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Disabled Facilities Grant

The Disabled Facilities Grant aims to give you better freedom of movement in and around your home. The grant helps toward the cost of adapting your home to meet your needs.


Owner occupiers, landlords and private tenants can apply for this grant to adapt a property, providing there is a disabled person living in the property as their main residence.


Council tenants and tenants of a housing association need to apply first to their landlords as they may get help to adapt their home without applying for a grant.

Your house might need some adaptations and adjustments to provide:

  • Better heating and lighting system and controls
  • Additional bathing facilities, for example a level access shower
  • Easier cooking, for example providing low level units
  • Bathroom conversion, for example providing level access shower, accessible WC and wash hand basin
  • Improved movement around the house and access to rooms and facilities, for example widening doors, ramps or stair lift

A qualified professional, such as an occupational therapist, will assess what works are suitable and necessary.

The amount you get depends on a financial assessment of your household income and savings over £6,000. This assessment is not required for families with disabled children under 19.

The maximum grant is generally £36,000, minus any assessed contribution from you.


Independent Living Policy

The Vale of Glamorgan Council has introduced a new Independent Living Policy. This policy aims to help people who need assistance to live well in their homes.


The Council will continue to provide the means tested Disabled Facilities Grants (DFGs) to eligible individuals. In the past people have often found themselves needing to make high cash contributions to be eligible for this grant. The Council has therefore introduced a new Discretionary Adaptations Grant that does not involve means testing applicants but does involve placing a charge on the property to the value of the works carried out. When this funding is returned to the Vale of Glamorgan Council, it will be re-issued to other residents in the Vale, who are also in need of much required adaptations.


Residents have a number of options that are open to them. 

  1. Small Adaptations: Small changes like portable ramps, handrails, and minor improvements won't require a means test. They will be handled by the Occupational Therapist Department in about two to four weeks, depending on demand and capacity.
  2. Medium or Large Adaptations: If an Occupational Therapist decides that a more extensive change is needed, like a major kitchen or bathroom renovation, lifts, extensions, or structural changes to the home, the case will be transferred to the Disabled Facilities Grants Team. They will work with the Occupational Therapist to determine the scope of work and assist with the grant application.
  3. For medium or large adaptations, the applicant will have three choices:
    a) A Disabled Facilities Grant (DFG) with a means test and a financial contribution, if required, along with a 10-year charge on their property.
    b) A Discretionary Adaptations Grant (DAG) without a means test, but with a lifetime charge on their property.
    c) A relocation grant if the proposed adaptation isn't feasible or practical.
  4. For rented properties, there will be discussions about what adaptations the landlord can make or the possibility of moving to a different property.

For more information, please contact the Vale of Glamorgan’s, Disabled Facilities Grant Team:

Ceri Darwent or Paula Knapman



Independent Living Policy



Apply for Disabled Facilities Grant

If you want us to carry out and assessment to apply for the Disabled Facilities Grant please contact:

  • 01446 700111


Make a Referral 

We accept referrals from individuals, family and friends, as well as from other professionals. Because of the high volume of referrals for Occupational Therapy services, we have to prioritise our assistance. High priority is given to people who are:

  • Suffering from a terminal illness
  • Where there are safety issues in providing care
  • Where there is a breakdown in someone’s care arrangements, which puts an individual at risk.


Please follow this link if you would like to be referred for an assessment by the Occupational Therapy Team.


Occupational Therapy Referral Form


This team is able to assess for and advise on provision of and funding for equipment or adaptations that may help you to remain safe and independent in your home. Some equipment – such as wheelchairs, commodes, walking equipment is provided by other agencies. For these you should contact your GP surgery who will be able to make a referral.




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