Welsh Medium Specialist Resource Base at Ysgol Gwaun y Nant
Consultation on the proposal to create a Welsh medium specialist resource base at Ysgol Gwaun y Nant with effect from September 2024.

Introduction to the proposal
On the 7th March, the Council’s Cabinet authorised the Director of Learning & Skills to undertake a consultation from 10 April to 22 May 2024 on proposal to establish a Welsh Medium Specialist Resource Base at Ysgol Gwaun y Nant by September 2024.
The proposal would create specialist Welsh medium educational provision for pupils aged 4-11 years. The purpose of this specialist resource would be to support individual learners as well as improve the capacity of the home school to create a fully inclusive environment where all learners are given the opportunity to succeed and have access to an education that meets their needs.
The SRB would provide periods of integrated provision for pupils with a diagnosis of an autism spectrum condition and those experiencing significant social communication, interaction, or regulation difficulties. This will include pupils whose high level of anxiety is impacting significantly on their ability to access mainstream education.
No capital funding is required to ensure that the identified accommodation is suitable as capital works have been completed following the identification of the space for future use for ALN provision as part of the Welsh Government Capital Grant for Additional Learning Needs. The implementation of the proposal does not require further amendments to the Ysgol Gwaun Y Nant school building.
Responding to the consultation
The consultation period will run from 10 April to 22 May 2024. This consultation gives you the opportunity to ask questions and make comments that will be considered when the Council’s Cabinet decides how to proceed.
Your views are important to us, and there are a number of ways that you can respond to the consultation:
- Complete the online response form
- Complete the consultation response form at the end of the consultation document and send to:
Welsh Medium Specialist Resource Base Ysgol Gwaun y Nant
The Vale of Glamorgan Council
Civic Offices
Holton Road
CF63 4RU
All responses given to us in writing by 22nd May 2024 will be considered by Cabinet before it decides whether or not to publish a statutory notice.
Consultation Documentation