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New Political Leadership Appointed for Vale of Glamorgan

Cllr Neil Moore has been appointed as the Leader of the Vale of Glamorgan Council following a vote at the local authority’s Annual Meeting on 20 May 2019.

  • Wednesday, 22 May 2019

    Vale of Glamorgan


A new Cabinet was subsequently appointed by the Leader, which is as follows:

  • Deputy Leader and Cabinet Member for Education and Regeneration, Cllr Lis Burnett
  • Cabinet Member for Housing and Building Services, Cllr Margaret Wilkinson
  • Cabinet Member for Neighbourhood Services and Transport, Cllr Peter King
  • Cabinet Member for Social Care and Health, Cllr Ben Gray
  • Cabinet Member for Leisure, Arts and Culture, Cllr Kathryn McCaffer
  • Cabinet Member for Legal, Regulatory and Planning Services, Cllr Edward Williams


Cllr Neil Moore


Cllr Moore said: “I am very proud to lead an administration with a Cabinet that is fully representative of the people of the Vale and which is both gender and geographically balanced.


“Our priorities are simple. We want to protect local people and services from the impact of austerity and ensure that no area of the Vale is left behind.


“While doing this we will strive to increase engagement with local people to ensure they have a real say in the future of their communities and the services the Council delivers.”

 Cabinet May 2019

New chairmen for four of the Council’s five scrutiny committees were also appointed at the meeting. These are as follows:


  • Corporate Performance and Resources, Cllr Mark Wilson

  • Environment and Regeneration, Cllr Bronwen Brooks

  • Healthy Living and Social Care, Cllr Rachel Nugent-Finn,

  • Learning and Culture, Cllr Gordon Kemp.


A chairman for the Homes and Safe Communities Scrutiny Committee will be appointed at the next meeting of the committee.


A full list of chairmen and vice chairmen for the quasi-judicial committees and local authority champions will be published later this week.