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Council upgrades streetlights on Cliff Hill

The Vale of Glamorgan Council is installing temporary LED bulbs to streetlights along Cliff Hill in Penarth while others with the more traditional design are produced


  • Tuesday, 01 March 2022

    Vale of Glamorgan



A number of lights along this popular section of pavement accessing Penarth Esplanade have stopped working or become damaged so need to be replaced immediately for safety reasons.



In the short term, a more generic LED bulb and lantern have been fitted until more specialist ones are manufactured and fitted to match the existing ornamental columns.



The bespoke bulbs and lanterns will replicate the design of the existing lanterns and should be ready for installation in the next few months.

Cllr Peter King, Vale of Glamorgan Council Cabinet Member for Neighbourhood Services and Transport, said: “We have sourced specially-designed LED bulbs and lanterns in keeping with the distinct look and feel of these particular lighting columns.

“However, it will take time for these to be produced and adjustments might also need to be made to the columns before they are fitted.

“In the meantime, other standard LED bulbs and lanterns have already been fitted to these columns to make sure the area is adequately lit.

“Both these temporary and the permanent LED fittings are more energy efficient and environmentally friendly than more traditional bulbs. Using them further emphasises the Council’s Project Zero commitment, which aims to make the organisation carbon neutral by 2030.”