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Local Lettings Policies

The aim of a Local Lettings Policy (LLP) is to ensure that housing developments in The Vale of Glamorgan’s Rural Communities are sustainable and integrate into the local community.


They prioritise applicants with strong links to the community in which they wish to live. It is the intention of the policy to ensure new residents wish to remain in the area and show a commitment to the locality in which they will live.



  • How are the Local Lettings Policies developed?


    The policies are developed by and agreed in partnership with the Vale of Glamorgan Council, the Housing Association and the Community Council who represent the residents of the community in which the properties are being developed.

  • How are properties with a Local Lettings Policy allocated?


    Properties with an LLP are allocated in a different way to properties available for bids through the Homes4U scheme. Applicants in the first instance are prioritised in line with the specific LLP. Applicants with the strongest connections to the community are given the highest priority. Applicants within the highest priority band are then prioritised in line with the Homes4u Policy.

  • How are properties with a Local Lettings Policy advertised? 


    Properties are advertised on the weekly Homes4u advert as Expressions of Interest. Applicants are invited to telephone us whilst the advert is open and give specific details in relation to the property in which they are interested.

  • What details need to be given when calling to express an interest? 

     Applicants will need to give their Homes4u registration number and details of the property in which they are interested. They will also need to provide full details of their closest connection to the area. Full details will need to be given at the time of the call such as address history, relatives full name and address, details of employment etc. These details cannot be given at a later date. It is advised that you read the LLP for the specific property in which you are interested and give full details relating to the highest priority category you think you have.
  • How is the connection to the area verified? 


    Should you be shortlisted for a property you will be called by a representative from the Vale of Glamorgan Council to check the accuracy of information. Once this is verified your details will be passed to the relevant Housing Association who will request legal documentary evidence of the connection stated. Acceptable documents include birth certificates to prove relationships, utility bills or electoral register checks for address’, contracts of employments or written confirmation from employers etc.

  • How long does a Local Lettings Policy remain in place? 


    The LLP remains in place for the lifetime of the property. All future re-let’s will be allocated in line with the LLP.

  • Where are the Local Lettings Policies for specific developments/properties? 


    All of our LLP’s can be found below and are listed by the ward in which the property lies.


You can contact the Rural Housing Enabler who will be happy to answer any questions you may have.


Nicola Biddiscombe, Rural Housing Enabler.

  • 01446 709476/07720 830673