In line with the Well-being of Future Generations (Wales) Act the Vale PSB has undertaken an assessment of local well-being both across the Vale as a whole and within its communities. The Vale PSB agreed to base the Vale’s assessment around the communities of Barry, the Eastern Vale and the Western Vale. The assessment considers the social, economic, environmental and cultural well-being of the Vale as a whole and within our communities and will be used to inform the PSB's Well-being Plan, to be developed by May 2018.
The Assessment is a valuable resource which will inform work across the public sector to improve local well-being and to help service providers understand more about what matters to our local communities and the relationship between different services.
The assessment considers a range of data and information about the Vale drawing on a range of sources including the common data set that was developed by the Local Government Data Unit to assist PSBs in undertaking the exercise.
In addition to data and information, the assessment draws upon findings from a range of engagement and consultation work undertaken by PSB partners. This includes findings of previous engagement and consultation work in addition to results from our engagement campaign - 'Let's Talk'. This has included a series of surveys, focus groups and workshops and a report of these engagement findings has been published alongside the assessment. The conversation about well-being will be an ongoing exercise and engagement will continue throughout the development of the Well-being Plan.
The Well-being Assessment and a range of supporting documents are available below. This includes an executive summary, community profiles and a log of the feedback received and changes made following consultation on the draft assessment.
During the consultation period on the draft assessment, the PSB also consulted on four suggested areas of focus emerging from the assessment - tackling inequalities, giving children a good start in life, improving our engagement and protecting and enhancing our natural environment. A range of exercises have been undertaken since and it has been agreed by the PSB that the Well-being Plan will be focused on these themes. A range of workshops and events will be held to develop more focused actions for the Plan based upon these themes. A brief information pack showing the key findings from the assesment for each theme is also included below.