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Minutes of the Annual Meeting held on 24th May, 2017.


Present:  Councillor Stuart Egan (Mayor); Councillors Julie Aviet, Vincent Bailey, Rhiannon Birch, Jonathan Bird, Bronwen Brooks, Lis Burnett, George Carroll, Christine Cave, Janice Charles, Millie Collins, Geoff Cox, Robert Crowley, Pamela Drake, Vincent Driscoll, Stewart Edwards, Ben Gray, Owen Griffiths, Stephen Griffiths, Anthony Hampton, Sally Hanks, Nic Hodges, Hunter Jarvie, Gwyn John, Dr. Ian Johnson, Gordon Kemp, Peter King, Matthew Lloyd, Kevin Mahoney, Kathryn McCaffer, Anne Moore, Neil Moore, Michael Morgan, Jayne Norman, Rachel Nugent-Finn, Andrew Parker, Bob Penrose, Sandra Perkes, Andrew Robertson, Leighton Rowlands, Ruba Sivagnanam, John Thomas, Neil Thomas, Steffan Wiliam, Margaret Wilkinson, Edward Williams, Mark Wilson, and Marguerita Wright.



1          MINUTE’S SILENCE -


The Mayor referred to the sad passing away of Rhodri Morgan, former Leader of Welsh Labour and First Minister.  The Mayor also alluded to the tragic loss of life which had occurred as a result of the terrorist attack in Manchester earlier in the week. 


Members stood in silence as a mark of respect.





No declarations were received.



3          ELECTION OF MAYOR -


It was moved by Councillor Hampton and seconded by Councillor Bailey that Councillor Charles be elected Mayor. 


It was moved by Councillor Neil Moore and seconded by Councillor John that Councillor Edward Williams be elected Mayor.


Upon being put to the vote it was


RESOLVED - T H A T Councillor Janice Charles be elected Mayor of the Council for the ensuing municipal year.


The newly-elected Mayor made and delivered to the Managing Director the Statutory Declaration of Acceptance of Office, was invested by the outgoing Mayor with the Chain of Office and took the Chair.





It was moved by Councillor McCaffer and seconded by Councillor Carroll that Councillor Rowlands be elected Deputy Mayor.


It was moved by Councillor Neil Moore and seconded by Councillor Burnett that Councillor Brooks be elected Deputy Mayor.


Upon being put to the vote it was


RESOLVED - T H A T Councillor Leighton Rowlands be appointed Deputy Mayor of the Council for the ensuing municipal year.


The newly appointed Deputy Mayor made and delivered to the Managing Director the Statutory Declaration of Acceptance of Office and was invested with the Chain of Office.



5          MAYOR’S ADDRESS -


The Mayor’s charities for the coming year would be the Barry and District Soroptomists and the Coastlands Family Church Baby Basics Project.


In addressing Members, the Mayor referred to her friend and past Mayor of the Authority, the late Emlyn Williams, MBE.  She hoped to fulfil her role as Mayor with as much dignity, hard work and respect as he had done in all that he had achieved. 





The incoming Mayor thanked the outgoing Mayor for the manner in which he had represented the Council during his year in office.  On behalf of all Members, the Mayor thanked the outgoing Mayor for his commitment to civic duties and his hard work during the previous 12 months and she wished him all the very best for the future. 


In response, the retiring Mayor referred to having had a wonderful year and having been proud to represent the Council and the Vale of Glamorgan.  His year in office had been both interesting and enjoyable, with him having met many interesting and lovely people and enjoying the many civic engagements he had attended. 


The Mayor thanked all those for their generous support for his charities - the Orchard Project and the Penarth and District Lesotho Trust.  Over £20,500 had been raised to date, with the British Heart Foundation and the RAF Association having also benefitted directly.


He thanked his Consort, Nigel Gibbs for his unstinting and generous support and also the outgoing deputy Mayor, Councillor Edward Williams and his Consort, Karen who had carried out their duties with exceptional commitment.


He also thanked the staff of the Mayor’s Office and the Cabinet Office. 


Finally, he expressed his thanks to all Members for having bestowed on him the honour and privilege of being Mayor. 





It was moved by Councillor Jarvie and seconded by Councillor Kemp that Councillor John Thomas be elected Leader.


Upon being put to the vote it was


RESOLVED - T H A T Councillor John Thomas be elected Leader of the Council.





Section 4.10 of the Constitution - “Council Procedure Rules – Annual Meeting of the Council” - provided that the Annual Meeting would  be told by the Leader of the names of councillors he/she had chosen to be Deputy Leader and the number and names of Members to be appointed to the Executive and their portfolios / responsibilities.


Section 5.2 of the Constitution - “Form and Composition of the Executive” - provided that the Executive would consist of the Leader of the Council (the “Leader”) and at least two, but not more than nine, councillors appointed to the Executive by the Leader.


Under the provisions of the 2017 Annual Report of the Independent Remuneration Panel for Wales, the Vale of Glamorgan Council was able to pay up to a maximum of 18 Senior Salaries to Members in those positions agreed by the Council to receive such.  The figure of 18 did not include Civic Salaries able to be paid to a Mayor and Deputy Mayor.


Including Cabinet members, it was proposed that the Council pay a total of 15 Senior Salaries, together with Civic Salaries to the Mayor and Deputy Mayor, as set out below: 

  • Cabinet Members - 7
  • Group Leaders (in respect of Groups comprising 10% or more of the total membership of the Council) - 1
  • Scrutiny Committee Chairmen - 5
  • Chairman of Planning Committee
  • Chairman of Licensing Committee
  • Mayor
  • Deputy Mayor. 

Full details of the relevant payments, together with basic allowances for all Members, would be incorporated within the Council's Constitution.


The Leader confirmed for Members the details of Cabinet Portfolios (as e-mailed prior to, and tabled at the meeting) , together with confirmation that, as part of their portfolios, Cabinet, and other Members would be designated as the Council’s “Champions” with regard to various areas. 


In addition to the above, it was recommended that the role of the following Champions continue to be undertaken by the position-holder indicated:


Scrutiny Champion – Chairman of the Scrutiny Committee Chairmen and Vice-Chairmen Group

Member Development Champion – Chairman of the Democratic Services Committee




(1)       T H A T, as advised by the Leader, it be noted that Councillor Hunter Jarvie would be Deputy Leader and the following Members would comprise the Cabinet, with the portfolios indicated:


Councillor John Thomas – Executive Leader and Cabinet Member for Performance and Resources 

  • Resources, including:
    • Managing Director’s Office
    • Cabinet Support Office
    • Strategic Policy and Corporate Planning
    • Public Services Board
    • Performance Monitoring and Improvement Planning
    • Communications
    • Customer Care
    • Human Resources Strategy and Implementation
    • Organisational Development and Training
    • Employee Relations and Equalities
    • Recruitment, Retention and Management of Attendance
    • Corporate Health and Safety
    • Democratic Services, Member Development and Support
    • Financial Services, Financial Planning and Budget
    • Information and Communication Technology
    • Land, Property and Asset Management
    • Procurement and Contracts
    • Risk Management
    • Reshaping Services
    • Local Government modernisation, collaboration and wellbeing agenda
  • Cardiff Capital Region City Deal


Councillor Hunter Jarvie – Deputy Leader and Cabinet Member for Regulatory and Legal Services 

  • Legal Services, including:
    • Community Legal Services
    • Property and Contracts
    • Litigation
    • Electoral Services
  • Registration Services
  • Record Management and Information Services
  • Regulatory Services, including:
    • The Shared Regulatory Service
    • Environmental Health and Pollution Control
    • Licensing
    • Pest Control
    • Private Sector Housing Enforcement
    • Trading Standards


Councillor Bob Penrose – Cabinet Member for Learning and Culture 

  • Education, including:
    • Education Strategic Planning
    • Adult Community Learning
    • Early Years Education Provision
    • Education Welfare, Advice and Assessment
    • Governor Support and Training
    • Education Inclusion and Access, including Pupil Referral
    • School Admissions
    • School Funding and Support
    • School Improvement and Challenge, including Central South Consortium.
    • Special Educational Needs
    • Catering service
    • Youth Service
    • Arts, Culture and Heritage, including Welsh Language Services and Provision
    • Library and Information Services


Councillor Jonathan Bird – Cabinet Member for Regeneration and Planning 

  • Regeneration, including:
    • Development Management
    • Building Control
    • Planning Policy and Local Development Plan
    • Countryside Services, including Public Rights of Way, Country parks, Heritage Coast and Landscape Services
    • Biodiversity Policy and Implementation
    • Economic Development and Business Support
    • Employment Land and Buildings
    • Urban and Rural Regeneration
    • Private Sector Housing Renewal and Improvements
    • Communities First
    • Tourism and Events
    • Town Centre development and promotion
    • Cardiff Airport and St Athan Enterprise Zone
    • Regeneration projects
    • Inward Investment


Councillor Andrew Parker – Cabinet Member for Housing and Building Services 

  • Public Sector Housing, including:
    • Elderly Persons’ Homes
    • Community Safety and Crime and Disorder (including Section 17 responsibilities)
    • Home Office Related Issues
    • Homelessness & Travellers (including sites)
    • Housing Strategy and Investment
    • Identification of Housing Need and Accommodation
    • Social Housing Responsibilities
    • Housing Allocations
    • Tenant Services
    • Specialist Housing Services
    • Housing Policy and Implementation
    • Welsh Housing Quality Standards Delivery
  • Building Services, including:
    • Building Maintenance
    • Building Cleaning
    • Building Security


Councillor Gordon Kemp – Cabinet Member for Social Care, Health and Leisure 

  • Social Care and Health, including:
    • Adoption Service
    • Adult and Children’s Services
    • Adults Advice and Assessment
    • Adult and Children Community Care
    • Home Care Provision
    • Health Liaison
    • Mental Health Services for Adults and Children
    • Services for Adults and Children with Disabilities/Impairment
    • Family Support and Liaison
    • Health and Social Care Integration and Collaboration
    • Adult and Children Voluntary Sector Inclusion
    • Social Services Special Needs
    • Social Services Business Support and Innovation
    • Youth Offending Team (YOT)
    • Collaboration with the Health Board on social care and health integration
  • Leisure Services, including:
    • Community Centres
    • Leisure Strategy
    • Leisure Management (incl. Sports and Leisure Centres)
    • Strategic Investment - Leisure
    • Sport Development and Play


Councillor Geoff Cox – Cabinet Member for Neighbourhood Services and Transport 

  • Operational Neighbourhood Services, including:
    • Highway Maintenance
    • Parks and Grounds maintenance
    • Beach Management
    • Water Safety
    • Waste Management
    • Recycling Policy and Implementation
    • Environmental Enforcement
    • Public Toilets
    • Street Lighting
  • Highway Engineering Services, including:
    • Adverse Weather and Winter Maintenance
    • Highway Engineering, Design and Development
    • Highway and Highway Structures Maintenance
    • Highway Tree Management
    • Traffic Management
    • Car parking provision and Management
    • Road Safety, including Safe Routes in Communities
    • Flood Risk Management and Coastal Protection
  • Transportation, including:
    • Active Travel and Sustainable Transport
    • Local and Regional Transport Plans
    • METRO Delivery
    • Public Transport
    • Home to School Transport Policy and Provision
    • Community Transport
    • Fleet Acquisition and Leasing
    • Garage Services and Fleet Maintenance
    • Pool Car Management
  • Civil Protection and Emergency Planning


(2)       T H A T the following Members be designated ‘Member Champions’ as shown:


Anti-Domestic   Violence

Councillor   Rachel Nugent-Finn


Councillor   Rachel Nugent-Finn

Armed   Forces

Councillor   Janice Charles


Councillor   Jonathan Bird


Councillor   Bob Penrose


Councillor   Christine Cave


Councillor   Kathryn McCaffer

Older   People’s

Councillor   Gordon Kemp


Councillor   Bob Penrose

Superfast   Broadband

Councillor   Vincent Bailey

Time   to Change Wales

Councillor   Kathryn McCaffer


Councillor   Janice Charles


Councillor   Leighton Rowlands


(3)       T H A T the Chairman of the Scrutiny Committee Chairmen and Vice-Chairmen Group and Chairman of the Democratic Services Committee continue to be designated the Council’s Scrutiny and Member Development Champions respectively.


(4)       T H A T the Council’s payments of Senior Salaries for 2017/18 be as follows: 

  • Cabinet Members - 7
  • Group Leaders (in respect of Groups comprising 10% or more of the total membership of the Council) - 1
  • Scrutiny Committee Chairmen - 5
  • Chairman of Planning Committee
  • Chairman of Licensing Committee
  • Mayor
  • Deputy Mayor.




Council agreed at the Annual Meeting in 2015 the procedure to be used to determine the allocation of seats across Committees (as summarised in Appendix A to the report).   


Appendix B to the report was the calculation relating to the political balance requirement for Committees in accordance with the Local Government and Housing Act 1989.   


Attached at Appendix C to the report was an extract from Section 7 of the Constitution which set out the terms of reference, general role and specific functions of the Scrutiny Committees. 


A requirement existed, under the Local Government (Wales) Measure 2011, regarding the allocation of Scrutiny Committee Chairmen positions.  In essence, any Group, or Groups, represented on the Executive were entitled (when taken together) to a proportion of Scrutiny Committee Chairmen positions equivalent to their total number of seats (when taken together) on the Council.  Once this calculation had been done, the remaining Scrutiny Committee Chairmen positions became the "property" of the non-executive Groups (again, to be allocated proportionate to the total number of seats held by the respective Groups on the Council). 


In calculating the above, the Measure provided that the figure relating to a Group, or Groups, represented on the Executive must, in all cases, be rounded down.  The figure for non-executive allocations was to be rounded up, or down, as appropriate to the nearest whole number, including zero.


As such, the allocation for the appointment of the five Scrutiny Committee Chairmen positions (based on each Group’s percentage of the Council) was as follows: 

  • Conservative – 51.06% = 2.55 = (rounded down) 2 
  • Labour - 29.79% = 1.49 = 1 = (rounded down) = 1 
  • Plaid Cymru - 8.51% = 0.43 = (rounded down) = 0 
  • Llantwit First Independents - 8.51% = 0.43 = (rounded down) = 0 

It could be seen from the above that two of the five Scrutiny Committee Chairmen positions therefore currently stood unallocated.  The Welsh Government Statutory Guidance on the Local Government (Wales) Measure 2011 (issued in June 2012) provided for such a situation.  The Statutory Guidance provided that, should there be any unallocated Chairs following the use of the formula to calculate entitlement, then the position(s) was to be appointed by the Members of that Committee(s).  That would need to be done at the first meeting of the respective two Committees


The Leader of the Conservative Group had confirmed the Group would be taking up the Chairmen positions on the following Scrutiny Committees: 

  • Corporate Performance and Resources – Councillor George Carroll
  • Environment and Regeneration- Councillor Vincent Bailey 

The Leader of the Labour Group confirmed the Group would be taking up the Chairman position on the following Scrutiny Committee: 

  • Learning and Culture – Councillor Lis Burnett 

As indicated above, the two remaining positions would then be determined at the first meeting of the respective Committees.


Councillor Dr. Ian Johnson sought clarification regarding the basis on which the political balance table attached as Appendix A to the report (i.e. showing a Conservative Group comprising 24 Members) had been formulated.  He stated his query would also relate to the following agenda item as he considered it to have a potential impact on the transparent nature of the allocation of seats across Committees. 


Referring to an anomaly which the Head of Democratic Services had outlined in Supplementary Information before Members in terms of an “over-allocation” of seats on the Audit Committee and the Joint Consultative Forum (affecting the Plaid Cymru and Llantwit First Independent Groups), he asked whether the Conservative Group might consider relinquishing a seat, or seats, to allow the anomaly to be addressed.


The Leader clarified the position in that Councillor Penrose had become a Member of the Conservative Group on the Vale of Glamorgan Council, but that he had not joined the Conservative Party.  As a result (and correctly), the political balance calculations had been based on a Conservative Group of 24. 


Referring to Councillor Dr. Johnson’s reference to “transparency”, the Leader informed Members that there would be no giving up of seats by the Conservative Group at the current time, but that might be something that could be considered at a future date. 




(1)       T H A T the Council endorse the allocation of specific Scrutiny Committee Chairmen as notified by the relevant Group Leaders as follows:


Conservative (2) 

  • Corporate Performance and Resources – Councillor George Carroll
  • Environment and Regeneration- Councillor Vincent Bailey 

Labour (1) 

  • Learning and Culture – Councillor Lis Burnett          

(2)       T H A T the two remaining Scrutiny Committee Chairmen positions be determined at the first meeting of the respective Committees.


(3)       T H A T the following Scrutiny Committees, together with their membership and Terms of Reference be appointed for the ensuing municipal year.


Corporate Performance and Resources (10 Members)


Councillors George Carroll, Robert Crowley, Vincent Driscoll, Owen Griffiths,

Stephen Griffiths, Dr. Ian Johnson, Peter King, Neil Moore, Leighton Rowlands and Edward Williams.


Environment and Regeneration (10 Members)


Councillors Vincent Bailey, Pamela Drake, Vincent Driscoll, Stewart Edwards, Gwyn John, Matthew Lloyd, Anne Moore, Andrew Robertson, Ruba Sivagnanam and Steffan Wiliam.


Healthy Living and Social Care (10 Members)


Councillors Julie Aviet, Bronwen Brooks, George Carroll, Christine Cave, Stewart Edwards, Kevin Mahoney, Kathryn McCaffer, Rachel Nugent-Finn, Neil Thomas and Marguerita Wright.


Homes and Safe Communities (10 Members)


Councillors Bronwen Brooks, Christine Cave, Millie Collins, Ben Gray, Sally Hanks, Kathryn McCaffer, Michael Morgan, Rachel Nugent-Finn, Margaret Wilkinson and Mark Wilson.


1 representative, in a co-opted non-voting observer capacity, of each of the following organisations:

Shelter Cymru

Vale Housing and Homelessness Forum


plus 4 Representatives from Tenant Working Group / Panel.


Learning and Culture (10 Members)


Councillors Rhiannon Birch, Lis Burnett, Ben Gray, Anthony Hampton, Nic Hodges, Matthew Lloyd, Michael Morgan, Jayne Norman, Sandra Perkes and Marguerita Wright. 


Co-opted Members:

Non-Voting Observers:

1 representative each from:

1 representative each from:

Roman Catholic Church


Church in Wales


Parent Governors - Primary Sector


Parent Governors - Secondary     Sector



Welsh Medium Education


Free Churches


Vale Youth Forum (2 representatives)


Role, Scope and Terms of Reference


The role, scope and terms of reference of the Scrutiny Committees are described in the table` below:


Committee Title


Corporate Plan   Outcomes and Objectives

Council   Functions

Corporate   Performance and Resources

Overall   monitoring of Corporate Health

  •   Corporate Policy and Performance
  •   Communications
  •   Customer Relations
  •   Corporate Performance
  •   Finance
  •   ICT
  •   Property
  •   Legal
  •   Democratic
  •   Human Resources
  •   Surplus Land and Property
  •   Capital Schemes
  •   Revenue Proposals over £300,000
  •   Public Services Board

Environment   and Regeneration

An Environmentally Responsible and Prosperous Vale.

  •   Promoting regeneration, economic growth and employment.
  •   Promoting sustainable development and protecting our   environment.
    •   Economic Development
    •   Tourism
    •   Countryside
    •   Regeneration
    •   Waste Management and Cleansing, Highways &   Engineering and Grounds Maintenance
    •   Planning
    •   Transportation
    •   Fleet Management, Cleaning and Security

Homes   and Safe Communities

An   Inclusive and Safe Vale.

  •   Reducing poverty and social exclusion.
  •   Providing decent homes and safe communities.
    •   Public Housing
    •   Public Housing Maintenance
    •   Public Protection including all Shared Regulatory   Services functions
    •   Community Safety
    •   Private Sector Housing and Renewal Areas
    •   Crime and Disorder Matters (as required under the   Police and Justice Act 2006 and the Local Government and Public Involvement   in Health Act 2007)
    •   Families First, Flying Start and Communities First

Learning   and Culture

An   Aspirational and Culturally Vibrant Vale.

  •   Raising overall standards of achievement.
  •   Valuing culture and diversity.
    •   Schools (Pupil Support, School Improvement and School   Support)
    •   Post 16 Education and Training
    •   Libraries
    •   Community Education and Youth Service
    •   Equalities
    •   Welsh Language
    •   Arts Development

Healthy   Living and Social Care

An   Active and Healthy Vale.

  •  Encouraging and promoting active and healthy lifestyles.
  •   Safeguarding those who are vulnerable and promoting independent living.
    •   Adult Services
    •   Children and Young People’s Services
    •   Social Services Business Management and Innovation
    •   Leisure, Parks, Sport and Play


Specific Functions


Policy Development and Review


The Scrutiny Committees may:


(a)       assist the Council and the Executive in the development of its Budget and Policy Framework by in-depth analysis of policy issues;


(b)       conduct research, community and other consultation in the analysis of policy issues and possible options;


(c)        consider and implement mechanisms to encourage and enhance community participation in the development of policy options;


(d)       question Members of the Executive and/or Committees and Chief Officers from the Council about their views on issues and proposals affecting the area;


(e)       liaise with other external organisations operating in the area, whether national, regional or local, to ensure that the interests of local people are enhanced by collaborative working; and


(f)        consider the impact of policies to assess if they have made a difference. 




The Scrutiny Committees may:


(a)       review and scrutinise the decisions by, and performance of, the Executive and/ or Committees and Council Officers in relation to individual decisions and over time;


(b)       review and scrutinise the performance of the Council in relation to its policy objectives, performance targets and/or particular service areas;


(c)        question Members of the Executive and/or Committees and Chief Officers from the Council about their decisions and performance, whether generally in comparison with service plans and targets over a period of time, or in relation to particular decisions, initiatives or projects;


(d)       make recommendations to the Executive and/or appropriate Committee and/or Council arising from the outcome of the scrutiny process;


(e)       review and scrutinise the performance of other public bodies in the area and invite reports from them by requesting them to address the  Scrutiny Committees and local people about their activities and performance; and


(f)        question and gather evidence from any person (with their consent).




Scrutiny Committees may exercise overall responsibility for the finances made available to them.


Annual Report


The Scrutiny Committees must report annually to the Full Council on their workings, with recommendations for their future Work Programmes and amended working methods if appropriate. 




Scrutiny Committees may exercise overall responsibility for the Work Programme of the Officers employed to support their work; it being noted that Officers supporting the scrutiny function also undertake non-scrutiny related duties.





Council agreed at the Annual Meeting in 2015 the procedure to be used to determine the allocation of seats across Committees (as summarised in Appendix A to the report).   


Appendix B to the report was the calculation relating to the political balance requirement for Committees in accordance with the Local Government and Housing Act 1989.  The Regulatory Services Joint Committee had not been included in the list as Full Council previously appointed two specific Members to be the Council’s representatives.  Similarly, whilst the Public Protection Licensing Committee was included, the Statutory Licensing Committee was not as it did not need to be politically balanced (although it could be and, in fact, was) as it did not constitute a Committee created under the Local Government Act 1972.  Furthermore, the membership of both committees was the same and, as such, only one need count in terms of the overall political balance calculations.


Attached at Appendix C to the report was a list of Quasi-Judicial Committees and other bodies, together with existing Terms of Reference.  


The (amended) Terms of Reference and Membership of the Voluntary Sector Joint Liaison Committee shown reflected the changes approved by Full Council on 1st March 2017, which it was resolved would take effect from the Annual Meeting.  In essence, the changes constituted a reduction in the membership of the Committee from 10 to 8 Elected Members of the Council, 7 representatives of the Voluntary Sector and 1 representative, as nominated by the Community Liaison Committee from Town and Community Councils within the Vale, to provide a link between the work of the two Committees.  A number of changes were also made to the previous Terms of Reference.


As far as the Senior Management Committee was concerned, in order to assist the process in respect of joint appointments (i.e. with partner organisations), it was proposed that the Managing Director, in consultation with the Leader, be granted delegated powers to agree the arrangements for the involvement of the partner organisation in the decision-making process.”


In considering the report, Members were required to pay particular regard to legislation which came into force on 5th May, 2017 governing the size and composition of Planning Committees. 


The Size and Composition of Local Planning Authorities Committees (Wales) Regulations 2017 (which came into effect on 5th May 2017) brought into effect, and provided the detailed interpretation for, Section 39 of the Planning (Wales) Act 2015, so far as it related to the size and composition of Committees discharging functions. 


The Regulations required Local Authority Planning Committees in Wales to be structured and operated in accordance with the following requirements: 

  • The Planning Committee must contain no fewer than 11 Members and no more than 21 Members, but no more      than 50% of the Authority Members (rounded up to the nearest whole number).
  • Where Wards have more than one Elected Member, only one Member may sit on the Planning Committee, in order to allow other Ward Members to perform the representative role for local community interests. 

Whilst the second bullet point above did not apply to a Local Authority that comprised solely of multiple Member Wards (due to the need to maintain political balance on the Committee), the Vale of Glamorgan Council was one of the Councils to which both of the above provisions did apply.  Failure to adhere to the requirements of the Regulations would affect the validity of decisions taken by the Planning Committee.  It was therefore necessary for the Regulations to be taken into account in appointing the Planning Committee.  It would also be necessary for the relevant section of the Constitution to be amended to reflect the Regulations.


In addition to the above, the Local Authorities (Standing Orders) (Wales) (Amendment) Regulations 2017 also came into force on 5th May, 2017.  These Regulations provided that: 

  • Each meeting of the Planning Committee must have a quorum of 50% to make decisions.
  • The use of substitute Members is prohibited.

Members were asked to note that it was proposed that the Planning Committee be reduced from 21 to 17 Members and also that Planning Committee meetings would commence at 16.00.




(1)       T H A T the following Quasi-Judicial Committees and Other Bodies, together with their Terms of Reference and membership, be re-appointed for the ensuing municipal year.


(a)       Planning Committee (17 Members)


Councillors Jonathan Bird, Lis Burnett, Christine Cave, Pamela Drake, Vincent Driscoll, Ben Gray, Nic Hodges, Dr. Ian Johnson, Peter King, Matthew Lloyd, Rachel Nugent-Finn, Andrew Parker, Bob Penrose, Leighton Rowlands, Neil Thomas, Margaret Wilkinson and Edward Williams.


Terms of Reference:


With delegated powers


(1)       To deal with all matters relating to development control, including planning applications.


(2)       To deal with all matters relating to building control, including dangerous and dilapidated buildings and structures, and trees.


(3)       To consider and determine applications for modification of the Definitive Map and Statement made under Section 53 of the Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981 and any statutory modifications made thereunder.


N.B. The Planning Committee have delegated some of these functions to the Public Rights of Way Sub-Committee and resolved that responsibility for Rights of Way/ Highway related functions contained in the Local Authorities (Executive Arrangements) (Functions and Responsibilities) (Wales) (Amendment) Regulations 2009, other than those allocated to the Planning Committee or the Public Rights of Way Sub-Committee, be delegated to the Head of Regeneration and Planning, as set out in Appendix A to the report to the Planning Committee on 20th May, 2010, and that


(i)         In all the sub-sections contained in Appendix A, pre-order consultation shall always include Local Ward Members.


(ii)        In all the sub sections contained in Appendix A, pre-order consultation with Local Ward Members would afford Members the right to request that the matter be reported to the relevant Committee/Sub-Committee.


(b)       Public Rights of Way Sub-Committee (5 Members)


(N.B. Seat given up by Plaid Cymru Group as part of overall “Political Balance” calculation).


Councillors Ben Gray, Andrew Parker, Bob Penrose, Margaret Wilkinson and Edward Williams.


Terms of Reference:


(1)       To consider and determine under delegated powers applications for Footpath Orders made under Sections 25, 26, 118 and 119 of the Highways Act 1980 and Orders made under Sections 53(3)(b), 53(3)(c) and 54 of the Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981 in respect of modifications of the Definitive Map.


(2)       To consider and determine under delegated powers applications for Footpath and Bridleway Orders affected by development under Section 257 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 where opposition which has been raised as a result of pre-order consultation remains unresolved.


(N.B. See also terms of reference of the Planning Committee above.)



(c)        Statutory Licensing Committee (15 Members)


Councillors Janice Charles, Geoff Cox, Robert Crowley, Pamela Drake, Ben Gray, Owen Griffiths, Anthony Hampton, Kevin Mahoney, Anne Moore, Michael Morgan, Jayne Norman, John Thomas, Steffan Wiliam, Margaret Wilkinson and Marguerita Wright.


Terms of Reference


(1)       To determine all matters regulated by the Licensing Act 2003 and the Gambling Act 2005 and any statutory modifications made thereunder in accordance with the Council’s Statements of Licensing Policy.


(2)       All Licensing Act 2003 and Gambling Act 2005 functions and matters will be considered by the Statutory Licensing Committee or Statutory Licensing Sub Committee as deemed necessary, exercising plenary powers meeting on such specific occasions as necessary.


(3)       The Statutory Licensing Committee or Statutory Licensing Sub Committee shall be empowered to do anything which is necessarily incidental to the exercise of the delegated function and all delegations and or authorisations shall be construed accordingly (unless they are expressly limited) in order to facilitate the determination of any matters considered by them.


(4)       The Statutory Licensing Committee or Statutory Licensing Sub Committee as deemed necessary shall be empowered to adopt or modify any such rules of procedure in order to facilitate the determination of any matters considered by them.


(d)       Public Protection Licensing Committee (15 Members)


Councillors Janice Charles, Geoff Cox, Robert Crowley, Pamela Drake, Ben Gray, Owen Griffiths, Anthony Hampton, Kevin Mahoney, Anne Moore, Michael Morgan, Jayne Norman, John Thomas, Steffan Wiliam, Margaret Wilkinson and Marguerita Wright.


Terms of Reference


(1)       To determine all licensing matters and any other matters of a licensing nature, with the exception of Licensing Act 2003 and Gambling Act 2005 licensing functions and any matters and such other licensing functions which fall within the remit of the:


(i)            Council, any of its committees or the Executive.

(ii)          The Joint Committee for Shared Regulatory Services


(2)       All Licensing matters will be considered by the Public Protection Licensing Committee or Public Protection Licensing Sub Committee as deemed necessary, exercising plenary powers and meeting on such specific occasions as necessary.


(3)       The Public Protection Licensing Committee or Public Protection Licensing Sub Committee  shall be empowered to do anything which is necessarily incidental to the exercise of the delegated function and all delegations and or authorisations shall be construed accordingly (unless they are expressly limited) in order to facilitate the determination of any matters considered by them.


(4)       The Public Protection Licensing Committee or Public Protection Licensing Sub Committee shall be empowered to adopt or modify any such rules of procedure including, but not limited to, the Statement of Principles for taxi licensing in order to facilitate the determination of any matters considered by them.


(5)       To determine all licensing matters delegated to the Committee, including applications for Hackney Carriage, Private Hire Vehicles, Street Trading Licences, any other matters of a licensing nature. 


(6)       To review and update conditions attached to existing licences/certificates/ permits/consents and to agree new conditions required due to changes in legislation and or changes in trends or practices.


(7)       Any function in relation to the making of an Alcohol Consumption in Designated Public Places Order under the provisions of the Criminal Justice and Police Act 2001.


(e)       Appeals Committee (6 Members, none of whom should be members of either the Early Retirement / Redundancy Committee or the Investigating Committee)


(N.B. Seat given up by Plaid Cymru Group as part of overall “Political Balance” calculation).


Councillors Robert Crowley, Owen Griffiths, Sally Hanks, Neil Moore, Michael Morgan and Rachel Nugent-Finn.


Terms of Reference:


With delegated powers:


(1)       To hear and determine appeals against decisions on disciplinary proceedings instituted against Chief Officers (excluding the Head of Paid Service, Monitoring Officer, Chief Finance Officer and Head of Democratic Services).


(2)       To hear and determine matters relating to grievance appeals from Chief Officers.


(3)       To hear and determine appeals arising from local government reorganisation.


(4)       To consider and make recommendations to Cabinet on all matters relating to re-grading appeals by all Chief Officers.


(5)       To hear and determine appeals against the redundancy of Council employees issued with redundancy notification.


(6)       To hear and determine appeals against the redundancy of employees employed by school governing bodies following notice of school closure.


N.B. Pursuant to the provisions of the Local Authorities (Standing Orders) (Wales) Regulations 2006 and the Amendment Regulations 2014, where in the case of the dismissal of


-           a Chief Officer

-           a Deputy Chief Officer


a committee or sub-committee is discharging the function of the dismissal, at least one member and not more than half of the members of that committee or sub-committee are to be members of the Executive.


Separate mechanisms are in place to deal with dismissal and disciplinary issues affecting the Head of Paid Service, Monitoring Officer, Chief Finance Officer and Head of Democratic Services.


(f)        Investigating Committee (7 Members, none of whom should be members of the Appeals Committee)


(N.B. Seat given up by Plaid Cymru Group as part of overall “Political Balance” calculation).


Councillors Lis Burnett, Christine Cave, Gwyn John, Kathryn McCaffer, Anne Moore Andrew Robertson plus 1 vacancy.


Terms of Reference:


With delegated powers:


(1)       To act in accordance with the procedures laid down by the JNC Conditions of Service for Chief Officers and in accordance with the Local Authorities (Standing Orders) (Wales) Regulations 2006 and the Local Authorities (Standing Orders) (Wales) Regulations (Amendment) Regulations 2014 and any statutory modifications made thereunder in all matters of discipline and capability.


(2)       To determine such matters as appropriate with delegated powers on behalf of the Council in relation to non-statutory Chief Officers and statutory Chief Officers, with the exception of the Head of Paid Service, Monitoring Officer, Chief Finance Officer and Head of Democratic Services.


(3)       To recommend, where considered appropriate, in the case of the Head of Paid Service, Monitoring Officer, Chief Finance Officer and the Head of Democratic Services referral of the issue to an independent person in accordance with the provisions of the Local Authorities (Standing Orders) (Wales) Regulations 2006 and the Local Authorities (Standing Orders) (Wales) Regulations (Amendment) Regulations 2014 and any statutory modifications made thereunder.


*N.B.  The “second hearing” as referred to within the Chief Officers’ Hand Book in respect of non-statutory Chief Officers and statutory Chief Officers, with the exception of the Head of Paid Service, Monitoring Officer, Chief Finance Officer and Head of Democratic Services, shall be a referral to the Appeals Committee in accordance with ACAS guidelines.


(g)       Standards Committee (9 Members, including 5 independent members; 3 Councillors other than the Leader and not more than 1 member of the Executive; and 1 member of a town/community council wholly or mainly in the Council’s area)


Councillors Ben Gray, Anne Moore and Rachel Nugent-Finn.


Terms of Reference:


(1)       To promote and maintain high standards of conduct by Councillors, Co-Opted Members and church and parent governor representatives.


(2)       To assist Councillors, Co-Opted Members and church and parent governor representatives to observe the Members’ Code of Conduct.


(3)       To advise the Council on the adoption or revision of the Members’ Code of Conduct.


(4)       To monitor the operation of the Members’ Code of Conduct.


(5)       To advise, train or arrange to train Councillors, Co-Opted Members and church and parent governor representatives on matters relating to the Members’ Code of Conduct.


(6)       To grant dispensations to Councillors, Co-Opted Members and church and parent governor representatives from requirements relating to interests set out in the Members’ Code of Conduct.


(7)       To deal with any reports from a case tribunal or interim case tribunal, and any report from the Monitoring Officer on any matter referred to that officer by the Public Services Ombudsman.


(8)       To exercise (1) to (7) above in relation to the community councils wholly or mainly in its area and the Members of those community councils.


(9)       To overview complaints handling and Ombudsman investigations.


(h)       Standards Committee Appointment Panel (1 Community Councillor, 1 Lay Person (to be appointed by the Monitoring Officer) and 1 Vale of Glamorgan Councillor from each political group (who is not a member of the Standards Committee)


Conservative: Group Leader to inform Head of Democratic Services.


Labour: Councillor Lis Burnett.


Plaid Cymru: Group Leader to inform Head of Democratic Services.


Llantwit First Independents: Group Leader to inform Head of Democratic Services.


Terms of Reference:


To consider applications to fill Independent Member vacancies on the Standards Committee and make recommendations to the Appointments Committee.


(i)         Standards Committee Appointments Committee (3 Members – the Elected Members who sit on the Standards Committee)


Councillors Ben Gray, Anne Moore and Rachel Nugent-Finn.


Terms of Reference:


To appoint the Independent Members to the Standards Committee, having regard to the Appointment Panel's recommendations and to deal with other matters requiring a decision for the appointment of a non-Council member of the Standards Committee.


(j)         Discretionary Housing Payments Review Committee (7 Members)


(N.B. Seat given up by Plaid Cymru and Llantwit First Independents Groups as part of overall “Political Balance” calculation).


Councillors Lis Burnett, Kevin Mahoney, Kathryn McCaffer, Neil Moore and Andrew Parker plus 2 vacancies.


Terms of Reference:


With delegated powers to determine reviews made under the Discretionary Financial Assistance Regulations 2001, as amended by the Discretionary Financial Assistance Regulations 2008, and any statutory modifications made thereunder in the light of guidance on the operation of Discretionary Housing Payments issued by the Department for Work and Pensions under the Discretionary Housing Payments Scheme.


(k)        Audit Committee (7 Members plus 1 Lay Member)


Councillors George Carroll, Pamela Drake, Vincent Driscoll, Stephen Griffiths, Leighton Rowlands, Mark Wilson plus one vacancy.


Lay Member – Mr. P. Lewis.


(N.B. Vacancy to be taken up by the Plaid Cymru Group or Llantwit First Independent Group - to be determined.)




The membership of the Audit Committee is to be determined by Council subject to:


(a)       At least two thirds of the members must be Vale of Glamorgan Councillors of whom no more than 1 member may be a member of the Cabinet who must not be the Leader.


(b)       Up to one third of the members may be from outside the Council and at least one member must be a lay member.


Chairing the Committee


The Audit Committee shall be chaired by a person elected by its members.  The Chairman may be a Vale of Glamorgan Councillor or a lay member, but must not be a member of any Group which has Members on the Executive.




All Audit Committee members, including lay members, have the right to vote on any issue considered by the Committee.


Frequency of meetings


The Committee must meet at least once a year.


Terms of Reference


(1)       To consider the external auditor’s annual report and other relevant reports; and to make recommendations on their implementation to Cabinet and/or Council as appropriate.


(2)       To consider specific reports as agreed with the external auditor and to make recommendations on their implementation to Cabinet and/or Council as appropriate.


(3)       To maintain an overview of Contracts Procedure Rules, Financial Regulations; and Officers’ Codes of Conduct and behaviour and to make recommendations to Cabinet and/or Council as appropriate.


(4)       To monitor Council policies on “Raising Concerns at Work” and the anti-fraud and bribery strategy and the Council’s complaints procedure and to make recommendations to Cabinet and/or Council as appropriate.


(5)       To oversee the production of the Council’s Annual Governance Statement and to recommend its adoption.


(6)       To review the annual Statement of Accounts.  Specifically, to consider whether appropriate accounting policies have been followed and whether there are concerns arising from the financial statements or from the audit that need to be brought to the attention of the Council.


(7)       Overall responsibility for the maintenance and operation of the Whistleblowing   Policy


With delegated powers:


(1)       To approve the Internal Audit Charter.


(2)       To approve the risk-based Internal Audit Plan and to approve significant interim changes to the risk-based Internal Audit Plan.


(3)       To oversee the Council’s Internal Audit arrangements (including the performance of the providers of Internal Audit).


(4)       To contribute to the Quality Assurance and Improvement Programme and, in particular, to the external quality assessment of Internal Audit that takes place at least once every five years.


(5)       To consider and approve the Head of Internal Audit’s annual report and opinion, and a summary of internal audit activity (actual and proposed) and the level of assurance it can give over the Council’s risk management, internal control and corporate governance arrangements.


(6)       To consider and approve summaries of special internal audit reports as requested.


(7)       To consider and approve reports dealing with the management and performance of the providers of internal audit services.


(8)       To consider reports from internal audit on agreed recommendations not implemented within a reasonable timescale and approve necessary remedial action.


(9)       To comment on the scope and depth of external audit work and to ensure it gives value for money.


(10)     To commission work from internal and external audit.


(11)     To review and determine on any issue referred to it by the Head of Paid Service, Section 151 Officer, Monitoring Officer or by a Director, or any Council body.


(12)     To approve measures to ensure the effective development and operation of risk management and corporate governance in the Council.


(13)     To consider the Council’s arrangements for corporate governance and to approve necessary actions to ensure compliance with best practice.


(14)     To approve the external auditor’s report to those charged with governance on issues arising from the audit of accounts.


(l)         Community Liaison Committee (13 Members)


Councillors Julie Aviet, Rhiannon Birch, George Carroll, Christine Cave, Janice Charles, Stewart Edwards, Sally Hanks, Nic Hodges, Peter King, Kathryn McCaffer, Michael Morgan, Sandra Perkes and Andrew Robertson.


Terms of Reference:


(1)       To discuss local government matters of mutual concern in attendance with one representative, or nominated substitute, from each Town / Community Council, and from any other organisation considered appropriate.


(2)       To refer, as appropriate, reports / recommendations to Cabinet.


N.B. Only Members of the Vale of Glamorgan Council will have voting rights.  However, if requested by Town and Community Councillors, a vote will be obtained from Town and Community Councillors as an indication of their views, which will be reported in the minutes and, if the Committee requests, included in any related report / recommendations referred to Cabinet.


(m)      Democratic Services Committee (10 Members)


Councillors George Carroll, Owen Griffiths, Stephen Griffiths, Nic Hodges, Kathryn McCaffer, Neil Moore, Michael Morgan, Leighton Rowlands, Neil Thomas and Edward Williams.


To comprise of Councillors only – to be politically balanced with no more than 1 executive Member, who cannot be the Leader.


Full Council to appoint Chairman, who must not be a member of any political group on the Executive.


Terms of Reference:


(1)       To designate the Head of Democratic Services.


(2)       To keep under review the provision by the Authority of adequate resources to discharge Democratic Services functions.


(3)       To make reports and recommendations in respect of (2) above to Full Council at least annually.


(4)       To have regard to Welsh Ministerial guidance when exercising its functions.


(5)       To be responsible for overseeing the Council’s approach to Member Development.


Frequency of Meetings


The Committee must meet at least once a year.


(n)       Democratic Services Sub-Committee (3 Members)


Councillors Neil Moore and Michael Morgan plus one vacancy.


Terms of Reference


To hear and determine any complaints from Members regarding a refusal by the Head of Democratic Services to grant family absence under the Family Absence for Elected Members of Local Authorities (Wales) Regulations 2013.


(o)       Early Retirement / Redundancy Committee (7 Members - none of whom should be members of the Appeals Committee)


(N.B. Seat given up by Plaid Cymru Group as part of overall “Political Balance” calculation).


Councillors Vincent Bailey, Pamela Drake, Stewart Edwards, Gwyn John, Anne Moore, Rachel Nugent-Finn and Neil Thomas.


Terms of Reference:


With delegated powers:


(1)       To determine individual applications for Early Retirement / Voluntary Redundancy / Flexible Retirement.


(2)       To determine compulsory redundancies from schools and other areas of the Council where statutory payments are prescribed.


(p)       Joint Consultative Forum (7 Members) 


Councillors Janice Charles, Pamela Drake, Ben Gray, Stephen Griffiths, Anthony Hampton, Neil Thomas plus one vacancy.


(N.B. Vacancy to be taken up by the Plaid Cymru Group or Llantwit First Independent Group - to be determined.)


Terms of Reference:


(1)       To consider any relevant matter referred to it by a Committee, Elected Member or the Head of Paid Service of the Council or by the Employees’ Group.


(2)       To make recommendations to the Cabinet on the above and on the application of the terms and conditions of service and the education, training and welfare of employees of the Council.


(3)       To discharge any other functions specifically assigned to the Forum.


(q)       Senior Management Appointment Committee (6 Members, including Leader and Deputy Leader)


(N.B. Seat given up by Llantwit First Independent Group as part of overall “Political Balance” calculation).


Councillors Lis Burnett, Hunter Jarvie, Dr. Ian Johnson, Neil Moore, Bob Penrose and John Thomas.


Terms of Reference:


With delegated powers to select for and to interview and appoint to the Management Structure and to appoint the lay member to the Audit Committee.


N.B.In order to assist the process in respect of joint appointments (i.e. with partner organisations), the Council has granted delegated authority to the Managing Director, in consultation with the Leader, to agree the arrangements for the involvement of the partner organisation in the decision-making process.”


(r)        Trust Committee (7 Members)


(N.B. Seat given up by Plaid Cymru and Llantwit First Independents Groups as part of overall “Political Balance” calculation).


Councillors Robert Crowley, Pamela Drake, Hunter Jarvie, Kevin Mahoney, Neil Moore, Andrew Parker and Andrew Robertson.


Terms of Reference:


With delegated powers to consider and deal with matters in which the Council acts as Trustee, except those matters within the terms of reference of the Welsh Church Act Estate Committee.


(s)       Voluntary Sector Joint Liaison Committee (8 Members plus 7 Voluntary Sector representatives and 1 representative as nominated by the Community Liaison Committee from Town and Community Councils)


Councillors Lis Burnett, Christine Cave, Millie Collins, Gordon Kemp, Matthew Lloyd, Neil Moore, Jayne Norman and Michael Morgan.


Terms of Reference:


(1)       To refer, as appropriate, reports and recommendations to the Council’s Cabinet and the Executives of Voluntary Sector organisations.


(2)       To appoint a Chairman and Vice-Chairman from amongst the eight Members of the Council and an Honorary Vice-Chairman from amongst the seven representatives from the Voluntary Sector.


(3)       To advise the Council of the needs, views and concerns of the Voluntary Sector.


(4)       To report on the work of those organisations grant funded by the Council, either in full or in part.


(5)       To act as a consultative forum where the Voluntary Sector and the Council may, in partnership, put forward policy proposals for discussion and decision.


(6)       To facilitate and promote joint working between the Council and the Voluntary Sector.


(7)       In accordance with the statutory provisions, only Members of the Council will have voting rights. However, where there is no consensus, this will be reported in the minutes and placed before the Cabinet prior to a decision being taken.


(8)       To review the Compact and associated Annual Work Plan and to monitor and report on progress made towards achieving the actions contained within the Compact and the Plan.


(9)       To consider reports of the Cabinet and other Committees of the Council which have a bearing and impact on the Voluntary Sector.


(t)         Welsh Church Act Estate Committee (7 Members)


(N.B. Seat given up by Llantwit First Independents Group as part of overall “Political Balance” calculation).


Councillors Geoff Cox, Pamela Drake, Anthony Hampton, Neil Moore, Andrew Parker, Steffan Wiliam and Marguerita Wright.


Terms of Reference:


(1)       Delegated authority to administer and manage the Welsh Church Act Estate as vested in the Council.


(2)       Authority to negotiate with other authorities and the Welsh Government to rationalise the ownership of Welsh Church Act properties administered by other authorities, but actually located within the Vale of Glamorgan.


(3)       To ensure that the Wales Programme for Improvement is observed in all areas of the Committee’s responsibility.


(u)       Appointment of Local Authority Governors Advisory Panel (6 Members - to be chaired by the Cabinet Member for Learning and Culture)


(N.B. Seat given up by Llantwit First Independents Group as part of overall “Political Balance” calculation).


Councillors Lis Burnett, Nic Hodges, Gordon Kemp, Rachel Nugent-Finn, Bob Penrose and Margaret Wilkinson.


Terms of Reference:


A representative of the Vale Governors’ Association (AVAGO), as determined by the management committee of that Association, will be invited to attend the Panel in an advisory capacity (i.e. without voting rights). In the event of any of the six members or the AVAGO representative being unable to attend, named substitutes will be eligible to take their place to ensure that all these groups are adequately represented when the Panel meets.


The Advisory Panel for the Appointment of Local Authority Governors will be responsible for making recommendations to the Cabinet regarding the appointment and removal of Local Authority Governors in line with the approved criteria contained within this policy. If the Cabinet do not endorse any recommendations of the Panel regarding any Local Authority Governor appointments, they will refer them back to the Panel in the first instance, stating appropriate reasons for doing so. In the event of failure by the Panel to recommend an appointment, that appointment will then be made by the Cabinet, so as to ensure that the Council meets its obligation to fill vacancies within six months of their notification.


(v)        Glamorgan Heritage Coast Advisory Group (7 Members)


Councillors Jonathan Bird, Lis Burnett, Stewart Edwards, Sally Hanks, Andrew Parker, Neil Thomas and Steffan Wiliam.


One representative from each of the following:


Natural Resources Wales; Friends of the Glamorgan Heritage Coast; One Voice Wales; Bridgend County Borough Council; National Farmers Union / Farmers Union of Wales / Farming and Wildlife Advisory Group; Glamorgan Wildlife Trust; Dunraven Estates; Country Landowners Association; Merthyr Mawr Estates, Crown Estates Commissioners and Vale of Glamorgan Tourist Association.


Terms of Reference:


(1)       To act as a forum for discussion twice yearly with major interest groups and appropriate organisations.


(2)       To promote awareness and interest in the Heritage Coast.


(3)       To report discussions to the Cabinet and to advise on relevant matters.


(w)      Equalities Consultative Forum (6 Members - to be Chaired by the Cabinet Member for Performance and Resources)


Councillors Millie Collins, Owen Griffiths, Kathryn McCaffer, Jayne Norman, John Thomas and Ruba Sivagnanam.


Terms of Reference:


(1)       To act as a consultative forum in relation to the equalities policy and procedures developed by the Council.


(2)       To facilitate the promotion of equal opportunities and the elimination of discrimination both within the Council and the wider community.


(3)       To consider reports from Departments and representative organisations on equalities related subjects and new initiatives; and to make recommendations to the Council on changes to policies and procedures where appropriate.


(4)       To advise the Council of the views and concerns of equality organisations and of the residents of the Vale.


(5)       To facilitate and promote joint working between the Council and equality organisations.


Composition of the Forum


The Forum will be chaired by the Cabinet Member for Corporate Resources. In her or his absence, a Chair will be nominated for each particular meeting by the members of the Forum in attendance.


In addition to the Chair, membership will consist of five Elected Members as determined by the Annual Meeting of Council.


The membership of external organisations on the Forum will be reviewed on an ongoing basis by the Head of Performance and Development, in consultation with the Chair, to ensure that all equality strands are represented wherever possible.


Frequency of Meetings


As required, but as a minimum once every six months.


(x)       Central South Consortium Joint Education Service Joint Committee (1 Member)


The revised Governance Model for the Consortium included a streamlined Joint Committee, which consisted of a reduced number of Leaders or nominated representatives. Each constituent Local Authority appointed one Member, which (according to the National Model) should be the Leader or nominated representative.


Representative - Cabinet Member for Learning and Culture.


(y)        Shared Regulatory Services Joint Committee (2 Members plus 2 substitutes)


The Joint Working Agreement provides for each of the three constituent Authorities to appoint substitutes for its two named Members. 


Representatives - Cabinet Member for Regulatory and Legal Services and the Chairman of the Public Protection Licensing Committee.


Substitutes -Cabinet Member for Neighbourhood Services and Transport and the Vice-Chairman of the Public Protection Licensing Committees.





RESOLVED - T H A T it be noted that ordinary meetings of the Council would be held on the following dates: 

  • 19th July, 2017
  • 27th September, 2017
  • 13th December, 2017
  • 28th February, 2018
  • 25th April, 2018. 




The Committees for which Chairmen and Vice-Chairmen were to be appointed at the Annual Meeting were all the bodies in the political balance table (which could be found in Agenda Item Nos. 7 and 8), with the exception of those shown below (where legislative provisions, or alternative, specific arrangements currently applied). 





All   Scrutiny Committees

The   formula for the election of Chairmen is prescribed within the Local   Government (Wales) Measure 2011.  The   allocation of Chairmen positions to the respective Groups will, therefore,   apply in accordance with the formula and will be unchanged.  Please see covering report for Agenda Item   No. 7 for details of the formula.  It   can be seen that, on this occasion, 2 Chairmen positions remain “unallocated”   and will need to be determined at the first meeting of the respective   Committees


Vice-Chairmen   will be appointed at the first meeting of each Committee.


Democratic   Services Sub-Committee

As   a sub-committee, it would be expected to determine its own Chairman at the   first meeting.


Public   Rights of Way Sub-Committee

As   a sub-committee, it would be expected to determine its own Chairman at the   first meeting.


Standards   Committee

There   is a legislative requirement that the Chairman be an independent member.


Audit   Committee

The   Local Government (Wales) Measure 2011 requires the Committee to appoint the   Chairman.



Appointment   of Local Authority Governors Advisory Panel

Chaired   by the (previous) Cabinet Member (Regeneration and Education)


Equalities   Consultative Forum

Chaired   by the (previous) Cabinet Member (Resources and Inward Investment).



RESOLVED - T H A T the Chairmen and Vice-Chairmen of Committees be appointed as set out below for the ensuing municipal year:


Appeals:                           Chairman:             Councillor Robert Crowley

                                       Vice-Chairman:      Councillor Rachel Nugent-Finn


Community                       Chairman:             Councillor Janice Charles

Liaison:                            Vice-Chairman:      Councillor Christine Cave


Democratic                       Chairman:             Councillor Nic Hodges

Services:                          Vice-Chairman:      Councillor Stephen Griffiths


Discretionary                    Chairman:              Councillor Kathryn McCaffer

Housing Payments:           Vice-Chairman:       Councillor Andrew Parker



Early Retirement/             Chairman:               Councillor Rachel Nugent-Finn

Redundancy:                   Vice-Chairman:        Councillor Vincent Bailey


Glamorgan Heritage         Chairman:                Councillor Stewart Edwards

Coast Advisory:               Vice-Chairman:         Councillor Andrew Parker             


Investigating:                  Chairman:                Councillor Andrew Robertson

                                      Vice-Chairman:        Councillor Kathryn McCaffer


Joint Consultative Forum  Chairman:                Councillor Janice Charles

                                      Vice-Chairman         Councillor Anthony Hampton


Planning:                         Chairman:               Councillor Ben Gray

                                      Vice-Chairman:        Councillor Vincent Driscoll


Public Protection              Chairman:                Councillor Anthony Hampton

Licensing:                       Vice-Chairman:         Councillor Michael Morgan


Statutory Licensing          Chairman:                Councillor Anthony Hampton

                                      Vice-Chairman:        Councillor Michael Morgan


Senior Management         Chairman:                Leader

Appointment:                  Vice-Chairman:         Deputy Leader         


Trust:                             Chairman:                Councillor Hunter Jarvie

                                      Vice-Chairman:        Councillor Andrew Parker


Voluntary Sector              Chairman:                Councillor Christine Cave

Joint Liaison:                   Vice-Chairman:        Councillor Matthew Lloyd

                                      Honorary Vice-         To be appointed from amongst

                                      Chairman                 the 7 representatives from the

                                                                     Voluntary and Health Sectors


Welsh Church                  Chairman:                Councillor Geoff Cox

Act Estate:                      Vice-Chairman:        Councillor Andrew Parker