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Council support continues after shielding

THE Vale of Glamorgan Council has written to residents that have been shielding to advise them of the ongoing support available now that this period has ended.


  • Wednesday, 19 August 2020

    Vale of Glamorgan

Welsh Government’s Chief Medical Officer (CMO) has sent letters to those designated as vulnerable and previously told to stay at home stating the shielding period has been paused.
However, shielding arrangements could be reintroduced if the number of Civid-19 cases within a community rises significantly.
This week has seen the last delivery of Welsh Government food boxes to those residents who have chosen to receive these in recent months.
If those previously shielding are not able to visit the supermarket or pharmacy themselves and friends or family cannot assist, information on voluntary organisations that can help is available on the Council’s Vale Heroes directory.


Vale Heroes Directory
This assistance scheme has been put together as part of the Council’s continuing partnership with Glamorgan Voluntary Services.
The directory also contains information to support people’s well-being, while the Council’s Crisis support team is another service that offers help in this area and can be contacted on 01446 729592.
The Council is also currently offering free installation of Telecare, an emergency alarm service, for those that require it.  For more information and to register for updates on support services call 01446 700111 or email

Cllr Neil Moore, Leader of the Vale of Glamorgan Council, said: “Now that the shielding period has been paused, some of the provision made available by Welsh Government to those who were asked to shield and remain in their homes will also stop.
“However, I want residents to know that the Council will continue to offer a range of support to those individuals who remain vulnerable and without a support network.
“Our Vale Heroes directory contains information on a host of available assistance. There are also a number of other services on offer and I am pleased to confirm that we remain committed to supporting the most vulnerable within our communities.”