Council’s Strong Communities Grant Fund exceeds £1 million
The Vale of Glamorgan Council’s Strong Communities Grant Fund has awarded grants of over £1 million since its launch in 2017
An update on the fund, which helps community groups, the voluntary sector and town and community councils with schemes that benefit their local area, was delivered to the Council’s Cabinet today.
It revealed that grants totalling £1.15 million have been awarded to 120 projects across the County and that this annual fund, set to run until 2025, will reopen in July.
In total, Projects totalling £3.6 million have so far been competed, all of which support the Council’s vision of Strong Communities with a Bright Future.
This has been possible thanks to contributions from both Natural Resources Wales and the Waterloo Foundation into the scheme.
A maximum grant of £25,000 is available and there is no minimum amount.
Some of the projects supported include the upgrading of sports and community facilities, the purchase of equipment or covering the costs of training for volunteers.
In 2020, £50,000 was allocated to the Vale Heroes Fund, which went towards 23 initiatives aimed at helping those worst hit by the pandemic.
It was able to rapidly deploy funding for Covid-19 support groups, PPE for care homes and wifi-enabled tablets, helping keep people connected during a time when so many people felt isolated.
There is also a focus on supporting initiatives that align with the Council’s Project Zero commitment to become carbon neutral by 2030.
Cllr Bronwen Brooks, Deputy Leader and Cabinet Member for Sustainable Places, said: “The Council is proud to have supported so many worthwhile ventures since the Strong Communities Grant Fund began five years ago, with many more in the process of being completed.
“The concept of helping to deliver community projects took on new meaning during the pandemic when local areas came together to support each other through a difficult and often lonely time.
“And, while many community facilities were forced to close, this also offered the opportunity to develop ambitious plans for growth, and we are seeing many of those now coming to fruition.
“Looking forward, there will be increased emphasis on green initiatives, those that compliment Project Zero, the Council’s plan to significantly reduce our carbon output.”