Council secures funding to protect Sully homes from flooding
Twenty-two properties in Sully are set to undergo flood protection work after the Vale of Glamorgan Council secured almost £150,000 of Welsh Government funding.
Most of the homes were affected by the flooding that hit parts of South Wales just before Christmas, while several others have been identified as being at risk of suffering similar damage in the future.
Four of the properties are on Conybeare Road, with the remainder located on Winsford Rd, Highbridge Close, Swanbridge Grove and Swanbridge Road.
Specialist contractors will undertake surveys of the properties affected over the summer and the resultant flood protection works will be completed later in the financial year.
Flood doors are to be installed along with a range of other physical measures to prevent flood water entry based on the outcomes of the surveys.
Detailed investigations in relation to the causes of the flooding and any possible measures that could be introduced to reduce future flood risk in the overall area are ongoing.
In the shorter term, this work will provide an additional level of protection against the risk of future internal property flooding and hopefully greater assurance to those at risk of flooding.
Cllr Bob Penrose, Vale of Glamorgan Council Ward Member for Sully, said: “The flooding of certain properties in Sully at the end of last year brought with it serious trauma for those involved.
“Seeing your home engulfed in water and the damage that causes is hugely upsetting and those affected have my deepest sympathy.”
Cllr Kevin Mahoney, Vale of Glamorgan Council Ward Member for Sully, said:“As a Council, we must make sure we do all we can to minimise the risk of such an awful event happening again.
“I’m delighted that we have been able to secure this funding. It is a significant sum that will go towards installing important defences that should protect these properties in the future.”