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Welsh Church Act Fund

The Welsh Church Act Fund is a charitable trust, independent of the Council.


The purpose is to make grants of a philanthropic nature for a wide-range of purposes such as:

  • Education: provision of benefits that are not readily available from other sources.
  • Relief in sickness: assistance where such help is not readily available from other sources.
  • Relief in need: assistance generally where there is need, hardship or distress.
  • Libraries, museums, art galleries, etc: advancing the appreciation of Welsh arts and literature in general.
  • Social and recreational facilities in general.
  • Medical and social research, treatment, etc.
  • Probation: Assistance to people on probation, or their families.
  • Assisting the Blind and Aged.
  • Places of worship and burial grounds: restoration and maintenance.
  • Emergencies or disaster relief.
  • Other charitable purposes, not inconsistent with the above.
  • Protection of historic buildings: promotion of interest in Welsh architecture, history and science in general, for the benefit of Welsh people.

Grants are made each year on a one-off basis.


  •  Are there funding priorities?
  •  What are the maximum / minimum grant levels?
  •  What is the timetable for applications?




Contact Information

Vale of Glamorgan

Miss. G H Jones, 
Accountancy Section, 
Directorate of Finance, ICT & Property, 
The Vale of Glamorgan Council, 

Civic Offices,

Holton Road,


CF63 4RU

  • 01446 709152 / Fax: 01446 701729


Robert Giddings, 
Housing Strategy, 
Cardiff Council, 
Willcox House, 
PO Box 335 

CF11 1FP


  • 029 2053 7484