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Raising Funding and Exploiting your IP

Thursday, 27 June 

  • 12.00pm - 1.00pm 

This unique workshop brings together world-leading advisors, innovation specialists, multinational corporations, and thought leaders. Participating businesses will gain insights into securing funding and investment while exploring new opportunities to drive their innovative solutions forward. Through practical examples, strategic discussions, and supporting materials, attendees will learn how to secure the necessary resources to advance their projects.

Morgan Sindall Construction logo for print CMYK

Vale of Glamorgan Meet the Buyer Event

Thursday, 11 July - Memo Arts Centre (The Glam)

  • 8.00am - 1.00pm 

Morgan Sindall Construction, in collaboration with the Vale of Glamorgan are looking to meet with local SME's, Micro Businesses, Sole Traders, Job Seekers and Social Enterprises to discuss tendering opportunities.


Find out more


Morgan Sindall Construction logo for print CMYK

Vale of Glamorgan Careers Fair Event 

Thursday, 11 July - Memo Arts Centre (Gallery/Oriel)

  • 9.00am - 1.00pm 

Morgan Sindall Construction and their Supply Chain, in collaboration with the Vale of Glamorgan are looking to meet with job seekers interested in working in the construction, public services industry and more. 


Find out more

Dr Sarah Gore - Headshot

Vale Start Up Club 

Monday, 15 July - Memo Arts Centre, CF62 8NA

  • 5.00pm - 7.00pm 

Join us for the Vale Start Up Club with our guest speaker Dr. Sarah Gore from Business Wales.  Our Spotlight business is the Milkshed, Penarth plus there will be an opportunity to network.


Get in Touch 

Should you still have questions after visiting the site, please email the economic development team for assistance.