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Council Committee Meetings 


Scheduled Meetings for April 2025- All Meetings commence at 6.00 p.m. and will be held virtaully unless otherwise stated



28 Apr 

Early Retirement/Redundancy (4.00 p.m.)

Annual Meeting


Licensing - Public Protection

(10.00 a.m.)

29 Apr 

Cabinet (2.00 p.m.)

3 Apr 

Licensing - Statutory


Scrutiny (Corporate Performance and Resources)

9 Apr 

Licensing Sub (10.00 a.m.)


Scrutiny (Environment and Regeneration) 

8 Apr 

Planning (4.00 p.m.)

10 Apr 

Scrutiny (Healthy Living and Social Care)

(5.00 p.m.)

1 Apr 

Public Rights of Way (10.00 a.m.)


Scrutiny (Homes and Safe Communities) 

2 Apr 

Senior Management Appointment


Scrutiny (Learning and Culture)


Standards (10.00 a.m.)




Trust (4.00 p.m.)


Goverance and Audit (4.00 p.m.)


Vale of Glamorgan Local Access Forum

(5.30 p.m.)


Community Liaison 

3 Apr 

Voluntary Sector Joint Liaison

29 Apr 

Democratic Services (4.00 p.m.)

7 Apr 

Welsh Church Act Estate (4.15 p.m.)




Shared Regulatory Services Joint Committee