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Register of Members' Interests 2022-27

Register of Interests of Elected Members, Interests of Independent Members of the Standards Committee and Interests of Co-opted Members of the Learning and Skills Scrutiny Committee



Register of Interests of Independent Member of the Governance and Audit Committee 2022-27 

Gareth Chapman

Matthew Evans

Nigel Ireland


Register of Interests of Independent Members and Community Council Representative of the Standards Committee 2022-27 

Ronald Alexander

Patricia Hallett (until March 2024

Richard Hendicott

Greg Olphert (from July 2024)

Lorna Tinsley

Gerwyn Watkins

Philip Summers (Community Council Representative)


Register of Interests of Co-opted Members of the Learning and Culture Scrutiny Committee 2022-27 

Lucy Barrowclough

Rebecca Morteo

Martin Price

Ghislaine van der Burgt

Change of Register of Elected Members' Interests 2022-27 

Ian Buckley (June 2022)

William Hennessy (15 August 2022)

William Hennessy (30 August 2022)

Neil Thomas (August 2022)

Catherine Iannucci (September 2022)

Anthony Ernest (October 2022)

William Hennessy (November 2022)

Samantha Campbell (December 2022)

Marianne Cowpe (January 2023)

Robert Fisher (January 2023)

Russell Godfrey (January 2023)

Emma Goodjohn (January 2023)

Ian Johnson (February 2023)

George Carroll (February 2023)

Naomi Marshallsea (February 2023)

Wendy Gilligan (March 2023)

Marianne Cowpe (March 2023)

William Hennessy (March 2023)

Christine Cave (April 2023)

Rhys Thomas (June 2023)

Naomi Marshallsea (July 2023)

William Hennessy (October 2023)

Mark Hooper (October 2023)

Ian Johnson (February 2024)

Wendy Gilligan (March 2024)

Ian Buckley (March 2024)

Catherine Iannucci-Williams (March 2024)

Naomi Marshallsea (April 2024)

William Hennessy (June 2024)

William Hennessy (July 2024)

Ewan Goodjohn (July 2024)

Susan Lloyd-Selby (July 2024)

Mark Wilson (September 2024)

Emma Goodjohn (October 2024)