Revenue raised from the Council Tax Premium
In 2023/24 there were 807 Long Term Empty Homes and 489 Properties classified as Second Homes.
In accordance with the Empty Homes Policy 572 Properties were charged a premium in 2023/24.
The total amount billed in 2023/24 was £660k.
Implementation of the premium has enabled additional resources to support housing to be included in the Council’s budget:
The Council will use the revenue from the Council Tax Premium to support the prevention of homelessness, tackling poverty, and projects that ensure our communities are sustainable.
The sums raised from the Council Tax Premium are not required to be ring fenced, however the additional revenue is available and used to support the policy intention to:
• prevent homelessness
• additional funded to support work by the Shared Regulatory Services to support empty homes.
• increase affordable homes and bringing long term empty properties back into use
• works to ensure communities are sustainable
Spending is not limited to housing, but to teams that, for example, support early intervention, and supporting vulnerable families.