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Do I Need Planning Permission?

Planning permission is required for all new building, engineering or mining works or where a material change of use is proposed to land or buildings unless the works are permitted development.

Permitted Development Rights

Not all development requires planning permission and under Permitted Development rights you are able to carry out works without the need for planning permission.


Permitted development rights set out the conditions and limitations which control extensions and alterations to your house and other works within the curtilage of your property such as erecting outbuildings and providing hard surfaces.


There are also Permitted Development rights cover non-householder developments. Please note that the Regulations are different in Wales and England so it is important that you consider the Welsh Regulations.

How to find out?

As a starting point, if you are looking to carry out works to your property, there are some helpful documents produced by Welsh Government which set out the type of works that can be undertaken without requiring planning permission.


You can find these documents on the Welsh Government website:


Permitted Development Rights for Householders

Planning Permission: Common Projects 


The Planning Portal offers further advice:


Planning Portal: Do you need planning permission?


Please note: The rights set out above do not apply to flats and maisonettes and in some instances permitted development rights are more restricted i.e. if your property is located in a Conservation Area or within an Article 4 Direction area. In addition some or all permitted development rights may also have been removed in the original grant of planning permission for the property, particularly if the property was built in the last 20 years.


Can I get written confirmation?

The Council is unable to offer informal, written advice on the need for planning permission, however, to gain confirmation as to whether or not development requires planning permission you may submit a Certificate of Lawfulness application.


The Certificate of Lawfulness application process will determine whether or not the works being proposed can be undertaken without the formal requirement for planning permission. The benefit of this is that it will give you comfort that the works did not require planning permission and this document may become useful should you decide to sell your property in the future.


To do this, please follow the link to the Planning Portal from the Make a Planning Application page.

Duty Planner

Whilst the only formal means to gain confirmation is through a Certificate of Lawfulness application, the Council offers a Duty Planner service to provide general, informal advice on planning matters.


This service is free and operates Monday to Friday between the hours of 10am and 12pm and 2pm and 4pm:

  • 01446 704681


For general queries, email: