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Agenda Item No 8

The Vale of Glamorgan Council


Standards Committee: 12th July, 2018


Report of the Monitoring Officer


Standards Conference Wales: 14th September 2018


Purpose of the Report

  1. To apprise Members of the forthcoming Standards Conference in September 2018.


That the Standards Committee consider attendance of up to four Members of the Committee and confirm the names of the nominated representatives.  

Reasons for the Recommendations

In order to consider and confirm places for attendance at the Standards Conference Wales.


  1. The Standards Committee was advised at its January meeting of  the Standards Conference 2018 which was to be held at Aberystwyth University on Friday 14th September, 2018 and that further details would be provided when received .

Relevant Issues and Options

  1. Full details of the Conference have recently been received, copies of which are attached at Appendix A to this report for the Committee's consideration.
  2. The Conference as referred to at Appendix A is aimed at Councillors, Officers and Independent Members involved in promoting high standards of conduct within Authorities in Wales and will also provide an opportunity to network.
  3. Having been advised of the date of the Conference at the Standards Committee  meeting on 25th January, 2018, the Democratic Services Officer subsequently received an Expression of Interest of attending the conference from Mrs. P. Hallett shortly after that meeting. 
  4. Standards Committee is therefore requested to consider attendance and nominations for the Conference of up to four delegates..

Resource Implications (Financial and Employment)

  1. The cost of the event has yet to be confirmed.

Sustainability and Climate Change Implications

  1. There are no direct implications as a result of this report.

Legal Implications (to Include Human Rights Implications)

  1. There are no direct implications as a result of this report.

Crime and Disorder Implications

  1. There are no direct implications as a result of this report.

Equal Opportunities Implications (to include Welsh Language issues)

  1. There are no direct implications as a result of this report.

Corporate/Service Objectives

  1. None.

Policy Framework and Budget

  1. The report does not affect the Council's policy framework and budget.

Consultation (including Ward Member Consultation)

  1. The report does not involve any consultation with other parties.

Relevant Scrutiny Committee

  1. None.

Background Papers


Contact Officer

Mrs. K. Bowen, Democratic and Scrutiny Services Officer, Tel: 01446 709856

Officers Consulted


Responsible Officer:

Ms. D. Marles, Monitoring Officer and Head of Legal and Democratic Services