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Fairfield Primary School Community Street Design Project

Dryden Road - before and after the School Streets schemeThe Fairfield Primary Community Street Design Project started in 2020 with the objective of making the area around the school a friendlier and safer environment for walking, wheeling, scooting and cycling.


Based on the feedback and ideas from pupils, residents, parents/carers and local stakeholders, the Council has worked with its Healthy Travel partner, Sustrans to implement a range of improvements, including the closure of Dryden Road during school drop-off and pick-up, a one-way traffic system and a new street layout.



  • What’s changing?

    Various changes have been implemented to facilitate new traffic systems and an improved layout of Dryden Road.  


    Improvements to the street layout of Dryden Road


    Rain gardens have been built alongside the road to support natural drainage, enhance wildlife and also act as a protection barrier between cars and pedestrians.

    The new road layout also has improved informal crossings and marked parking bays to further contribute to a safer pedestrian environment.


    Formalisation of a one-way traffic system on Dryden Road

    A one-way traffic system at Dryden Road has been formalised. The road can be accessed from the northern / shops end with traffic flowing south, exiting onto Wordsworth Avenue.  This has been implemented to assist with the closure of the road during the timed closures.


    Introduction of a ‘School Street’

    Dryden Road will be closed to non-essential motor vehicle traffic from 8 - 9am and 3 - 4pm Monday to Friday during school term times, whilst access for people who walk, wheel or cycle is maintained.

  • Why are the changes happening?

    ‘School Streets’ have been successfully introduced in Wales and the UK in the past few years with wide reaching positive effects on air quality and improved safety and accessibility for pedestrians and vulnerable road users.


    The Fairfield Safe Routes in Communities project aims to tackle congestion, traffic speed and volume of traffic, the key issues identified by pupils, residents, parents/carers and local stakeholders.

    You can find more information on the benefits of School Streets on the Sustrans website.

  • When are the changes happening?

    After works to improve the layout of Dryden Road were completed, the one-way traffic system and ‘School Street’ road closure were implemented on 09 May 2023.


  • What engagement and consultation has taken place?

    The Council has worked Sustrans to undertake extensive engagement and consultation with local residents, Fairfield Primary pupils, parents/carers and local stakeholders.


    Fairfield School Street Engagement and Consultation

  • Who does the road closure apply to?

    The ‘School Streets’ Road closure applies to all non-essential motor vehicles from 8 - 9am and 3 - 4pm, excluding residents (and carers of residents) of Dryden Road, Emergency Services, School Transport, blue badge holders and essential maintenance vehicles.


    These vehicles will be granted access by the Marshall at all ‘School Streets’ times.


Find more information about the project on Sustrans website.

If you have any queries, please contact