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How to Vote

Voting gives you a chance to voice your opinion on important issues that affect you, your local area and your country.


You must be:

  • Registered on the Electoral Register
  • Be 16 years or older 
  • Resident in the UK
  • A British, Commonwealth or European Member State citizen 

  • Legally resident foreign nationals are entitled to vote at a Local Government election, Senedd Cymru election and some referendums

How to Vote


There are 3 ways to vote:

  • Visit your nearest polling station in person, on Poll Day
  • Send your ballot paper back to us in the post
  • Appoint a proxy (another person) to vote on your behalf either in person or by post


You will receive a poll card in the post approximately 2 to 3 weeks before a forthcoming Poll Day.


This poll card will show which of the 3 ways you have chosen to vote.


A ballot paper is the piece of paper you mark your vote on at the polling station.

If you vote by post you will receive a polling card to advise this is your voting method and then you will receive your ballot papers separately approximately 10 days before Poll Day.


If you want to change the way that you vote you will need to fill in an application form and send it to your local Electoral Registration Office.


Please click the button below to visit our Application webpage if you require additional forms.


Application Forms


How to Vote Video Links


Here you will find lots of short videos on How to Vote at a polling station for the first time, Just click on any link below.


Young person voting for the first time 

English   Welsh


Voting with a physical disability 

English   Welsh


Voters with a hidden disability

English   Welsh





Voting as a qualifying foreign national

English   Welsh   Arabic   Bengali    Cantonese   Gujarati   Hindi   Polish   Punjabi   Somali   Urdu




  • I haven't received my poll card, can I still vote?

    Yes, you can vote if you do not have a poll card, as long as you are on the Electoral Register.


    If you are concerned that you are not registered, feel free to contact the Electoral Registration Office to check that you are on the Electoral Register.


    Contact Us

  • When can I vote?
    When can I vote?
    How you vote . . .  When you vote . . .
    If you vote at the polling station

    On poll day: 7,00am - 10.00pm

    If you vote by post As soon as you receive your ballot paper in the post
    Someone else votes on your behalf at the polling station When your nominated person (proxy) visits the polling station on poll day: 7.00am - 10.00pm


    Make sure you look at your poll card before the election to check that these times have not changed and the address details for your nearest polling station.


    Polling Stations 


  • If you have a disability, can you have extra support at a polling station?

    Yes, voting in an election should be accessible to you whether you choose to vote at a polling station or by post.


    Service providers are required, by law, to make any reasonable physical adjustments to their premises to make them accessible for people who have a disability.


    Adjustments include disabled parking spaces and entrance ramps, low-level polling booths and equipment such as magnifying glasses for voters with a visual impairment.


    If you need help on poll day at the polling station you can ask the Presiding Officer to read the list of candidates and their details to you. They may also mark your ballot paper for you.


    Alternatively, you can vote with a companions (someone you bring with you) help.

  • I'm not sure which way to vote?

    The standard way to vote at an election is to attend your local polling station.  However, you can also apply to vote in other ways:


    Postal voter

    If you prefer to vote by post and you have already applied to do this, you will receive your postal ballot paper(s) approximately 10 working days before poll day. They will be delivered as part of a pack which will include instructions explaining how to successfully vote by post. Your ballot paper will need to be completed and returned to your local Electoral Registration Office for your vote to be counted.


    Proxy voter

    If you are on the Electoral Register and unable to vote in person you can have someone else vote on your behalf. This is known as voting by proxy. Anyone can vote on your behalf as long as they are eligible to vote in the election and are willing to do so.

    You can apply for a proxy vote if:

    • You are unable to go to the polling station for a particular election for example, if you are away on holiday
    • You have a physical condition that means you cannot go to the polling station on election day. In this case, you may have to include a declaration by a Doctor, nurse or warden of a home
    • Your work takes you away from home either on a permanent basis or on the particular day of the election
    • Your attendance on an educational course means that you cannot go to the polling station on election day
    • You are a British Citizen living overseas
    • You are a Crown Servant or a member of Her Majesty's Armed Forces


    The deadline for applying to vote by proxy is normally 6 working days before an election.

    Proxy voters cannot vote on behalf of more than two people at any one election, unless they are close relatives. 

    You can ask anyone to act as your proxy as long as they are registered to vote and it’s for a type of election they’re allowed to vote in.


    If you appoint a proxy, you can still attend a polling station and personally cast your vote provided that the proxy has not already voted on your behalf.

  • What if I cannot write my signature, on an application form, to become a Postal or Proxy voter?

    If you are unable to sign the application form for a postal or proxy then we may be able to issue you with a waiver. This will allow you to vote without having to provide a signature.


    A Postal Waiver

    This allows you to vote by post without having to provide a signature. There must be a valid reason, such as an inability which may mean that your signature is inconsistent, in order to apply for a waiver application.

    If you apply for a postal waiver you will only have to provide your date of birth when completing your postal application and postal ballot paper.


    A Proxy Waiver

    This allows someone else to vote for you without you having to provide a signature. There must be a valid reason, such as an inability which may mean that your signature is inconsistent, in order to apply for a waiver application.

    If you apply for a proxy waiver you will only have to provide your date of birth on the application form.


    If you would like to apply for a postal or proxy waiver then please visit our Application and Waiver page by clicking the button below:


    Application Forms


  • Can crown Servants and British Council employees, who are posted overseas, vote from abroad?

    Yes, they can vote in all elections.


    They will need a Voter Registration Form specifically for Crown Servants and British Council employees and will need to send it to their local Electoral Registration Office with details of the address where they would be living if they were not posted overseas.


    They can choose to vote by post or proxy.

    Postal votes are only sent out approximately 14 days before an election.  They will need to consider whether this gives them enough time to complete and return their form.

    It may be better for them to appoint a proxy to vote on their behalf.


    Contact the Vale of Glamorgan Electoral Registration Office to request a Voter Registration Form:


    Contact us