Children Services Jobs
Now is a really exciting time to join the Vale of Glamorgan Council. Make a change you won’t regret; join Social Services in the Vale of Glamorgan.
We have learnt a lot from the experiences of the last two years which have challenged Children's Social Services to do things differently as we have managed the evolving nature of the pandemic. We are using this learning to inform our preferred operating model going forward and see our workforce and those we support being central to this.

Care Inspectorate Wales’ most recent inspection of Children Services in the Vale of Glamorgan found - “an Authority with motivated frontline staff who report job satisfaction, good provision of training and good management support at all levels including regular supervision.”
We have a dedicated workforce, skilled and experienced managers and increasing levels of service user engagement which are positively informing how we do things, delivering a service model that is brave and creative at the same time as being safe and effective.
We have always been ambitious and are developing our services to enhance our ability to enable children, young people and families to be at the heart of everything we do, and practice in an innovative and progressive way.
To enable you to be the practitioner you want to be, we need to get the basics right and we are concentrating on building our service to develop strengths-based approaches, with a consistent framework and shared language that means everybody involved with a child, young person and their family knows exactly what the work is trying to achieve. We recognise our workforce as partners and experts in the development of our service. As a permanent member of staff, you will have the opportunity to become involved in our service development in a range of areas depending on your interest. We work ‘with’ not ‘to’ our workforce, mirroring our systemic approach to practice.
Reassuringly, Care Inspectorate Wales’ most recent inspection of Children’s Services in the Vale of Glamorgan found an Authority with motivated frontline staff who report job satisfaction, good provision of training and good management support at all levels including regular supervision. We are an Authority where Children and Young People Services benefits from strong and committed corporate support and we have excellent relationships with partners. This environment ensures that children are central to the work we do, and our staff are valued for the contribution they make. We do not take this for granted and are committed to retaining and developing these positives.
Our service structure is resourced to deliver on outcomes and we have received further investment in response to increased demand. This reflects a service that knows and can articulate its business, is respected for its expertise and supported by its Council to deliver high quality services to children and families in the Vale of Glamorgan. We value the contribution each member of our workforce makes and are committed to achieving a social work service that is both enjoyable to work for and effective in its delivery.
If this inspires you to want to make a difference and be part of our journey here in the Vale of Glamorgan, I look forward to hearing from you.
Rachel Evans
Head of Children and Young People Services
Salary and Benefits
We recognise that our greatest asset is our workforce. Our pay is competitive, and we enable salary progression through our Social Work Career Progression Framework.
Competitive Pay
The following salaries are per annum for 2022/23, based on working 37 hours per week (pro rata if part time):
- Social Worker:
£32,909 – £41,496
- Practitioner Manager:
£42,503 – £45,495
- Team Manager: £46,549 – £49,950
- To support recruitment and retention into our Intake and Family Support and Care Planning and Proceedings Teams we pay an annual enhancement of £5,000 to the Social Workers and Managers in those Teams.
Help with the cost of relocating
We offer relocation assistance of up to £8,000, to help you move to the Vale of Glamorgan (subject to eligibility).This covers specific removal and relocation costs, which can include removals; lodging or travelling allowance; disconnecting and reconnecting utilities; and certain professional fees (e.g. estate agents and solicitors).
"I relocated to the Vale because I wanted to work for a smaller authority, I had worked for big cities before and wanted an opportunity to work somewhere where I could build relationships with the people I was working with, both professionals and service users." - Amanda, Team Manager
To enable you to be the practitioner you want to be, we are concentrating on building our service to develop strengths-based approaches, with a consistent framework and shared language that means everybody involved with a child, young person and their family knows exactly what the work is trying to achieve.
We recognise our workforce as partners and experts in the development of our service.
As a permanent member of staff, you will have the opportunity to become involved in our service development in a range of areas depending on your interest.
No vacancies?
Contact us at any time to express an interest.
Please note: You need to be currently qualified as a Social Worker.
Lucy Treby, Service Development Officer