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Children Missing in Education 

Are you worried about a child’s missing school or not in education?


If you believe that a child may be missing school or education, the Inclusion Team Referrals needs to know straight away.


You need to contact us straight away if you:

  • have noticed a child who does not appear to be attending school regularly.

  • believe that a child is not receiving any education.

  • have any concerns about children who have gone missing from your area or neighbourhood.


What will happen when I report a concern?

By reporting your concern to us you are ensuring the safety and well-being of some of the most vulnerable youngsters within our community.

  • When we receive your report, we will try to trace the child and we will talk to other agencies and professionals to find out what they know.

  • If we are satisfied that the child is registered at a school or receiving a suitable education we will take no further action.

  • If no information is held about the child, the Inclusion Team Referrals will make contact with the family to make sure the child is safe and well as well as discussing their child's education.

  • If necessary, we will also provide support to help the child get back into school.


Report a Concern


Members of the Public 

Please use the online form to tell us why you are worried. 


You do not need to give your personal details when making a report but, if you do, all information will be treated confidentially.


Please download the form and return to: