a full daycare and there is a cross-over of children at lunchtime, children do not stay for more than 1 sessions per day.



  •  Out of school
    Out of school care is mostly provided on school sites. Sometimes the care is provided at a full daycare nursery or with a childminder.


    Children’s age

    4 to 12 year olds who attend full time school (from reception onwards).

    Opening times and sessions

    They provide after school care from 3pm or 3:30pm to 6pm.

    Some provide before school (breakfast) care.

    Some primary schools offer free breakfasts for children before the start of the school day, but this is not CIW registered childcare.

    Some settings provide holiday care.


    Welsh, English, bilingual.

  •  Nannies

     Nannies provide care in the parent or carers home. Nannies are usually not registered by CIW, but they can join The Approval of Home Childcare Providers (Wales) Scheme 2021. This allows you to access financial support with childcare costs.



    Children’s age

    Usually young children but can include school age children too.

    Opening times and sessions

    Nannies will work when you need them.


    Welsh, English, bilingual.

  •  Creches
    Creches can provide temporary childcare for you to attend specific events, such as:


    • training,
    • learning, or
    • an exercise class.

    The creches are provided so children can be cared for whilst you do something else on the same premises.

    Children’s age

    Usually young children include school age children too.

    Opening times and sessions

    They run alongside the event you are attending.


    Welsh, English, bilingual.

  •  Open access play
    Open access play is registered with CIW, but children are free to leave whenever they like. They do not have to be dropped off and collected by a parent or carer.


    Children’s age

    4 and above (from reception onwards).

    Opening times and sessions

    Usually in school holidays only.


    Welsh, English, bilingual.

  •  Other provisions
    There are lots of other provisions available, however as the parent or carer needs to stay with and remain responsible for the child, they cannot be classed as childcare. For example:


    • stay and play,
    • parent and toddler groups, and
    • Ti a Fi.

    Many schools offer after school activity clubs, such as:

    • football,
    • French, and
    • coding.

    Each of these usually only operate once a week. Your child may attend these activities however it is not classed as childcare.

You may be eligible for a funded Flying Start childcare place. The funded childcare provides 2 to 3 year olds with 12.5 hours of high quality childcare each week for 39 weeks of the year, during school term times.

To find out more and check if you are eligible for Flying Start childcare, visit their web page:


Flying Start

Choosing Welsh Medium Childcare 


Whatever language you speak at home, Welsh-medium childcare and education can give your child additional opportunities, experiences and skills.  


Cylchoedd Meithrin 


Cylchoedd Meithrin provide Welsh- Medium childcare for children usually aged 2 years to school age. Cylchoedd Meithrin offer a range of childcare services from full day care, sessional care (for 2 - 4 hour sessions a day) or wraparound care with the local school. 

Most parents who send their child to Cylch Meithrin don’t speak Welsh themselves and they can take advantage of learning Welsh with their children if they so choose. Find a Cylchoedd Meithrin in the Vale of Glamorgan by visiting the Mudiad Meithrin website:  

Mudiad Meithrin


Cylch Ti a Fi (Welsh Language Parent and Toddler Groups) 


The Cylch Ti a Fi welcomes babies, toddlers, and their parents / carers to stay and play and socialise. The Cylch Ti a Fi has fun play activities giving families who don’t speak Welsh a great opportunity to use Welsh for the first time with their children.  Find a Cylch Ti a Fi in the Vale by visiting the Mudiad Meithrin website:

Mudiad Meithrin


We also have a range of Welsh medium childcare available via childminders, day nurseries and out of school clubs. Find Welsh medium childcare in the Vale by visiting the Childcare Information Wales website: 

Childcare Information Wales (Welsh Medium Childcare)


For further information visit: 

Your Bilingual Journey

Children with additional needs


As a parent or carer of a child with additional support needs, it is totally understandable that you may have more things to consider. You need to be fully confident that they can meet your child’s needs. You will understand what support your child needs, and the strategies used to help look after your child.


  • The setting

    • Is the outdoor space accessible? Is it free flow? Is it safe and secure?
    • Do they have any quiet or sensory areas?
    • Are there particular days or times when the setting is quieter or less busy?
    • Are children divided into groups by age or ability?
    • What adaptations would they need to make for your child to feel included?
  •  Practitioners
    • What experience do they have of working with children who have Additional Learning Needs (ALN) or are disabled?
    • Have staff attended the Local Authority’s ALN Inclusion Training within the last 3 years? 

    • Who is their named ALN Coordinator (ALNCo)? What experience and training do they have?
    • Are they familiar with universal strategies, such as visuals? For example, Traffic Lights, Objects of Reference, and Now and Next.
    • What relevant training do they have? For example, Makaton, Sensory Processing, and Attention Autism.
    • Would they need more training to meet the needs of your child?
    • What support do they offer children with disabilities and ALN?
    • How would they make sure your child has the same play and learning opportunities as other children?
    • How would they approach your child’s disability with other children, parents, or carers if they have questions?
    • How will they communicate with you about your child’s progress and needs?
    • How do they comfort children who are upset?
    • Can you meet other staff, and do they interact with your child?
    • Are they comfortable around your child’s disability?
  •  Childminders
    Many of the setting and practitioner questions will still apply, however you may need to ask:


    • Is the environment accessible safe and secure? For example, secure doors and windows, no access to roads, and enclosed outdoor area.
    • Does the childminder have any ALN experience? They may need additional resources, equipment, and designated quiet or sensory areas.
    • Are personal resources and storage spaces inaccessible? For example, outdoor sheds and garages.
  •  Partnership working

    • Is the setting prepared to engage with ALN professionals? For example, allow specialists to see the child in the setting (or home for a childminder) and attend Personal Care Plan meetings.


For more information on supporting Children and Young People with additional needs:

Children with additional needs


Need help with childcare costs?


Visit our help with childcare costs page for more information on financal help that may be avaliable including The Childcare Offer for Wales, Tax Free Childcare and funded Flying Start spaces:

Help with childcare costs


Or contact us directly about your childcare needs by completing our online enquiry form. All data will be stored in line with data protection regulations, as set out in the Vale of Glamorgan Council’s Privacy Notice


Online Enquiry Form


Contact Us:

  • 01446 704704