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Changing Stanwell School from Foundation School to Community Maintained School
Changing Stanwell School from Foundation School to Community Maintained School
Consultation to change Stanwell School from Foundation School to Community Maintained School from September 2024

Introduction to the proposal
The proposal presented by the governing body of Stanwell School is to change the category of the school from a foundation school to a community-maintained school from September 2024.
This proposal has transpired due to recent financial and organisational challenges Stanwell School have faced and provides a mechanism to support Stanwell’s community-centred ambitions. The decision to change from a foundation school to a community school is a decision made by the governing body of Stanwell School and would be with the agreement of the Vale of Glamorgan Council.
This consultation gives you the opportunity to ask questions and make comments that will be considered when the Council’s Cabinet decides how to proceed.
Changing Stanwell School from a Foundation School to Community Maintained School
Reasons for the proposal
The change to a community-maintained school would improve financial management, ensure compliance and support long-term sustainability as well as impacting positively on the management of admissions within its current catchment area, as well as across the Vale of Glamorgan
It would allow for improved access to funding streams such as community focussed schools grants and s106 funding, for example, via the Councils Capital Maintenance and School Investment Programme
The school would benefit from working more closely with other secondary schools via the Local Authority ensuring that all opportunities are available and leveraged appropriately. This consultation document further outlines the advantages and disadvantages of changing status
Responding to the consultation
The consultation period will run from 11 September 2023 to 23 October 2023.
Your views are important to us, and there are a number of ways that you can respond to the consultation:
- Complete the online response form
- Complete the consultation response form at the end of the consultation document and send to:
Change of status to Stanwell School
Stanwell School
Archer Road
CF64 2XL
All responses submitted in writing by 23 October 2023 will be considered by the governing body before it decides whether or not to publish a statutory notice.
Consultation Report
On 23 November 2023, the Governing Body considered the consultation response report and all other relevant documentation and determined to proceed to the publication of a statutory notice on the proposal.
The proposal is to change Stanwell School from a foundation school to a community-maintained school from September 2024.
If you would like a hard copy of the reports, please contact a member of the Sustainable Communities for Learning Team at: sustainablecommunitiesforlearning@valeofglamorgan.gov.uk
Publication of Statutory Notice to change Stanwell School from a foundation school to a community-maintained school from September 2024.
The Governing Body have agreed to publish a statutory notice to change category at Stanwell School.
The statutory notice and letter are available to download. Hard copies of the notice are available on request by contacting the Learning and Skills Directorate at the contact details below.
In accordance with section 48 of ‘the Act’ any person may object to the proposal before the end of 28 days beginning with the day on which the proposals were published, that is to say by Tuesday 6 February 2024.
Finding out more
You can download a copy of the consultation document, community impact assessment and letter detailing the proposal.
You can also attend a drop-in session and speak to us in person:
Date and time
Parents and Community drop in session
27th September
15:00 – 18:00
Stanwell School,
Archer Road CF64 2XL
Community drop in session
Wednesday 11th October
15:30 – 17:30
Stanwell School,
Archer Road CF64 2XL
This is a good way to be able to get answers to any questions you many have about the proposals. We will still ask that you complete a consultation response form, as we can only accept views in writing.
On 8th February 2024, the Governing Body of Stanwell School approved the proposal to change the category of the school from a foundation school to a community-maintained school from September 2024.
All consultation material can be viewed below: