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Council Cabinet progresses plans for Penarth Older Persons Housing with Care Complex

A NEW residential complex for Penarth that will deliver affordable older persons’ homes has moved a step closer.


  • Tuesday, 01 March 2022

    Vale of Glamorgan


The Vale of Glamorgan Council’s Cabinet has agreed to lease Wales & West Housing (WWH) land for the facility and enter into a partnership agreement.


In a joint venture between the two organisations, land that is part of a 3.6-acre site near Myrtle Close in the town has been chosen for the development subject to planning permission.


It would be situated alongside Oak Court, an existing WWH older persons’ residential facility, and Tŷ Dewi Sant, a dementia-friendly care home operated by the Council.


Together, they will help create a community environment containing housing, social care and also create an opportunity for on-site health provision subject to ongoing discussions with the local Health Board.


The Council would be responsible for delivering the older persons’ independent living component of the scheme, with WWH building an Extra Care residential block.

Cllr Margaret Wilkinson, Vale of Glamorgan Council Cabinet Member for Housing and Building Services, said: “This project promises to be a fine example of what can be achieved by agencies working in partnership.


“A modern, state-of-the-art development, this complex will provide high-quality accommodation for older members of our community.


“Locating it near existing older persons’ provision will also perform an important social function by helping to create a community feel, adding to the quality of life for those that live there."

Shayne Hembrow, Deputy Chief Executive of Wales & West Housing Group, said: “This is great step forward for the project. We’re looking forward to working in partnership with the Vale of Glamorgan Council on this important development for older people in the Penarth area.


“As part of the development we’ll be seeking planning permission to build 70 modern, high-quality apartments where older people can live independently but feel safe in the knowledge they will have care, support and health facilities on their doorstep.”