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Council Committee Meetings 


Scheduled Meetings for May 2025 - All Meetings commence at 6.00 p.m. and will be held virtually unless otherwise stated 


meeting dates



Early Retirement/Redundancy

Annual Meeting

7 May 

Licensing - Public Protection (10.00 a.m.)


Cabinet (2.00 p.m.)

1 May 

Licensing - Statutory


Scrutiny (Corporate Performance and Resources)


Licensing Sub


Scrutiny (Environment and Regeneration) 


Planning (4.00 p.m.)


Scrutiny (Healthy Living and Social Care) (5.00 p.m.)


Public Rights of Way


Scrutiny (Homes and Safe Communities)


Senior Management Appointment


Scrutiny (Learning and Culture)


Standards (10.00 a.m.)






Governance and Audit 


Vale of Glamorgan Local Access Forum


Community Liaison


Voluntary Sector Joint Liaison


Democratic Services 


Welsh Church Act Estate




Shared Regulatory Services Joint Committee (10.00 a.m.)