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Relocating the Specialist Resource Base from Llandough Primary School to Ysgol Y Ddraig

Consultation on the Proposal to transfer the Specialist Resource Base at Llandough Primary School to Ysgol Y Ddraig from January 2023.



Introduction to the Proposal 

The proposal is to relocate the existing Specialist Resource Base (SRB) at Llandough Primary School to Ysgol Y Ddraig.


This proposal is considered under section 2.3 of the School Organisation Code (2018). Section 2.3 of the School Organisation Code refers to Regulated Alterations of a school. The element within this section which is relevant to the proposal is the relocation of SEN provision to a new site beyond 1 mile from the main entrance of the existing site.


The proposal would mean specialist educational provision for pupils aged 4-11 year with Speech, Language and Communication Needs would be relocated from Llandough Primary School to Ysgol Y Ddraig. 


Llandough Primary School is an English medium community school and has hosted the Local Authority provision for pupils with Speech and Language barriers to learning since 2002. The provision is made up of classes for pupils aged 4-11 year with Speech, Language and Communication Needs. Ysgol Y Ddraig is an English medium community school located in Llantwit Major which currently caters for 3–11-year-olds. An area of the building has been allocated for the Specialist Resource Base. It is proposed that the Specialist Resource Base would follow the same model as provided at Llandough Primary School, maintaining its focus on pupils with Speech, Language and Communication Needs.




On 5th January 2023, the Vale of Glamorgan Council’s Cabinet considered the objection report and all other relevant documentation and determined to approve the proposal.


The proposal will result in the relocation of the Specialist Resource Base (SRB) at Llandough Primary School to Ysgol Y Ddraig from January 2023. This would allow the SRB to benefit from the modern facilities available at the recently re-developed Ysgol y Ddraig and allow this group of children access to the best possible specialist provision for Speech, Language and Communication Needs.


All consultation material including the Objection Report can be viewed below:




Hardcopies of the above documentation is available upon request via contacting the Sustainable Communities for Learning Team via email on:


To learn more about the stages of the statutory consultation process, read our handy guide.



Frequently Asked Questions

  • What is the intended timescale of the proposal?

    The permanent relocation to Ysgol Y Ddraig school building is due to be completed for January 2023.


  • How would pupils be allocated a place at the SRB? 


    The Council would allocate pupils to the Specialist Resource Base (SRB) in consultation with the leadership of the SRB at Ysgol Y Ddraig. This would be based on an assessment of the individual needs of the pupils.


  • Who would manage and support learners attending the SRB? 


    Ysgol Y Ddraig would receive additional funding for the SRB to ensure the appropriate support is available. The school would appoint a leader to manage the SRB with staff from the original SRB at Llandough Primary School relocating to Ysgol Y Ddraig to support individual learners. The purpose of the SRB is to provide additional support to pupils to ensure they can access mainstream education.


  • How will pupils travel to the relocated SRB?


    Mainstream primary aged pupils are provided with free school transport if they live 3 miles or further from their nearest suitable school.



    However, ALN pupils who have specific travel requirements which cannot be met with reasonable adjustment on mainstream transport will be eligible for free transport if they are assessed as having severe and/ or complex difficulties and are attending a special school or specialist resource base as directed by the Complex Needs Team or a class in a mainstream school which is 2 miles or further (primary aged pupils) from the parental home address as measured by the shortest available walking route.


    Ysgol Y Ddraig supports travel to the school by active modes of travel such as walking and cycling where possible. This would extend to ALN pupils where appropriate.

  • Will the proposal have a negative impact upon existing pupils at Ysgol Y Ddraig? 

    Ysgol Y Ddraig is a 2-form entry school and has capacity for 420 pupils. Currently there are 289 pupils attending the school set over 14 classrooms. Due to the surplus capacity at the school, not all the classrooms are utilised. The SRB would occupy 2 vacant classrooms on the ground floor of the school. As these rooms are not currently used by pupils it is not considered that this will detract from their learning environment.



    Furthermore, the SRB will be incorporated into the operations of Ysgol Y Ddraig allowing for sharing of knowledge between staff, helping to improve best practice at the school. Overall, the inclusion of the SRB at Ysgol Y Ddraig will benefit both staff and pupils in the long term.




Contact Details 

  • 01446 709828