Digital Eyes Trained on Problem Parkers
A Civil Parking Enforcement Camera Car will soon be patrolling the streets of the Vale of Glamorgan to assist the Council’s Enforcement Officers in dealing with dangerous parking.
This is to assist with enforcement around problematic areas, such as outside of schools, bus stops and other locations where short-term parking is prohibited.
Currently Civil Parking Enforcement Officers find it very difficult to enforce appropriate parking at schools on foot.
Parking on Zigzags and offending at schools tends to cease when an officer has a visible presence, and where such offending continues, officers are often unable to issue a Penalty Charge Notice in the very short time it takes a parent to let a child out the car.
In addition to parking issues, there are a number of established school crossing patrol sites, which could be patrolled by a mobile enforcement vehicle with the aim of further improving safety in the areas.
Cllr Peter King, Cabinet Member for Neighbourhood Services and Transport, said:
“Schools regularly report dangerous parking to the Council’s Neighbourhood Services and Transport team. Although, the majority of Vale residents are careful and considerate when parking, there are a minority who cause problems, particularly around schools and town centres. It is hoped, therefore, that the introduction of a camera car to these areas will be welcomed.
“Elsewhere taxi bays and bus stops areas are also often used for an “immediate drop off” and it is anticipated that a mobile enforcement vehicle, with instant evidence gathering will be invaluable to deter and enforce against these dangerous drop off locations.”
The Council’s Neighbourhood Services department were allocated £70,000 of funding as part of the 2019/20 Capital Programme for the provision of a bespoke vehicle for the enforcement of parking contraventions. A significant part of this funding will cover the licence and specialist equipment costs.
The Council has previously used a ‘Park Tidy’ campaign to encourage safe and lawful parking. It is anticipated that the use of a camera car will act as a further deterrent for dangerous parking and drop-off habits.
The Council will shortly run a social media campaign to invite suggestions for the name of the vehicle. Suggestions from school children are particularly welcome, as one of the key aims of the vehicle is to improve safety outside the Vale of Glamorgan’s schools.