Minutes of a meeting held on 15th January, 2018.
Present: Councillor K.F. McCaffer (Vice-Chairman); Councillors Ms. J. Aviet, G.D. Carroll, Mrs. C.A. Cave, S.T. Edwards, K.P. Mahoney and Mrs. R. Nugent-Finn.
These were received from Councillors Ms. B.E. Brooks (Chairman) ,N.C. Thomas and L.O. Rowlands.
RECOMMENDED - T H A T the minutes of the meeting held on 4th December, 2017 be approved as a correct record.
No declarations were received.
Cabinet on 18th December, 2017 was updated on the work that had been undertaken to improve corporate arrangements for Safeguarding and Protecting Children and Adults who required specific Council services, to ensure that these arrangements were effective.
The report covered the following areas:
- Child Protection Registration
- Allegations against professionals
- Child Sexual Exploitation
- Protection of Adults of Risk (formerly Protection of Vulnerable Adults)
- Audit
- Consultation
- Cardiff and Vale Safeguarding Children Regional Board
- Cardiff and Vale Safeguarding Adults Regional Board.
With regard to Child Protection, the Committee was advised that for the period April 2017 to September 2017, 552 referrals were received by the Division. Of these, 143 had progressed to a Strategy meeting or an investigation under Section 47 of the Children Act 1989.
99% of Child Protection Conferences were held within statutory timescales. For initial conferences, this was within 15 days of the last strategy discussion for review conferences, within three months of the initial conference and thereafter at no more than six monthly intervals. There had been a marked increase in Child Protection Conference activity in the last two quarters of 2016/17 and within Quarters 1 and 2 of 2017/18.
In terms of allegations against professionals, between April 2017 and September 2017, there were seven new referrals which met the threshold for consideration under Section 4.3 of the All Wales Child Protection Procedures which concerned allegations of the abuse of children by professional or staff members. There were seven cases that were carried over into the period. In total 14 referrals were dealt with during the time period of the report.
With regard to child sexual exploitation (CSE) the report advised that there had been eleven referrals received by the Protection and Policy Officer during this period with 13 cases carried over from 2016/17 where concern of CSE had been a significant feature. Of the 24 children, 5 were male and 19 were female with the age range of 12 years through to 17 years. 7 of the children were looked after and 9 were on the Child Protection Register. Of the 7 looked after children, they were not all looked after when they were first dealt with so not targeted because of their looked after status. Of the 11 new referrals, 2 had been re-referred. Of the new cases only one child was the victim of Child Sexual Exploitation, which was a single perpetrator who she had met on line. He was male aged 19 and lived in the Vale.
Adult Protection data for April 2017 to September 2017 showed that 318 referrals were received. This was an average of 27 referrals per month. There had therefore been a significant increase of adult safeguarding concerns as a result of the legislative changes and because there had been a review of the team structure and processes to ensure the best possible response.
The Children and Young People Services division, Adult Services division and the Resources Management and Safeguarding division had put in place an audit framework and monitoring arrangements, which were carried out at quarterly intervals to ensure that robust information was available about their safeguarding work. Auditors met six weeks prior to the date of the audit in order to agree the subject area.
The audit activity in the first 2 quarters of the year related to risk assessments in Adult Services and assessments within Children and Young People Services. In terms of the risk assessment, audit recommendations were made to ensure that risk assessments were updated when significant events occurred and as the management and reduction of risks were clearly documented. The audit found that in most cases, review of risk assessments was appropriate and evidence of citizen’s voice was present. The Children and Young People Services assessment audit identified good practice in terms of evidence that children were being seen alone (where appropriate) and the involvement of significant people in the assessments were documented.
In terms of consultation, the process for consulting with service users and professionals was well established within Social Services. The implementation of the Social Services and Wellbeing Act had involved a considerable focus upon qualitative surveys which were being circulated during Autumn 2017. The questions for the exercise were determined by Welsh Government and in relation to safeguarding would include the question “Do you feel safe?, Do you feel cared for and safe from anyone who can hurt you or treat you badly, both inside and outside of your home?” This question was included in the Adults, Carers and Children and Young Peoples questionnaires.
In relation to an update on the Cardiff and Vale Safeguarding Children Board, Members were advised that the Board was now chaired by Cardiff’s Director of Social Services. The Board was in a very busy consolidation and delivery phase with a small business unit in place to work with partner agencies in order to develop sub-group activities and meaningful performance information.
The Board had a programme of audit which examined the effectiveness of all agencies working together under the All Wales Child Protection procedures. The audit sub- group had undertaken an audit of cases of children whose names were removed from the Child Protection Register but re-registered within a 12 month period.
Recommendations had been made to the Board and an Action Plan had been developed. Implementation would be monitored via the Business Planning Group.
For the Cardiff and Vale Safeguarding Adults Regional Board, it was noted that this was chaired by the Director of Social Services of the Vale of Glamorgan on behalf of the region. Three workshops had recently been held led by an external facilitator from the Department of Sociological Studies at the University of Sheffield. This was develop the necessary arrangements to identify the themes, actions and sub-groups needed to take forward the work of the Board.
Upon analysis of the outcomes of the three workshops, it was agreed that the two main priorities for the Board for 2016-19 to 2019-20 would be domiciliary care and nursing homes and dementia. This was now a combined three-year Action Plan under the Board’s governance and strategic priorities 2017-20 for these key areas.
Finally, the Committee was advised that the Social Services and Wellbeing Act contained a new Order that could be obtained from the Magistrates Court. The Adult Protection and Support Orders allowed for a private conversation with a suspected adult at risk in order to find out if that suspected adult at risk was free to make their own decisions and to assess whether they were an adult at risk. It had not been necessary to apply for any Adult Protection Support Orders to date in the Vale of Glamorgan.
Having considered the report it was
RECOMMENDED - T H A T the work undertaken to improve corporate arrangements for Safeguarding and Protecting Children and Adults be noted.
Reason for recommendation
To ensure that the Committee is aware of recent developments in corporate arrangements for safeguarding.
The Operational Manager - Accountancy presented the report the purpose of which was to bring to the attention of the Committee the position in respect of revenue and capital expenditure for the period 1st April to 30th November, 2017.
The forecast for Social Services at year end was a potential overspend of around £1.4m due to pressures on the Community Care budget and Children’s Placements. A table and graph setting out the variance between the profiled budget and actual expenditure to date and the projected position at year end was attached at Appendix 1.
For Children and Young People Services, the major issue was the pressure on the Children’s Placement budget, which had resulted in an overall projected £200,000 overspend at year end. This was due to the increasing complexities of some of the children currently being supported, which had resulted in a small number of placement at very high cost.
With regards to Adult Services, the major issue concerning this service was the continuing pressure relating to the Community Care Packages budget and it was currently projected that there could be an overspend for this year of around £1.2m. This budget was extremely volatile and was under pressure from significant demographic growth, an increase in the complexity of cases, as well as pressure from care providers to increase fees as a result of the National Living Wage. An increase of 1.5% above the 1% inflation provided in the budget would be paid to residential and nursing home providers. Additional funding had been recently been announced by Welsh Government through the Social Care Workforce Grant which totalled £30m across Wales and had provided an additional funding of £704,000 to the Council. This funding had been used to increase the fees paid to domiciliary care providers above the 1% provided within the budget. The additional money from Welsh Government was not sufficient to fund any growth either in the number of size of care packages. The Community Care Package budget would also need to achieve savings of £200,000 this year. Further savings initiatives would be considered which may be funded via regional grants. Welsh Government had continued to provide Intermediate Care Funds (ICF) grant to Cardiff and Vale University Health Board to allow collaborative working between health and Cardiff and the Vale Councils, however, the level of grant funding was not guaranteed on an ongoing basis.
It was therefore proposed that up to £1.2m be used this year from the Social Services Legislative Changes Fund and £200,000 from the Social Services Pressures Reserves to cover the shortfall.
In relation to leisure, it was reported that there was currently a small adverse variance to the profiled budget. The main reason was due to high costs for vehicles during the start of the grounds maintenance season. These costs were reducing over the winter months and therefore it was currently projected that the overall budget would outturn on target.
Attached at Appendix 2 was a summary of savings to be monitored by the Committee during 2017/18. There was currently no specific savings target allocated to Leisure Services.
With regard to the Social Services savings targets which related to the Care Package budget reductions, while there was significant pressure on this budget and it was anticipated to overspend, schemes had been put place to deliver savings in this area by transferring domiciliary care clients to direct payments and by establishing a review team and therefore the saving was projected to be achieved in full.
Appendix 3 provided further detail of the savings within the Social Services budget programme.
Appendix 4 financial progress on the capital programme as as 30th November, 2017. There was one change to the capital programme to report. This related to Leisure Capital Bid with £300,000 of this budget relating to works in Cowbridge Leisure Centre roof. Tenders for the roof had been received but were significantly above the available budget, and so the scheme was being redesigned and would be re-tendered. It had therefore been requested that £275,000 be carried forward into the 2018/19 Capital Programme.
Having considered the report it was
(1) T H A T the position with regard to the 2017/18 Revenue and Capital Monitoring be noted.
(2) T H A T progress made in delivering the Social Services Budget Programme be noted.
Reasons for recommendations
(1) Having regard to the position with the 2017/18 Revenue and Capital Monitoring relevant to the Scrutiny Committee.
(2) In order to ensure that Members are aware of the progress made to date on the Social Services Budget Programme.
The Committee received an update on the Cardiff and Vale of Glamorgan Regional Partnership Board and in relation to the integration of health and social care. For this item, the Committee welcomed the Assistant Director – Integrating Health and Social Care.
Part 9 of the Social Services and Well-being (Wales) Act 2014 (SSWWA) required Local Authorities to make arrangements to promote co-operation with their relevant partners and others, in relation to adults with needs for care and support, carers and children.
Part 9 of the Act also provided for partnership arrangements between Local Authorities and Local Health Boards (LHBs) for the discharge of their functions. It also provided Welsh Ministers with regulation powers in relation to formal partnership arrangements (including pooled funds) and partnership boards.
The SSWWA came into force on 6th April 2016 and the Cardiff and Vale of Glamorgan Regional Partnership Board (CVGRPB) met for the first time on 22nd April 2016. The Terms of Reference, Membership and Governance Structure can be seen in Appendices 1 and 2.
Population Assessment
As required by the Act, the CVGRPB published a regional population needs assessment on 31st March 2017. The assessment brought together information from public surveys, focus group interviews with local residents, surveys with professionals and organisations providing care and support and population data.
Key findings identified by the assessment included the need to increase citizen involvement in shaping services, promoting and improving access to high quality information and advice, improving access to low level and specialist mental health care and support, improving public transport to better access services; and providing appropriate housing and community environments to enable people to remain independent.
In response to the findings of the Population Needs Assessment a review was undertaken in relation to all suggested areas for action. This was done against existing or planned activity in current partnerships or organisational delivery mechanisms across the region to identify where this work was already being progressed. As a result, an Area Plan (Appendix 3) and Action Plan (Appendix 4) had been developed which sets out the priority areas for action to meet the identified needs within the Population Assessment.
The development of the Draft Plan had been undertaken alongside the production of the Well-being Plans in both the Vale of Glamorgan and Cardiff to ensure alignment. Public consultation also took place between 23rd October and 3rd December 2017 and involved attendance at community events and venues and an on-line survey. Key themes emerging from the consultation included:
- Positive feedback regarding the draft content, such as both reports being people focused and targeting the main (vulnerable) population groups across the region.
- Requests for greater reference to the issue of homelessness and how the Plans propose to address this issue.
- Requests for some additional relevant strategies / areas of work not currently included in the Area Action Plan to be added, such as ‘Ageing Well in Wales’, the ‘Carers Strategic Action Plan’ and the remodelling of specialist NHS learning disability services.
- Requests for some additional specific actions to be added, including a focus on falls prevention in relation to older people, and how we can support (unpaid) carers who work.
The Draft Action Plan had been updated to reflect the consultation feedback and would be subject to approval at the CVGRPB on 1st February 2018, followed by the decision making processes of the two Local Authorities and Cardiff and Vale UHB in February and March 2018.
Joint Commissioning and Pooled Budgets
Part 9 of the SSWWA required Local Authorities and the Local Health Board for each region to establish and maintain pooled funds in relation to the exercise of care home accommodation functions by 6th April 2018. The purpose of the pooled funds arrangements was to ensure that Local Health Boards and Local Authorities worked together to maximise their influence to shape the future development of services. This included ensuring there was sufficient capacity and an appropriate range of good quality services to respond to demand.
A proposed approach to establishing a no risk sharing pooled budget across the region from April 2018 is due to be considered by Cabinet on 22nd January 2018 and which would initially focus on care accommodation for older people (over 65), including those whose care was funded by NHS Continuing Health Care (NHS CHC), Funded Nursing Care (FNC) and Local Authority funded long term care home placements.
However, whilst there would be one pooled budget in place, the processes for commissioning and payment for services would still remain with the three organisations as at present, with each partner continuing to be responsible for their own budget and expenditure. The accountability for the functions of the statutory bodies remained with each individual organisation, in accordance with the Part 9 Guidance under SSWWA 2014.
In addition to the requirement for pooled funds in relation to care home accommodation functions, Local Authorities and Health Boards were also expected to:
- Agree an appropriate integrated market position statement and commissioning strategy.
- Agree a common contract and specification (for use between the care home providers and the statutory bodies).
- Develop an integrated approach to agreeing fees with providers.
- Develop an integrated approach to quality assurance.
A Market Position Statement and Commissioning Strategy (Appendix 5) had been completed by the Partnership and which contains information on:
- Current and projected local demographics, expenditure and activity levels;
- The types of service partners will be investing / disinvesting in;
- The vision for how partners wish to respond to the changing needs for care and support in the future.
Integrated Care Fund
The Welsh Government’s Integrated Care Fund (ICF) had been provided to Regional Partnership Boards to assist in the integration of health, social care, housing and third sectors services. Its purpose was to improve the outcomes and well-being of people with care and support needs and their carers, with particular emphasis on frail and older people; learning disabilities and children with complex needs; carers; Welsh Community Care and Information System and the Integrated Autism Service. Governance of the work is provided by the CVGRPB in line with Welsh Government Guidance.
In 2017/18 the Welsh Government had allocated £6.272m of revenue and £1.291m capital funding to the CVGRPB. A programme management approach had been implemented to ensure delivery of a series of projects to meet ICF aims and objectives. As part of the funding a number of services in the Vale of Glamorgan were supported which included:
- Single Point of Access - Telephone service facilitating co-ordinated access to Vale of Glamorgan Council, third sector and various region-wide community health services such as District Nursing.
- Ty Dyfan Residential Home - provision of a 6 bedded reablement facility.
- Third Sector Preventative Services.
- Accommodation Solutions - Multi-disciplinary team of Accommodation Solutions Officers and Occupational Therapists, working with hospital staff to assess and plan for individual housing needs in preparation for their discharge. The scheme includes provision of step up / step down accommodation to prevent admissions and expedite discharge.
- Integrated Discharge Service - Provision of social workers, social work assistants and Third Sector Discharge Support Officers to provide enhanced ward-based discharge support.
- Services to support people with learning disabilities and children with complex needs including respite; supported accommodation; enhanced day opportunities; independent living.
- Establishment of the Integrated Autism Service.
- Implementation of the Welsh Community Care Information System.
Quarterly reports on progress are submitted to the Welsh Government and end of year outcomes would form part of the CVGRPB Annual Report in May 2018.
A key focus of the CVGRPB has been on patient flow and reducing the number of delayed transfers of care. A delayed transfer of care (DToC) was when a hospital inpatient was ready to move to the next stage of care, but for one or more reasons was unable to do so. DToC could harm the wellbeing of those who suffered them and could have a negative impact on their independence. It also had an adverse effect on the wider health and social care system as delays could potentially deprive others from receiving timely care.
Following increased partnership working and additional investment through the ICF, the number of delays as of October 2017 were 54 across Cardiff and Vale of Glamorgan (16 from Vale of Glamorgan, 34 from Cardiff and 4 from out of area). 2 of the 16 delays for Vale of Glamorgan residents were recorded as social care reasons, 7 for health reasons and 9 for other reasons. Overall this was a 31% decrease on the same period in 2016 (78 delays) and the lowest level in three years.
The SSWWA (Part 2, Section 16) introduced a duty on Local Authorities and Local Health Boards to promote the development, in their area, of not for profit organisations to provide care and support for carers, and preventative services. These models included social enterprises, co-operative organisations, co-operative arrangements, user-led services and the third sector.
Following a workshop in May 2017 a 'virtual Forum' had been established across Cardiff and Vale of Glamorgan which aimed to promote social value and social enterprises through sharing best practice and focussed workshops on key issues. In September 2017 a joint event was held with the Wales Co-operative Centre and Social Business Wales in regard to 'Understanding Procurement to Deliver Innovative Public Services'. The event was well attended by both commissioners and providers and work is being taken forward to consider future joint commissioning opportunities and encouragement of alternative delivery models.
It was noted that a number of individual aspects of the work of the Board would be reported to Committee over the forthcoming months, such as the Area Plan. It was therefore agreed that as the Annual Report on the Regional Partnership Board would be received during the summer months, consideration would also be given to the frequency of further update reports.
In reply to a query regarding ongoing funding through the ICF Grant, the Committee was advised that this was the source of a lot of discussion. The ICF Grant used to be renewed on a yearly basis but this was now provided for the next two years until 2020. The ICF Grant supported some key core services of the Council but Welsh Government was not at present able to confirm all the priority actions. Discussion on this and the sustainability of the projects supported by the ICF was still ongoing.
Finally, the Committee Members were advised that demographic information was available on a Ward by Ward basis.
Subsequently, it was
(1) T H A T the work being undertaken by the Cardiff and Vale of Glamorgan Regional Partnership Board be noted.
(2) T H A T the Committee receives an update on the work of the Board on an annual basis.
Reasons for recommendations
In order to apprise Members of the progress made with regard to the Cardiff and Vale of Glamorgan Regional Partnership Board and the development of the Cardiff and Vale of Glamorgan Area Plan for Care and Support Needs 2018-2023.
The Director of Social Services presented the report the purpose of which was to provide the performance results for Quarter 2, 1st April - 30th September, 2017 for the Corporate Plan Wellbeing Outcome 4, an Active and Healthy Vale.
The report advised that an overall green RAG status had been attributed to Wellbeing Outcome 4, an Active and Healthy Vale. A detailed report outlining the progress towards achieving the Wellbeing Outcome 4 was provided at Appendix A.
It was reported that there was slippage in relation to four actions and it was anticipated that this underperformance would be addressed by year end. These related to adoption of the Council’s Leisure Strategy, development of a therapeutic fostering scheme, further development and extension of the use of the DEWIS Cymru portal and increase in staff confidence to enable effective safeguarding decisions in line with the Social Services and Wellbeing Act. It was noted that the service was also performing consistently well in relation to performance measures associated with this outcome with no measures missing target by more than 10%.
In reply to a query regarding progress around the completion of a Leisure Strategy for the Vale of Glamorgan, the Operational Manager for Leisure stated the Strategy had been delayed because of decisions around Sport Wales funding. Sport Wales was a key partner organisation for the Vale of Glamorgan and so it made sense for funding to be determined before the Strategy was finalised.
A Committee Member queried progress for corporate plan action AH11 – develop and implement a corporate policy on safeguarding, the status in the report was amber. The Director stated that this reflected the position at the end of quarter two. The Director confirmed that the Safeguarding policy had been rolled out, which would be reflected within the quarter three performance report.
In reply to a query regarding progress on the DEWIS information portal, the Director advised that this was initially developed in North Wales and had since been rolled out across the whole of the country. For the Vale, a regional approach with Cardiff Council had been adopted, for which a lot of information had been developed and uploaded onto the system. The Director stated that after having sight of the national picture, the scoring evaluation on progress may have been a bit harsh given that the Vale was outperforming most other authorities. The Director advised that like other. The Director advised that like other local authorities, due to the size and number of documents, there were some challenges around updating information on the system. The way that this was done therefore needed to be evolved. In terms of sustainability and funding, the Director added that this was initially funded through the Delivering Transformation Grant, the money for which had since been allocated directly to Social Services. However, the Director stated that the Model around how this was delivered needed to be implemented.
The Committee queried the number of care homes run by the Council. In reply, Members were advised that there were four residential homes for frail older people and older people with a mental illness, with these having around 100 placements. There were no Council run care homes for children. The Committee agreed that a programme of visits to Council run care homes should be devised.
A Committee Member queried the purpose of the therapeutic fostering scheme. The Head of Children and Young People Services advised that the main aim of this was to reduce disruption for looked after children and to support foster carers in providing care to looked after children. The scheme worked with foster carers to support them in better understanding the needs of children placed with them and in developing strategies using the principles of therapeutic parenting. Part of the work may also involve the scheme engaging with the child. The Head of Service further added that this scheme would form part of the Foster Care Recruitment Strategy as it was hoped this would help to retain and recruit foster carers and reduce the reliance on independent foster agencies. In reply to a follow-up query regarding the use of psychologists, the Head of Children and Young People Services stated that for each individual case this type of support would be bespoke, with some looked after children never requiring the need for face to face contact.
A Committee Member asked whether it was normal practice for individuals referred for substance misuse to be required to provide a PowerPoint presentation. This, the Member stated, was a barrier to support. In reply, the Director indicated that this would likely be in relation to the Health Service and did not sound like something required through Social Services. The Committee was advised that Officers would seek clarification and report back to Members.
There being no further questions, it was subsequently
(1) T H A T the Quarter 2 Performance Monitoring report be noted.
(2) T H A T a programme of site visits to Council run residential care homes be devised.
Reasons for recommendations
(1) To ensure that the Council is effectively assessing its performance in line with the requirement to secure continuous improvement as outlined in the Local Government Measure (Wales) 2009 and reflecting the requirement of the Wellbeing of Future Generations (Wales) Act that it maximises its contribution to achieving the wellbeing goals for Wales.
(2) So that the Committee can visit the Council run care homes in the Vale of Glamorgan in order to see facilities and to meet and speak to residents and staff.
The report provided Members with an update on progress in relation to the Scrutiny Committee’s recommendations attached at Appendices A and B to the report. The Committee was also requested to consider the updated Work Programme schedule at Appendix C for approval in order that it could be uploaded to the Council’s website.
With regard to Appendices A and B, the Scrutiny Committee was being requested to review progress against each recommendation to assess whether further action was required, ensure the required action was undertaken and to confirm what recommendations were to be agreed as completed.
It was subsequently
(1) T H A T the recommendations highlighted below as completed be approved.
Decision Tracking
9 October 2017
Min. No. 357 – Revenue and Capital Monitoring for the Period 1st April to 31st August 2017 (DSS) – Recommended
(3) That the revenue and capital monitoring report for the period 1st April to 31st August, 2017 in relation to Social Services and Leisure Services be referred to the Corporate Performance and Resources Scrutiny Committee for their consideration.
Corporate Performance and Resources Scrutiny Committee, at its meeting on 16th November, 2017, noted the position.
(Min. No. 465 refers)
Min. No. 358 – Representations, Complaints and Compliments (DSS) – Recommended
(2) That the Committee continues to receive an annual update in relation to complaints and compliments received by the Social Services Directorate.
Added to work programme schedule.
Min. No. 360 – Child Sexual Exploitation (DSS) – Recommended
(2) That the report be referred to Cabinet for consideration.
Cabinet, at its meeting on 6th November, 2017, noted the contents of the report.
(Min. No. C120 refers)
6 November
Min. No. 437 – Autistic Spectrum Disorder – Adult Autism Team (DSS) – Recommended
(2) That the Scrutiny Committee receives an annual update on the work of the Team.
Added to work programme schedule.
Min. No. 438 – Annual Report of The Vale, Valleys and Cardiff Regional Adoption Collaborative, 1st April 2016 to 31st March 2017 (DSS) – Recommended
(2) That the Committee continues to receive annual reports in line with the requirements of the Partnership Agreement which underpins the Collaborative.
Added to work programme schedule.
Min. No. 440 – 2nd Quarter Scrutiny Decision Tracking of Recommendations and Updated Work Programme Schedule 2017/18 (MD) – Recommended
(2) That the updated work programme schedule attached at Appendix C to the report be approved and uploaded to the Council’s website.
Work programme schedule uploaded to the Council’s website.
4 December
Min. No. 501 – Leisure Management Contract – Year 5 Report (DEH) – Recommended
(2) That a Year 6 Annual Report be presented to the Scrutiny Committee in Autumn 2018 and that this be included on the Committee’s work programme schedule.
Added to work programme schedule.
Min. No. 503 – Initial Capital Programme Proposals 2018/19 (DSS) – Recommended
(3) That the Scrutiny Committee receives a detailed update report in respect of the St. Paul’s Church scheme early in the New Year.
Added to work programme schedule.
Min. No. 504 – Telecare Service Update (DSS) – Recommended
(2) That the Scrutiny Committee continues to receive annual updates on the work of the service.
Added to work programme schedule.
(2) T H A T the Forward Work Programme attached at Appendix C be endorsed and approved for uploading to the Council’s website.
Reasons for recommendations
(1) Having considered the progress to date.
(2) To confirm the Work Programme schedule up to April 2018 and in order that it can be uploaded to the Council’s website for information.