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Civic Offices in BarryThe Vale of Glamorgan Council

The Vale of Glamorgan Council has 54 elected members or Councillors, each representing an electoral division, or ward.


The Council is led by the Leader and Cabinet, a body of eight Councillors that makes key decisions about policy and budget.


The Council's Chief Officers are divided into Directors, Heads of Service and Operational Managers. As service managers they make recommendations to, and are held accountable by the Cabinet.


  • Rob Thomas, Chief Executive
  • Miles Punter, Director of Environment and Housing 
  • Lance Carver, Director of Social Services
  • Elizabeth Jones, Director of Learning and Skills
  • Tom Bowring, Director of Corporate Resources
  • Marcus Goldsworthy, Director of Place



Have Your Say

The public can participate in various Council and Committee meetings held by the Vale of Glamorgan Council.

  • Public Questions at Council Meetings
  • Public Speaking at Planning Committee
  • Public Speaking at Public Rights of Way Sub-Committee
  • Speak at a Scrutiny Committee: Corporate Performance and Resources, Environment and Regeneration, Homes and Safe Communities, Learning and Culture or Healthy Living and Social Care.


Public Participation at Council Meetings



Council Committees


Scrutiny Committees

  • Corporate Performance and Resources Scrutiny Committee (11 members)

    Chair: Councillor Joanna Protheroe;

    Vice-Chair: Councillor Ewan Goodjohn;

    Councillors: George Carroll, Pamela Drake, Robert Fisher, Christopher Franks, Howard Hamilton; Sally Hanks, Dr. Ian Johnson, Belinda Loveluck-Edwards and Nicholas Wood


  • Environment and Regeneration Scrutiny Committee (11 members)

    Chair: Councillor Susan Lloyd-Selby;

    Vice-Chair: Councillor Catherine Iannucci-Williams;

    Councillors: Charles Champion, Pamela Drake, Vince Driscoll, Anthony Ernest, Mark Hooper, Jayne Norman, Elliot Penn, Joanna Protheroe and Steffan Wiliam


  • Healthy Living and Social Care Scrutiny Committee (12 members)

    Chair: Councillor Janice Charles;

    Vice-Chair: Councillor Neil Thomas;

    Councillors: Gareth Ball, Ian Buckley; Christine Cave, Millie Collins, Marianne Cowpe, Russell Godfrey, Susan Lloyd-Selby, Julie Lynch-Wilson, Jayne Norman and Carys Stallard 


  • Homes and Safe Communities Scrutiny Committee (12 members)

    Chair: Councillor Millie Collins;

    Vice-Chair: Councillor Belinda Loveluck-Edwards;

    Councillors: Julie Aviet, Gareth Ball, Stephen Haines, Sally Hanks, William Hennessy, Susan Lloyd-Selby, Michael Morgan and Helen Payne (plus two vacancy)   



    One representative, as a non-voting observer, from each of the following organisation:


    Citizens Advice Cardiff and Vale

    plus four representatives from Tenant Working Group / Panel 

  • Learning and Culture Scrutiny Committee (12 members)

    Chair: Councillor Rhys Thomas;

    Vice-Chair: Councillor Helen Payne;

    Councillors: Anne Asbrey, Samantha Campbell, Wendy Gilligan, Emma Goodjohn, Ewan Goodjohn, Stephen Haines, William Hennessy, Nic Hodges, Julie Lynch-Wilson and Naomi Marshallsea  


    Also invited to attend as co-opted members:

    Roman Catholic Church


    Church in Wales

    Parent Governor - Secondary Sector

    Parent Governor - Primary Sector


    Also invited to attend as non-voting observers:


    Welsh Medium Education


    Vale Youth Forum x 2

    Vale Youth Council x 2


    Free Churches


Quasi-Judicial Committees

  • Planning Committee (17 members)

    Chair: Councillor Neil Thomas;

    Vice-Chair: Councillor Mark Wilson;

    Councillors: Julie Aviet, Gillian Bruce, Ian Buckley, Christine Cave, Charles Champion, Marianne Cowpe, Pamela Drake, Anthony Ernest, Wendy Gilligan, Nic Hodges, Dr. Ian Johnson, Helen Payne, Ian Perry, Carys Stallard and Eddie Williams  


  • Planning Sub Committee (Public Rights of Way) (5 members)

    Councillors: Gillian Bruce, Pamela Drake, Nic Hodges, Neil Thomas and Eddie Williams

  • Public Protection Licensing Committee (15 members)

    Chair: Councillor Pamela Drake;

    Vice-Chair: Councillor Jayne Norman;

    Councillors: Gillian Bruce, Lis Burnett, Vince Driscoll, Robert Fisher, Christopher Franks, Ewan Goodjohn, Howard Hamilton, William Hennessy, Naomi Marshallsea, Michael Morgan,  Ruba Sivagnanam, Steffan Wiliam and Margaret Wilkinson 


  • Statutory Licensing Committee (15 members)

    Chair: Councillor Pamela Drake;

    Vice-Chair: Councillor Jayne Norman;

    Councillors: Gillian Bruce, Lis Burnett, Vince Driscoll, Robert Fisher, Christopher Franks, Ewan Goodjohn, Howard Hamilton, William Hennessy, Naomi Marshallsea, Michael Morgan,  Ruba Sivagnanam, Steffan Wiliam and Margaret Wilkinson 


  • Appeals Committee (6 members, none of whom should be members of either the Early Retirement/Redundancy Committee or the Investigating Committee)

    Chair: Councillor Ian Buckley;

    Vice-Chair: Councillor Susan Lloyd-Selby;

    Councillors: Anne Asbrey, Wendy Gilligan, Stephen Haines and Sally Hanks


  • Investigating Committee (7 members, none of whom should be members of the Appeals Committee)

    Chair: Councillor Helen Payne;

    Vice-Chair: Councillor Catherine Iannucci-Williams;

    Councillors: Marianne Cowpe, Anthony Ernest, Russell Godfrey, Gwyn John and Belinda Loveluck-Edwards 


  • Standards Committee (9 members including 5 independent members; 3 Councillors other than the Leader and not more than 1 member of the Executive; and 1 member of a Town/Community Council wholly or mainly in the Council’s area)

    Councillors: Rhiannon Birch, Janice Charles, Christopher Franks


    Independent members:

    R. Hendicott (Chair)

    L. Tinsley (Vice-Chair)

    R. Alexander

    G. Olphert 

    G. Watkins



    Town and Community Council Representative

    Councillor: P. Summers

  • Standards Committee Appointment Panel 

    1 Community Councillor, 1 Lay Person (to be appointed by the Monitoring Officer) and 1 Vale of Glamorgan Councillor from each political group (who is not a member of the Standards Committee)

    Councillors: Christine Cave, Nic Hodges, Gwyn John and Joanna Protheroe

  • Standards Committee Appointment Committee (3 members) 

    Councillors: Rhiannon Birch, Janice Charles, Christopher Franks

  • Discretionary Housing Payments Review Committee (7 members)

    Chair: Councillor Howard Hamilton;

    Vice-Chair: Councillor Julie Lynch-Wilson;

    Councillors: Gareth Ball, George Carroll, Kevin Mahoney, Ian Perry and Rhys Thomas


Committees / Sub-Committees / Panels

  • Governance and Audit Committee (6 members plus 3 lay members)

    Chair: Gareth Chapman (Lay Member);

    Vice-Chair: Nigel Ireland (Lay Member);

    Councillors: Pamela Drake, Ewan Goodjohn, Mark Hooper, Jayne Norman, Joanna Protheroe and Nicholas Wood


    Lay Member: Matthew Evans




  • Community Liaison Committee (13 members) 

    Chair: Councillor Rhiannon Birch;

    Vice-Chair: Councillor Mark Wilson;

    Councillors: Anne Asbrey, Samantha Campbell, Christine Cave, Wendy Gilligan, Stephen Haines, Sally Hanks, Nic Hodges, Julie Lynch-Wilson, Helen Payne, Sandra Perkes and Rhys Thomas


    Plus one representative from each Community Council




  • Democratic Services Committee (10 members) 

    Chair: Councillor Dr. Ian Johnson;

    Vice-Chair: Councillor Neil Thomas;

    Councillors: Gilligan Bruce, George Carroll, Ewan Goodjohn, Howard Hamilton, Sally Hanks, Kevin Mahoney, Sandra Perkes and Joanna Protheroe



  • Democratic Services Sub Committee (3 members)

    Councillors: George Carroll, Ewan Goodjohn and Dr. Ian Johnson

  • Early Retirement / Redundancy Committee (7 members, none of whom should be members of the Appeals Committee) 

    Chair: Councillor Pamela Drake;

    Vice-Chair: Councillor Howard Hamilton;

    Councillors: Janice Charles, Anthony Ernest, Gwyn John, Michael Morgan and Neil Thomas 


  • Joint Consultative Forum (7 members) 

    Chair: To be appointed at the first meeting following the Annual Meeting;

    Councillors: Samantha Campbell, Janice Charles, Marianne Cowpe, Pamela Drake, William Hennessy, Sandra Perkes and Neil Thomas



  • Senior Management Appointment Committee (6 members) 

    Chair: Leader (Councillor Lis Burnett);

    Vice-Chair: Deputy Leader (Councilllor Bronwen Brooks);

    Councillors: George Carroll, Pamela Drake, Dr. Ian Johnson and Eddie Williams



    With the Cabinet Member with portfolio responsibilities for the service involved invited to attend.

  • Trust Committee (7 members) 

    Chair: Councillor Howard Hamilton;

    Vice-Chair: Councillor Mark Wilson;

    Councillors: Gillian Bruce, Charles Champion, Julie Lynch-Wilson, Kevin Mahoney and Steffan Wiliam


  • Voluntary Sector Joint Liaison Committee (8 members plus 7 voluntary sector representatives and 1 representative as nominated by the Community Liaison Committe from Town and Community Councils) 

    Chair: Councillor Rhiannon Birch;

    Vice-Chair: Councillor Ian Buckley;

    Councillors: Lis Burnett, Millie Collins, Robert Fisher, Jayne Norman, Joanna Protheroe and Nicholas Wood


  • Welsh Church Act Estate Committee (7 members) 

    Chair: Councillor Mark Wilson;

    Vice-Chair: Councillor Pamela Drake;

    Councillors: Charles Champion, Janice Charles, Howard Hamilton, Mark Hooper and Michael Morgan


  • Appointment of Local Authority Governors Advisory Panel (6 members - to be chaired by the Cabinet Member for Education and Regeneration) 

    Chair: Cabinet Member (Education, Arts and the Welsh Language) Councillor Rhiannon Birch;

    Councillors:  Anne Asbrey, Samantha Campbell, William Hennessy, Naomi Marshallsea and Margaret Wilkinson



Other Bodies (including Joint Bodies)

  • Glamorgan Heritage Coast Advisory Group (7 members)

    Chair: Councillor Carys Stallard;

    Vice-Chair: Councillor Emma Goodjohn;

    Councillors: Anthony Ernest, Robert Fisher, Christopher Franks, Sally Hanks and Julie Lynch-Wilson



  • Equalities Consultative Forum (6 members - to be chaired by the Cabinet Member for Community Engagement, Equalities and Regulatory Services)

    Chair: Cabinet Member (Community Engagement, Equalities and Regulatory Services) Councillor Ruba Sivagnanam;

    Councillors: Lis Burnett, Millie Collins, Stephen Haines, Belinda Loveluck-Edwards and Ian Perry



  • Central South Consortium Joint Education Service Joint Committee (1 Member)

    The revised Governance Model for the Consortium included a streamlined Joint Committee, which consisted of a reduced number of Leaders or nominated representatives.  Each constituent Local Authority appointed one Member, which (according to the National Model) should be the Leader or nominated representative.


    Representative - Cabinet Member for Education, Arts and the Welsh Language

  • Shared Regulatory Services Joint Committee (2 Members plus 2 Substitutes)

    Cabinet Member for Community Engagement, Equalities and Regulatory Services and the Chair of the Public Protection Licensing Committee.

    [Substitutes: Cabinet Member for Neighbourhood and Building Services and Vice-Chair of the Public Protection Licensing Committee]

  • Local Authority Trading Company "The Big Fresh Catering Company" 
    The Director of Corporate Resources and the Executive Leader and Cabinet Member for Performance and Resources who will represent the Council as the shareholder of the company and who will be advised by a Shareholder Advisory Panel, consisting of Council Officers.