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Barry Railway Depot to house environmentally friendly trains

The Vale of Glamorgan Council is working with Transport for Wales (TfW) on a multi-million-pound project that will see a fleet of environmentally friendly trains housed at Barry Railway Depot.


  • Friday, 18 March 2022

    Vale of Glamorgan

Nearby land will also be used for the scheme, which involves storing a new consignment of trains that can be powered by battery, diesel or overhead power cable.

The trains are set to operate on the Core Valley Lines services, routes that will undergo a major upgrade as part of Cardiff Capital Region’s investment in the South Wales Metro project.

TfW has agreed to purchase buildings and land from the Council ahead of the new trains’ arrival this summer.

Cllr Lis Burnett, Vale of Glamorgan Council Cabinet Member for Education and Regeneration, said: “The Council is pleased to be working with Transport for Wales on this project, one that will transform Barry Railway Depot and neighbouring land into an important facility for this area’s rail network.

“It will form a key part of plans to modernise rail services in South Wales and helps address the issue of climate change as the trains are environmentally friendly.

“Supporting green initiatives is important to the Council and aligns with our Project Zero commitment, which aims to make the organisation carbon neutral by 2030.” 

A Transport for Wales spokesperson said:
“It is our intention to acquire this land to establish Barry Rail depot as an important strategic asset. The depot will be used for our brand-new train fleet which will serve the Wales and Borders network.”