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Social Services Consultations

We consult with individuals and groups in the Vale of Glamorgan community and aim to use this information to inform development of future policies and services.


Several local and regional partnerships have been set up - as well as various forums - to let members of the public and other organisations have a say in the way services are provided and developed.


Social Services Quality Assurance

Quality Assurance in Social Services incorporates three elements:

  • Service User and Carer Satisfaction
  • Case file auditing
  • Development and Review of Departmental Policies, Procedures and Guidance


SSIA - Working together to improve Welsh social care

A joint enterprise between the Welsh Assembly Government, the Welsh Local Government Association and the Association of Directors of Social Services Cymru, SSIA is working with councils and partner agencies throughout Wales to improve service outcomes and efficiency across the range of social care services, driving radical change in the way services are planned and delivered.


Current programmes, delivered in close partnership with a variety of stakeholders, include developing new models of service for older people, supporting effective collaboration between agencies and an innovative national development programme for middle managers.


  • Demonstrating improvement through reablement
  • Annual Council Reporting Framework
  • National Social Work Team Manager Development Programme
  • Strategic Leadership for Collaboration
  • Improving Assessment and Care Management in Adults’ Services
  • Safeguarding – Adults and Children’s Services
  • Information on our new work programme ‘Achieving greater efficiency in services for older people in Wales’


SSIA website






Laura Eddins, Policy and Quality Assurance Officer: