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Agenda Item No. 6


The Vale of Glamorgan Council


Cabinet Meeting: 18th June 2018


Report of the Cabinet Member for Neighbourhood Services and Transport


B4270, Llantwit Major Road (part), Cowbridge - Proposed Route Reclassification


Purpose of the Report

  1. To seek approval to reclassify part of route B4270, Llantwit Major Road, Cowbridge and to classify the new Darren Farm link road, as the B4270, Llanfrynach Drive.


  1. That Cabinet note the contents of the report.
  2. That Cabinet gives approval to proceed with the application to Welsh Government for the change in road classification.

Reasons for the Recommendations

  1. To advise Members on road reclassification and the process for this.
  2. To agree the application to Welsh Government for reclassification of part of route B4270 Llantwit Major Road, Cowbridge.


  1. A planning application (2014/01505/OUT) was submitted to the Council in outline form, seeking consent for full planning permission for a link road and outline consent for 475 dwellings, associated infrastructure and school site, on land to the north west of Cowbridge.
  2. The full application related to the construction of a link road connecting the Cowbridge Bypass (A48) with Llantwit Major Road (B4270) and associated highway works including footpaths, cycleways, bus stops, landscaping and associated engineering/ infrastructure works.
  3. The link road is designed to a 40mph speed limit, with a 7.3m carriageway. The maximum gradient of the link road is 6% at the southern side of the watercourse and the road will have a length of approximately 900 metres, with works on the A48 and the Llantwit Major Road to connect. A new roundabout junction would be introduced on the A48 to connect with the new road. The link from the Llantwit Major Road to the A48 Cowbridge bypass would become the main arm of a priority ghost island junction, and the B4270 Llantwit Major Road east of the junction would become the minor arm.
  4. The new road would include three priority junctions to access the proposed residential development to the east. Footways/cycleways would be provided at all accesses to connect a pedestrian route to the west of the link road. An informal crossing on the Link Road would provide a link to an existing Public Right of Way ('PRoW') leading to St Brynach's Church and lane.
  5. Vehicular access to the link road would be from the north via the A48 with a new three arm roundabout junction which will formalise the change of the A48 from a dual carriageway to a single carriageway. The southern arm of the roundabout would connect to the link road serving the proposed development and provide an alternative to traffic currently being directed towards Cowbridge from the west.
  6. The outline application related to the provision of a mixed-use residential led development with all matters reserved except access. The proposals include the demolition of existing farm buildings, construction of up to 475 residential units including 40% affordable housing, a minimum 2 hectare reserve site for a primary school with playing fields, public open space including parks and infrastructure works including internal access roads, public realm, footpaths/cycleways and vehicular accesses.

Relevant Issues and Options

  1. All UK roads (except for motorways) fall into one of the following four categories:
  2. A roads - major roads intended to provide large-scale transport links within or between areas.
  3. B roads - roads intended to connect different areas, and to feed traffic between A roads and smaller roads on the network.
  4. Classified unnumbered - smaller roads intended to connect together unclassified roads with A and B roads, and often linking a housing estate or a village to the rest of the network. Similar to 'minor roads' on an Ordnance Survey map and sometimes known unofficially as C roads.
  5. Unclassified - local roads intended for local traffic. The vast majority (60%) of roads in the UK fall within this category.
  6. Road classification uses a common system of route numbering, which is centrally administered for England and Wales by the Department for Transport (DfT). In all other respects roads classification is a devolved matter for the Welsh Government.
  7. The Department for Transport maintains a central register of all road numbers in England and Wales. While roads policy is a devolved matter, the English and Welsh road numbering systems are intrinsically linked. The DfT requests that Welsh UAs inform the Department of any numbering changes, to help avoid confusion. Likewise, the Department is able to clarify the status of any particular number for any Welsh UA, and to reserve any numbers for their use (individually or en bloc).
  8. The system of road classification is intended to direct motorists towards the most suitable routes for reaching their destination. It does this by identifying roads that are best suited for traffic.
  9. A transport assessment was carried out by RPS in December 2014. As part of their commission, they look at the potential redistribution of existing traffic from the town centre onto the Link Road. The assessment took the form of ANPR and ATC surveys, together with the application of a growth factor. The results demonstrated that in 2021 following completion of the proposed development, an estimated total of 187 vehicles (12 HGVs) would transfer to the link road in the AM peak hour, 129 in the PM peak hour and 1270 vehicles (74 HGVs) over 24 hours.
  10. The B4270, Llantwit Major Road (part) between the proposed new Link Road and Westgate will become an unclassified, unnumbered road and the new Link Road, to be known as Llanfrynach Drive will become part of the B4270, The Welsh Government application form and accompanying drawing (T/18/69/MS) are provided in Appendices 'A' and 'B' respectively.

Resource Implications (Financial and Employment)

  1. All administrative costs and subsequent route changes to traffic signs will be borne by Taylor Wimpey, the Developer.
  2. The Council will utilise its own resources for the administrative procedures.

Sustainability and Climate Change Implications

  1. Reassigning vehicular traffic onto Llanfrynach Drive will remove traffic queues from the Llantwit Major Road / Westgate junction, but will also remove congestion in the High Street. In combination, these measures will improve air quality, highway safety and reduce traffic noise.
  2. Well managed highways improve public safety and can increase economic prosperity by reducing journey times. This proposal assists in supporting a range of transport modes at this location.

Legal Implications (to Include Human Rights Implications)

  1. The Council must conform to the policy and procedure for route numbering as specified by the Welsh Government.
  2. There are no human rights implications.

Crime and Disorder Implications

  1. The reduction in traffic volume within the town centre will engender a greater sense of safety within the community.  

Equal Opportunities Implications (to include Welsh Language issues)

  1. The proposals will benefit accessibility for all sections of the community.
  2. All associated traffic signs and road markings forming part of the scheme will all be in accordance with the Council's Welsh Language Policy and the Welsh Language (Wales) Measure 2011.

Corporate/Service Objectives

  1. Well-being Outcome 2:  The Vale of Glamorgan has a strong and sustainable economy and the local environment is safeguarded for present and future generations.

Policy Framework and Budget

  1. This report is a matter for Executive decision by Cabinet.

Consultation (including Ward Member Consultation)

  1. Ward Members were consulted and were supportive of the propoasl.
  2. Stakeholder consultations will take place in accordance with the Councils constitution

Relevant Scrutiny Committee

  1. Environment & Regeneration.

Background Papers

Traffic Management Information File 863

Contact Officer

Mark Simpson, Principal Traffic Engineer

Tel:  029 2067 3070

Officers Consulted

Operational Manager - Legal Services

Accountant - Building and Visible Services

Responsible Officer:

Miles Punter - Director of Environment and Housing Services