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New Planning Policy Requirements

On 11 October 2023 Local Planning Authorities across Wales were informed by the Welsh Government of changes being introduced to Chapter 6 of Planning Policy Wales. These came into effect immediately at that time and can be summarised as follows:

  • Green Infrastructure: stronger emphasis on taking a proactive approach to green infrastructure covering cross boundary considerations, identifying key outputs of green infrastructure assessments, the submission of proportionate green infrastructure statements with planning applications and signposting Building with Nature standards.

  • Net Benefit for Biodiversity and the Step-wise Approach: further clarity is provided on securing net benefit for biodiversity through the application of the step-wise approach, including the acknowledgement of off-site compensation measures as a last resort, and, the need to consider enhancement and long-term management at each step. The use of the green infrastructure statement as a means of demonstrating the stepwise approach is made explicit.

  • Protection for Sites of Special Scientific Interest: strengthened approach to the protection of SSSIs, with increased clarity on the position for site management and exemptions for minor development necessary to maintain a ‘living landscape’. Other development is considered unacceptable as a matter of principle.

  • Trees and Woodlands: closer alignment with the stepwise approach, along with promoting new planting as part of development based on securing the right tree in the right place. At a minimum any tree felled must be replaced at a ratio of at least 3 trees of a similar type and size planted for every 1 lost.

The full Annexe can be found here:


Chapter 6 - Planning Policy Wales

More recently on 7 February 2024 the Welsh Government updated Planning Policy Wales embedding the above-mentioned change into the Policy document. This new version (Version 12) can be found on the Welsh Government website in full here:


Planning Policy Wales - February 2024 Update


The key policy change is the introduction of a requirement for all planning applications to contain a Green Infrastructure Statement. The relevant section of the revised Planning Policy Wales states:


6.2.12 A green infrastructure statement should be submitted with all planning applications. This will be proportionate to the scale and nature of the development proposed and will describe how green infrastructure has been incorporated into the proposal. In the case of minor development this will be a short description and should not be an onerous requirement for applicants. The green infrastructure statement will be an effective way of demonstrating positive multi‑functional outcomes which are appropriate to the site in question and must be used for demonstrating how the step‑wise approach (Paragraph 6.4.15) has been applied.

 Local Planning Authority Advice:


  • On the basis of the above all planning applications (regardless of scale of development but with the exception of the following application types) are now required to contain a Green Infrastructure Statement


       Applications that do not require a Green Infrastructure Statement*:

  • Advertisement Consent application
  • Listed Building Consent only application
  • Certificate of Lawfulness application
  • Prior Notification application 

Trees and Woodlands

The revised Planning Policy Wales places importance on trees, woodlands and hedgerows for biodiversity and for wider contribution to landscape character, culture, heritage, place, air quality, recreation and recognises that they play a vital role in tackling the climate emergency. Paragraph 6.4.37 states; “The importance of trees, in particular urban trees, in creating distinctive and natural places which deliver health and well-being benefits to communities, now and in the future should be promoted as part of plan making and decision taking”.


Paragraph 6.4.42 further states: “Permanent removal of trees, woodland and hedgerows will only be permitted where it would achieve significant and clearly defined public benefits”.


On this basis there will be an expectation that applications on sites with trees are supported with appropriate Tree Surveys and Landscaping information to inform Green Infrastructure Statements.

Green Infrastructure (1)What should my Green Infrastructure Statement contain?

Please note that there is no template introduced but as the Policy sets out the statement can be a short description proportionate to the scale and nature of the development proposed describing how green infrastructure has been incorporated into the proposal, this could be both in terms of the site itself and potential linkage to offsite Green Infrastructure.  


There is a pre-existing requirement for all planning applications to be supported with ‘ecological enhancement’ so in addition to Green Infrastructure you may wish to describe such enhancement within your Green Infrastructure Statement.

Pre-Application Advice

The Vale of Glamorgan Council continues to offer Pre-Application advice which we would encourage you to utilise before submitting a planning application.