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Pre-Application Services

To produce the best possible outcome at planning application stage early engagement with the Local Planning Authority is key and at the Vale of Glamorgan Council we encourage our prospective applicants to engage early.

pre-application guidance notePre Application Guidance

Please refer to our Guidance Note for a comprehensive overview of our Pre-Application Services.


Pre Application Guidance


For a general overview of our service, including the benefits of undertaking pre-application, the different services offered and application forms and fee sheet please the other services and pre-application submission below.


Pre-Application is not a requirement but is encouraged as we are able to give you guidance on the potential acceptability of your application. Some of the benefits of submitting a pre-application include:

  • Improves the speed of decision making and quality of development;

  • Helps give you upfront understanding of policies and other material considerations;

  • Identifies potential constraints and whether your application will need specialist input;

  • Obtains an initial Planning Officer view about whether your application would likely be acceptable (subject to formal assessment at planning application following consultation).

  • Will save you time and cost in exploring unacceptable schemes.


There are different types of pre-application services currently offered which include the following:

Pre-Aplication Advice Image


Duty Planner (Planning Surgery)

You can contact our free Duty Planner Service by phone, from Monday to Friday between 10am - 12pm and 2pm - 4pm:

  • 01446 704681


Our website provides advice on the pre-application services we offer including links to relevant advice from Welsh Government on Permitted Development rights. However if you are unable to find the information you need, for any planning related enquiries, our Duty Planner may be in a position to help.


Please note: there are limits to the extent of information and advice we are able to provide over the phone. Officers will make a note of your enquiry and seek to guide you to the best available service.  



Tick Things we will be able to help with:
  • Overview of permitted development rights (available through Welsh Government) which allow small scale developments without requiring permission
  • Advice on which type of pre-application would be best suited to your prospective development
  • General process and timescales
  • Reports of unauthorised development
 Things we will NOT be able to help with:
  • Update on current planning applications – for updates on planning applications please contact the case officer, details of which will be available on the letter you have received
  • Formal confirmation as to whether planning permission is required (Please note a Certificate of Lawfulness application will be required)
  • Landownership / boundary queries / Party Wall issues
  • Consents that fall under other legislation


Enhanced Pre-Application 

For the majority of application types, this is the recommended way in which to receive pre-application advice. It includes an in-depth appraisal by Planning Officers with oversight from the Planning Team Leader. You will have the opportunity to meet with the case officer via a virtual meeting or at our offices/on-site (subject to additional fee) to discuss your proposals.


For planning proposals consultation with relevant internal stakeholders can also be undertaken and you will be provided with a written response setting out the key planning considerations including material considerations, level of information required to support your application, any potential Section 106 requirements and likely outcome based on the submission.


In addition to planning proposals, the team offer Heritage advice, as well as advice in connection with Advertisement Consent applications or other associated applications.

Statutory Pre-Application

This is a basic desktop appraisal of your proposal with a written response to your request. This type of pre-application is a statutory service operated across Wales with the fee fixed by Welsh Government. You will get a written letter in response that sets out key information in connection with your proposal including an initial assessment.


Please note: This form of pre-application does not involve consultation with other internal stakeholders, the views of which may be key to understanding acceptability. Furthermore, the Statutory service does not include the opportunity of a meeting with the case officer which can only be obtained through use of the "Enhanced Pre-Application service" set out above.

Planning Performance Agreement (PPA)

Where your proposals are potentially complex and of a major scale, or decisions on planning applications are required within a defined timeframe you may wish to consider entering into a PPA with the Local Planning Authority.


A PPA is essentially a project management tool that allows you and us to decide on relevant timescales, actions and resources for bespoke proposals agreed by both parties as part of the pre-application and/or application process. Whilst this process does not guarantee a successful outcome it provides certainty over the timeline of the pre-application, planning application with appropriate meeting points across the duration of the PPA. This can add certainty to the development timescales and additional resources can be utilised to deliver the outcome.

Other Services

We offer a range of other services outside of the above subject to a charge (see Fee Schedule for more information).

Submit your Pre-Application

Application Forms

Alongside the relevant plans and supporting information your pre-application will require completion of the appropriate form.


Please download the relevant form, complete the information and email to along with your relevant plans/supporting information and pay the associated fee.


Enhanced Pre-Application Form

Statutory Pre-Application Form 



Please download the Fee Schedule which sets out the fee associated with each service:


Fee Schedule


Pay your Pre-Application Fee

Fees can be paid online via the below button. Make sure you select Other Income from the Service List, then Planning, then Pre Application Fee.


Pay Online


You can also pay over the phone, by contacting our Call Centre on:

  • 01446 700111