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Support for Ukraine

This page contains information on how you can help those affected by the war in Ukraine. Welsh Government Guidance can be found on: 


Weekly drop-in sessions for Ukrainian Nationals

 Щотижневі зустрічі для українців


Ukrainian Drop In: General Information and Advice alongside Vale Communities for Work Team

  • Barry Library, 160 Kings Square, Barry, CF63 4RW.


Every Thursday 9.30-12.30pm Barry Library, 160 Kings Square, Barry, CF63 4RW.

Щочетверга о 09:30-12:30 в бібліотеці міста Баррі, за адресою 160 Kings Square, Barry, CF63 4RW.


  • Language support is available at all drop in sessions
  • If you are unable to attend any of the sessions and need support from the team please contact us on  and we will arrange a convenient time and place to meet you or a phone call as soon as possible
  • Please note that we are continually assessing the availability and location of the drop in sessions in order to meet the needs of the Ukrainian Nationals settling in the Vale of Glamorgan. This webpage will be updated as soon as possible if there are any changes



  • Мовна підтримка доступна під час усіх зустрічей
  • Якщо ви не можете відвідати жодну із зустрічей і потребуєте підтримки з боку команди, будь ласка, зв’яжіться з нами за електронною адресою і ми якомога швидше домовимося про зручний час і місце для зустрічі з вами або зателефонуємо
  • Будь ласка, зверніть увагу, що ми постійно перевіряємо час і місце проведення зустрічей, щоб надати підтримки громадян України, які поселяються в долині Гламорган. Ця веб-сторінка буде оновлена якнайшвидше, якщо будуть будь-які зміни

Please contact the Ukrainian Support Team for any additional questions or advice at


Homes for Ukraine Scheme

If you want to offer a home to people fleeing Ukraine, you can become a sponsor as part of the Homes for Ukraine scheme. 


Anyone in the UK with a spare room or home can register to become a sponsor, as long as:

  • You pass the sponsor checks required by UK and Welsh Government

  • You can offer accomodation for at least 6 months

  • If you're not a British citizen, you have leave to remain in the UK for at least 6 months

  • Vale of Glamorgan Council Homes for Ukraine Privacy Notice

    This privacy notice explains how the Vale of Glamorgan Council (as a Data Controller) will collect, use and protect personal data specifically with regards to the Homes for Ukraine Sponsorship Scheme.​


    In order to provide support to Ukrainian citizens fleeing the conflict in Ukraine, the Vale of Glamorgan Council and our local public sector partners will be processing the personal identifiable data of people fleeing the war in Ukraine as well as those who are sponsoring them to come to the UK.


    The data will be collected from multiple sources, including UK Government departments, and directly from individuals. We will only collect the information that is necessary to support Ukrainian citizens being sponsored to come to the Vale of Glamorgan either by Welsh Government or by other individuals and organisations in the UK.


    The Vale of Glamorgan Council will be the data controller for the personal data it collects, and any personal data which is shared with us by UK Government departments and Welsh Government.


    We will process this data in pursuance of our public task and the official authority vested in us. Where the information amounts to special category data, we will process it in the substantial public interest of protecting vulnerable people.


    The data will be processed to support Ukrainian citizens during the arrival process and for the duration of any sponsorship arrangements in the Vale of Glamorgan. The data will also be used to assess the suitability of and support hosts under the Homes for Ukraine Scheme.


    We will only share personal data insofar as it is necessary to support Ukrainian citizens, hosts under the Homes for Ukraine Scheme or where we are required to by law.  This may include sharing information with Education, the NHS and third parties when required.


    Personal data provided to the Vale of Glamorgan Council is stored on secure servers.


    Personal, identifiable data shared with our public sector and other partners will only be transferred using accredited secure data transfer systems. Only data absolutely necessary for the delivery of support to Ukrainian citizens will be shared.


    Personal identifiable data held by the Vale of Glamorgan Council will be retained for the duration of the sponsorship scheme, and for a period of at least six months afterwards. Data may be retained for longer periods, including by our public sector partners, where there is a statutory obligation or ongoing requirement to do so. The data will be securely destroyed once it is determined that it is no longer required.


    The Council already holds data on sponsors and those who have received a visa under the Homes for Ukraine Sponsorship Scheme, who are due to reside within our area. 


    We may, in this current crisis, need to ask you for personal data including sensitive personal data that you have not already supplied - for example, your age or if you have any underlying illnesses or are vulnerable.  This is so the Council can assist you and ensure that you receive the support you need to live in the community.


    You can view the Council’s main Privacy Notice which contains more information on how we collect, use and protect personal data generally, as well as your rights as a data subject.​​


    Sponsors and arriving Ukrainian nationals 


    Personal data is being collected to assess and provide support to adults, children and young people arriving in the Vale of Glamorgan who may need support and assistance from Council services.


    Assess and provide support for staff

    Personal data is being collected to enable the Council to identify any necessary support for families or individuals arriving under the Homes for Ukraine scheme.  


    What is the legal basis for our use of your personal information?

    Most ​of the personal information we process is provided to us directly by you, under the UK General Data Protection Regulation (UK GDPR).


    The lawful bases we rely on for collecting and using your personal information are:

    • ​UK GDPR Article 6 (d) we need to protect your vital interests
    • UK GDPR Article 6 (e) we need it to perform a public task


    Your rights 


    Under data protection law, you have rights including:​


    • Y​our right of access - You have the right to ask us for copies of your personal information.
    • Your right to rectification - You have the right to ask us to rectify information you think is inaccurate. You also have the right to ask us to complete information you think is incomplete.
    • Your right to restriction of processing - You have the right to ask us to restrict the processing of your information in certain circumstances.
    • Your right to object to processing - You have the right to object to the processing of your personal data in certain circumstances.
    • You are not required to pay any charge for exercising your rights. If you make a request, we have one month to respond to you. 


    Who to contact if you have concerns about how your data is being processed 


    You can contact the Vale of Glamorgan’s Council’s Data Protection Team or directly contact the Vale of Glamorgan’s Council's Data Protection Officer:



    By post: Data Protection Officer, Civic Offices, Holton Road, Barry, CF63 4RU


    You also have the right to complain to the Information Commissioner’s Office using the following details:

    ​By post: The Information Commissioner's Office, Wycliffe House, Water Lane, Wilmslow, Cheshire, SK9 5AF

    Telephone: 0330 414 6421


    Further advice and guidance from the ICO on this issue can be found on the ICO Website.​​​​​​​​​​​​​



‘Thank you’ payments for hosts/sponsors


Hosts are eligible for a £500 thank you payment for the first 12 months that their guests are resident in the UK. After 12 months the thank you payments will decrease to £350 a month. Payments are limited to one per residential address and will be made a month in arrears following the completion of the required checks for hosts.


Please complete the ‘thank you’ payment form below and return it to:


You should complete the form as thoroughly as possible, including the date that your guests arrived and the date they left if applicable. You must email us to let us know if your guests leave your accommodation as soon as possible to avoid any overpayments. Any overpayments will need to be repaid.



Frequently Asked Questions for hosts

The Vale of Glamorgan Council would like to thank you for committing to sponsor a Ukrainian National in your home. Please read our frequently asked questions about how the Homes for Ukraine hosting scheme will work and some of the things to expect.


  • What is the difference between a sponsor and a host?

    In the Homes for Ukraine scheme, we refer to those welcoming Ukrainians into their homes as ‘hosts’ or ‘sponsors.’ This is of course because you are hosting someone in your home or a second property, but you are also named as their sponsor on their visa application to the UK – you may see these terms used interchangeably as they mean the same thing.


    If you have been matched with someone who has arrived into the UK but you have not been involved in the sponsorship of their visa, then you would be considered a ‘host’ not a ‘sponsor.'

  • What checks need to take place before a guest arrives?

    The Vale of Glamorgan Council will contact you to undertake a housing inspection. The inspection will be carried out by the Vale of Glamorgan’s Shared Regulatory Service (SRS) and will be a lower-level inspection than the inspections carried out on private rented accommodation.

    If you are hosting within your own home, the council is required to undertake a basic Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) check for all persons aged sixteen plus in the sponsor household. You should consider any adult children who may return to the home for periods of time, for example children returning from university or working abroad, as they may also need to undergo a DBS check. In cases where the incoming arrivals include children and/or vulnerable adults, an enhanced DBS check will be required for each adult in the sponsor household. You should inform the local authority if a new adult moves in when the people you are hosting are still staying with you so that a DBS check can also be conducted on them. In cases where guests are being accommodated in a separate property to your own a DBS check will still be necessary.


    We are unable to give a specific timeframe for DBS results as this varies from person to person. However, it is important that you provide your identification documents (ID) as soon as possible in order that we can verify your identity and progress your application as quickly as possible.

    The Council can only administer the “thank you” payments to sponsors once the checks are complete and we are content that the sponsor meets the suitability requirements of the scheme.

  • Is there any sponsor/host training available and how can I prepare for a guest’s arrival?

    Hosting another person/s in your home is a huge commitment and it is important that you feel as prepared as possible for their arrival. 


    Welsh Government have produced a guide for sponsors which offers practical advice and helpful links on how best you can support the person or family you are hosting. This guide also includes a link to online safeguarding training that is free to access. We encourage you to take time to go through this training.


    Housing Justice Cymru offer advice and guidance about hosting under the Homes for Ukraine scheme as well as training sessions and support workshops. Further information can be found on the Housing Justice Host Support Hub and we encourage you to attend these sessions in order to get a better insight into the role of a host. They also run a host support helpline 01654 550 550 which operates 9am – 8pm Monday to Friday and 9am – 12pm on weekends.


    RESET offer a very useful hosting toolkit to help you consider important aspects of hosting such as preparing your property, appropriate boundaries, safeguarding and planning for the end of your support.


    The Sanctuary Foundation offers a free online training course which introduces refugee safety, wellbeing and support as well as webinars covering specific topics such working with vulnerable families and children. All these resources can be found on the Sanctuary Foundation website.  


    You can also contact the Ukrainian Support Team on  for any support or advice in relation to the hosting scheme or call in to one of our regular drops in, days and times can be found on our Support for Ukraine hub. 

  • What if the person I am sponsoring wants to bring their pet to the UK?

    Please think carefully about whether you would be happy to welcome a guest’s pet into your home and how they would fit into your household. Any pet travelling to the UK must meet strict health requirements and may be required to quarantine in an authorised facility for up to 4 months. The guidance for Wales differs from guidance for England and Scotland. 


    More information is available on Welsh Government’s website regarding the rules on bringing pets into Wales from Ukraine.


    Before you agree to sponsor someone with pets, please bear in mind that when the time comes for guest/s to move on from your home it may be challenging for them to find accommodation, for example private rental or another hosting arrangement, that will accept pets.  

  • What level of support will I need to provide to a guest?  

    Some hosts may have more time than others to offer support to their guest/s with the practical tasks they need to undertake after they arrive, such as registering with a GP, opening a bank account, and applying for Universal Credit. Before your guest/s arrival a member of the Ukrainian support team will contact you to discuss the practical tasks that need to be undertaken and what levels of support you can and/or would like to offer. This will help inform a support plan for your guest/s to facilitate the settling in process and integration into their new community. The support team run regular drop ins with language support available which guests and hosts are welcome to attend at any time. Drop-in times can be found on our Support for Ukraine Hub

  • How can I apply for the monthly “thank you” payments?

    The Vale of Glamorgan council administers the “thank you” payments on behalf of UK Government. A link to the application form for the thank you payments can be found on the Council’s ‘Support for Ukraine’ webpage.


    The Council can only administer the “thank you” payments to sponsors/hosts once the required checks are complete and we are content that a sponsor meets the suitability requirements of the scheme. They will be paid a month in arrears directly into your bank account.


    “Thank you” payments can be paid for a maximum of two years from the date the Ukrainian National arrived into the UK and entered a hosting arrangement.


    If you are receiving single occupancy discount on your council tax bill, receipt of “thank you” payments will not affect this. The UK government is ensuring “thank you” payments do not affect benefit entitlement and will remain tax-free.

  • What if I have safeguarding concerns in relation to my guest/s?

    Local authority social services and the Police have the main responsibility for responding when anyone is concerned that they or someone else is at risk of harm, abuse, or neglect. However, they need someone to let them know (report) a safeguarding concern before they can help. You may see or hear something that makes you worried that the person or family you are hosting are at risk of harm, abuse, or neglect. Abuse can come in many forms, including physical, emotional, sexual, and financial. This could be a worry about the way they treat their children or relatives or the way someone else is treating them.  


    You might also see or hear something that makes you worried that your children, relatives, or someone else is at risk because of the behaviour of the person or family you are hosting. The person or family you are hosting from Ukraine may also ask for your help in reporting a safeguarding concern.


    Asking for help is the right thing to do. Whether you are worried about a child from Ukraine or adult, or about yourself, your family or someone in the community.


    It is important to share these concerns as soon as you can. If you are worried that someone is at immediate risk of harm, for example if a child or adult from Ukraine goes missing, then you should telephone the Police on 999.


    Your local authority will provide you with information about how to contact your local social services if you are worried that someone may be at risk of harm, abuse, or neglect. You can also find information on your local authority website by searching for the name of your local authority followed by ‘reporting a child at risk’ or ‘reporting an adult at risk.’


    Online training is available that is free to access and can help you to understand more about safeguarding. We encourage you to take time to go through this training by visiting the Learning@Wales website.

  • What else should I consider during the post arrival / settling in period? 

    You may have already established some ground rules within your own family such as etiquette around what you wear around the house, using bathrooms, privacy, confidentiality, people who regularly visit your home and smoking etc. It is important to have these conversations with your guest/s at the earliest opportunity so you can all be clear on your boundaries and how you will live in the same property harmoniously. 


    Additional things to consider which will assist your guests/s with settling in and orientation are:

    - Sharing your WIFI code with them

    - Describe how to use the oven, dishwasher, washing machine, and rubbish disposal, including recycling

    - Show them where carbon monoxide detectors are located and explain what to do if they hear carbon monoxide alarms. Show them fire exit routes and where the front and back door keys are kept so they can let themselves out in case of an emergency.

    - Explain how to use 999 and 101

    - Show them how to navigate the sanctuary website to learn about Wales, their rights, and entitlements as well as local systems and processes

    -Show them the Vale of Glamorgan council’s Support for Ukraine webpage so they can find out about local support available to them

    - Point them in the direction of the nearest large supermarket, bus stop, train station, post office, post box, library, pharmacy and police station


    You can use useful language apps such as ‘Google Translate’ or ‘sayhi’ to assist with communication if your guests do not speak very much English.


    Please contact the Ukrainian Support team if you need any assistance with interpretation or translation. 

  • How will my guests be financially supported?

    Your guest/s are eligible for an interim payment of £200 for subsistence costs while they await their first payment of Universal Credit and look for employment. The Vale of Glamorgan Council will administer this payment. The £200 does not need to be paid back and belongs to the arriving Ukrainian so should not be requested by the sponsor/host.


    This payment can be collected from the cashiers’ desk in the reception of the Civic Offices, Holton Road, Barry, CF63 4RU on a Tuesday or a Thursday between 10am-2pm. Your guest will need to bring along photo ID such as their Ukrainian passport or visa.


    If possible, please notify the team on of the day your guest/s intends to come to collect their £200 so that cashiers can be notified in advance. 

  • Should I give or receive money from my guest?

    It is important that hosts neither accept money from their guests, nor sign anything that could be construed as a tenancy agreement. This is for the protection of both guests and hosts. Guests do not have a right to stay in a host’s home but if a host accepts money or signs anything suggesting there is a tenancy arrangement and the correct procedures have not been followed this could cause serious problems. It is important that hosts are not expecting rent or services from their guests in return for their room. This is also important to ensure the proper boundaries between guest and host remain in place. A guest who is earning may want to contribute and doing some household shopping, for example, may be wholly appropriate.


    If you intend to share the “thank you” payment you receive with your guest, please bear in mind that this may affect their benefit entitlement. We advise that you discuss this with the Ukrainian Support team in advance.

  • How do my guests get their Biometric Residence Permit (BRP)? 

    The process for obtaining a Biometric Residence Permit depends on whether your guest/s have provided biometrics (fingerprints and photograph) before travelling to the UK.


    If they have not already given their biometrics at a visa application centre before travelling to the UK, they will need to apply to extend their permission to be in the UK by completing the relevant application form. After completing the Ukraine Scheme Status in the UK form they will be asked to book an appointment at a UK visa application centre to provide biometrics. At this appointment they will be asked to show their passport or travel document as proof of ID. Children aged under 18 must be accompanied by a ‘Responsible Adult’, who must also show ID. Unless this adult is a parent or legal guardian who is named on the child’s vignette sticker (in their passport or travel document) and is collecting their own BRP at the same time, they must be nominated here.


    Biometrics must be provided within six months of entry into the UK. Please note that visa application centres may be fully booked for several weeks so it is important not to leave this too late.


    If your guest/s attended a visa application centre to give their biometrics prior to travelling to the UK, they should collect their BRP from the location stated on their “BRP decision letter.”


    If your guest/s is facing any issues in relation to the BRP please contact us on so we can try to assist. 

  • Will my guest/s need a UK Sim card?

    Yes, your guest/s will need to get a UK sim card soon after they arrive, and these are available from local phone shop and in some supermarkets. At the time of writing the British Red Cross were offering free sim cards to new Ukrainian arrivals in the UK. Further information about how to apply for a free sim card can be found on Link International’s website.

  • Will my guests need a UK bank account?

    Yes, it is important that your guest/s open a bank account as soon as possible. It would be useful to let them know that there are a range of banks they can choose from, including online-only providers. To open a bank account your guest/s will usually need to show a form of identification such as a passport or a driver’s licence or a recognised identity card as well as proof of address. Further information on how to open a bank account is available on the Welsh Government Sanctuary website.

  • How do my guests apply for UC?

    Your guest/s will need a UK bank account to apply for Universal Credit.


    An application for Universal Credit can be started online on the UK Government website


    Many people have found that it is easiest, when asked to provide proof of identity, to tick the box saying, “I cannot do this online.” This will trigger an appointment at your local Job Centre where you will have to provide documents. ID documents accepted include a Ukrainian international passport with entry stamp, a BRP, and a full or provisional Ukrainian photo driving licence. They are likely also to be asked to prove their address in the UK – the easiest way to do this is by showing a GP registration letter or a UK bank statement.


    A Universal Credit application can be started without a National Insurance number; however, this will be required before they can receive payments. This number can be generated as part of the Universal Credit application process but this requires providing answers to security questions over the phone; some people have found it easier and quicker to apply for a National Insurance number online.

  • Are my guests entitled to free travel in Wales?

    Welsh Government’s free travel scheme for refugees started on 26 March and will continue until 31 March 2024 pending a further review.


    The scheme provides unlimited travel on:

    - All local bus services

    - Transport for Wales rail services across Wales

    - Bus and Transport for Wales train services that cross into England if starting or finishing in Wales

    - The scheme is available to refugees travelling to Wales searching for a safe haven

    Ukrainian Nationals are required to show photo ID to be eligible for the free travel such as their Ukrainian passport or BRP card


    Further information on free travel advice for refugees is available on Welsh Government’s website. 

  • What activities can the children/ young people I am hosting access?

    The Vale Family Information Service can offer information on childcare, activities and services for children and young people and family support in the Vale of Glamorgan.


    TGP Cymru’s Refugee and Asylum Programme (RAP) offers a holistic and rights-based approach to supporting and empowering young people in Wales.They offer a range of services which you can read about on the TGP Cymru website.


    From time to time the Ukrainian support team are able to offer creative well-being sessions for children during the holidays. Please contact us for up-to-date information.
  • How will my guests be supported to find employment? 

    Your local Job Centre will help guests to find employment and information can also be found on the jobs page of the Sanctuary website.


    Volunteering Wales website enables people to search for volunteering opportunities in their local area.


    The Vale of Glamorgan Council website  has information about volunteering opportunities locally.


    Vale Communities for Work are running CV/employability sessions on a Friday afternoon at Barry Library 1pm-4pm and also on a Thursday at 3pm. They can also be available for a Thursday morning session if contacted in advance. An employment mentor can assist with all aspects of finding work, such as building CV’s and interview techniques. Please contact us at  if you have any enquires.


    Working Wales offer free advice, guidance, and access to training to help get people into work or further their career.









  • What English classes will my guests be able to access?

    Vale Learning Centre offers English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL) and can advise on assessment and classes.


    REACH+ is the Welsh Government funded hub for ESOL in cities across Wales. REACH+ centres provide a central point of contact for anyone wishing to access ESOL classes.


    The FAN charity hold weekly meetings in South Wales and further afield which offer a friendly and relaxed way for local people and those from around the world to meet, talk and listen to each other.


    You can also keep an eye out in your community for informal ESOL classes or conversation groups.




  • What about mental health support for my guests?

    Traumatic Stress Wales have developed a list of resources for people who have been specifically impacted by the situation in Ukraine . These resources include information about C.A.L.L, the mental health helpline for Wales, which has been translated into Ukrainian and Russian.


    As part of their service for young refugees and asylum seekers TGP Cymru run the Belong Project which aims to help young people develop confidence, resilience and ‘be the best they can be’ by offering safe spaces to meet, learning new skills, broaden horizons and opportunities to understand and acclimatise to systems and culture in Wales.

  • Is there any additional support my guest/s can access?

    Welsh Government fund some third sector organisations to support Ukrainian Nationals and other refugee groups whilst they are living in Wales, as part of their commitment to being a Nation of Sanctuary. These organisations can offer support such as individual casework, advocacy forums and family support groups. Please contact the team for up-to-date information about third sector support available.

  • What happens if my guest leaves the hosting arrangement temporarily?
    MIf the person or family you are hosting leaves the hosting arrangement temporarily for more than four consecutive weeks in a single period then you must inform the local authority at the earliest opportunity as your “thank you” payments will be affected. Please see further guidance on this in the ‘Guest Absence’ section within Welsh Government’s Homes for Ukraine host and sponsor guidance.  
  • Can I sponsor my guest’s family members so they can be reunited? 

    Although it is important to support family reunion wherever possible it is not possible to sponsor the visa of a Ukrainian National if you are not able to offer 6 months of accommodation as a starting point (this does not apply to the temporary hosting arrangement mentioned further down in the FAQ’s). We are aware of a number of recent cases where Ukrainian Nationals have been sponsored in order to support family reunion however the sponsor cannot offer any accommodation. If this is something you are planning to do and are certain that the Ukrainian National is able to join their family in their private rental accommodation, and this has been agreed by their landlord in advance, then please discuss with a member of the team in advance of a visa application being submitted.
  • What happens if the hosting placement breaks down? 

    If for any reason you are thinking of ending the hosting arrangement early you should email the Vale of Glamorgan Council at at the earliest opportunity to discuss further.


    Housing Justice Cymru offer support to hosts who may be finding the experience of hosting challenging including host support workshops which provide a space to share experiences with other hosts and reflect on how to manage difficult conversations.


    If issues arise which cannot be resolved with support and a placement must end the Vale of Glamorgan Council will support the guest/s to leave. Whether we can offer further hosting with a different host will be considered on a case-by-case basis however currently there are very few available hosts in the area.


    If it is possible to give “reasonable notice” to your guest, then this would be encouraged in order that the support team can look for the most appropriate alternative accommodation.















  • What happens at the end of my sponsorship/hosting period?

     Sponsors are committed to hosting people from Ukraine for a minimum of six months, but you may choose to continue beyond the initial six months if you and the person or family you are sponsoring wish to continue the arrangement. People from Ukraine will be able to live and work in Wales for up to three years and access benefits, healthcare, employment, and other support. If you wish to consider converting your hosting arrangement into a more formal lodging arrangement the support team can offer further information about this process.


    If you do not want to (or cannot) continue the arrangement beyond six months, you should let the person or family you are sponsoring know in plenty of time so they can make other

    arrangements with the support of the Vale of Glamorgan Council.


    Local authorities have homelessness support duties and can actively support the search for alternative accommodation for any Ukrainian expected to become homeless within 56 days. People from Ukraine have access to public funds and will be able to rent a property like anyone else. If they need to, they will be able to claim the housing part of Universal Credit or Housing Benefit if they are over State Pension age. Rent Smart Wales has useful information on renting property for tenants which is available on the Rent Smart Wales website


    Please contact the team if you wish to discuss move on options for your guests further. We run regular support drop ins for Ukrainian Nationals to seek advice, guidance, and information about their housing options. Times can be found on the Vale of Glamorgan website.

  • Can I rematch my guest/s with another host? 

    The Local Authority must be made aware of any informal arrangements to rematch guests with a new host as we need to complete safeguarding checks required by Welsh and UK Government in advance of a move taking place. A new host will not be eligible to receive “thank you” payments until these checks are successfully passed.


    Please contact the Ukrainian Support team at the earliest opportunity if you have identified a new host for your guest/s so checks can be initiated. 





  • Can my guest/s move into the Eagleswell Road, Llantwit Major development of humanitarian accommodation? 

    Please find further information and frequently asked questions about the humanitarian development in Eagleswell Road, Llantwit Major on the Vale of Glamorgan website. The development is not due for completion until early 2024 so it is not possible at this point to allocate accommodation as this will need to be considered on a case-by-case basis closer to the time that the development is ready.

  • Can I offer to host temporarily? 

    The Vale of Glamorgan Ukrainian Support Team are currently looking for hosts who would be willing to accommodate Ukrainian Nationals on a temporary basis with no requirement to commit to 6 months provision of accommodation. Temporary arrangements are usually required when a family or household are in between the end of a hosting arrangement and a move into a private rental property, if there is a sudden change of circumstances with their current hosting arrangement and it has to come to an end or, occasionally, to support the reunification of families. Anyone signing up to become a temporary host is still required to have a property check and a standard or enhanced DBS check in accordance with Homes for Ukraine hosting scheme. “Thank you” payments will be offered at the following rates:


    - Up to 7 days of hosting: £125

    - Between 7 and 15 days of hosting: £250

    - 15 days + of the month hosting: £500


    Anyone interested in offering a temporary hosting arrangement should contact the team via email at  to add their name and contact details to our records along with some information about the room/s they can offer and any further useful information, such as whether the household includes pets or smokers. If the team identify there is a need for a temporary hosting arrangement, we will contact the host to check if they are able to accommodate someone during the dates needed and if so, will support with setting up the arrangement. 

  • How can I or my guest/s report a hate crime, bullying or racist incident?

    Hate Crimes can be reported via the Wales Hate Support Centre website. The webpage has also been translated into Ukrainian. Hate crime officers can access language support via Language Line so that everyone is able to communicate and share their story and impact through their first language. If you need our support with anything in relation to reporting a Hate Crime, please do not hesitate to get in touch.


    If it is an emergency call 999 or 101 for any non-emergency.


  • What if my guest would like legal advice on their immigration situation?

    Ukraine Advice project UK and Here For Good can offer some free UK immigration and asylum advice for Ukrainians and their families. Please check their respective websites for more detailed information.


    Asylum Justice are offering free one-off immigration advice sessions to Ukrainians to help them understand their immigration status. Please email for any further information.


If you have not been able to find the answer to your question, please speak to your allocated support worker or send an email to:



Ukraine Family Scheme

The Ukraine Family Scheme allows applicants to join family members or extend their stay in the UK.


Apply for a Ukraine Family Scheme visa


Disasters Emergency Committee

If you want to help but cannot offer accommodation, you can donate to the Disasters Emergency Committee. This group of charities work on the ground in Ukraine and neighbouring countries to provide essentials, including food, water, shelter and medical assistance.


People wishing to donate to help with the Ukraine appeal, should do so as a financial donation through the appropriate channels such as the Disasters Emergency Committee. This is the preferred option rather than by making physical donations of goods as these can cause logistical issues.




Helpline for arrivals and sponsors

A dedicated helpline has been launched for people arriving in Wales from Ukraine and for people who are acting as sponsors to provide advice and guidance.


The freephone helpline for Ukrainians and sponsors is open Monday to Friday, 9 - 5pm. 

  • For callers in the UK, the number is: Freephone 0808 175 1508

  • For callers outside the UK, the number is: +44 20 4542 5671


Contact us 

If you have any questions about support for Ukraine, please email: