AR at Porthkerry Country Park
Porthkerry Country Park has so much to see and do, and this app will allow you to bring parts of the park to life as you get out and explore.
- Meet Henry Ringham, whose company was brought in to repair the viaduct after it started to collapse
- Find out about the potions Ann Jenkin, the witch of Cliff Wood Cottage, made and the spells she may have cast.
- See Cwm Ciddy sawmill appear on top of its foundations and see how it was worked from the twin leated pond above it

The app has GPS triggered collectable trails which will allow you to explore the park, collecting virtual plants and animals along the way while you look out for the real ones.
You can collect myths and legends from around the park with the story trail and there’s a kids’ collectable trail around the meadow area too enabling them to collect facts about different animals while they run around. Once you’ve collected your AR characters, stories, fauna, flora, they will be saved into your collections library to read about whenever you like.
Porthkerry Country Park AR App by Jam Creative Studios was part funded by Barry Regeneration grant and Heritage Lottery Grant.